
All Right! Fine! I Will Take You! – Chapter 64

Seeing as we're currently going over past material, not because it was unduly covered by these rigorous lessons—unparalleled under the Heavens, as the current trends in Chinese knock-offs of classic shounen would state—but because the topics in question are as deep as the bottomless sea or the patience of a Zaimokuza editor, we should revisit one of the topics that were given less of a chance to shine among the many bright pearls of wisdom of this current curriculum.

I'm talking about the subject of iconic lines.

Yes, we already stated their quasi-ethereal quality, the way they very rarely rise to their exalted status by design, and how they can mark an entire generation by branding the collective zeitgeist of otakudom. Zeitgeist, by the way, means 'nerd boner' in German—everything sounds more cultured in German, though I would still not recommend our students to look for how to discuss the scat tag in such a language, as everything has limits.

Even Germans.

Or so I've been told.

Anyway, there's a subset of iconic lines that is usually remembered more fondly, if less solemnly, than others: the stupid line.

It is rare to find an otaku who won't share a brief smile with his knowing clique after someone states that 'People die when they are killed.' It is even rarer for someone not to outright laugh when someone claims, [in Naruto], that 'Hard work can beat a genius.' It would be reason for excommunication from Comiket if someone didn't point and mock at the guy who said, 'We should use logical thinking to think logically.'

But, among them all? One of the most mocked, yet maybe unfairly so?

'This is an unfamiliar ceiling.'

Really, what was the poor lad supposed to say? 'I just regained consciousness after an extremely disorienting set of circumstances, and I'll spend the next few minutes coming up with the perfect line to encapsulate my feelings on this tangled mess of emotions?' Is that what we expect from Shinji Ikari, the one main character most otakus can actually relate to, given they've also jerked off to Asuka?

Give him a break.

Other than falling on top of a naked Rei, I mean. That's basically par for the course for any shounen main character, after all.

But, to go back to stupid lines, one should realize that what makes them stupid is, more often than not, the context. There's nothing wrong about claiming one can beat a genius with hard work, as long as you name your gun Hard Work, and it's not that much of a stretch for someone to point out that people who are killed should remain dead when faced with somebody who has just been killed yet hasn't taken the strongly worded hint.

There's absolutely no excuse for the thing about logical thinking, though. Some people just want to watch the world burn.

And, in the case of 'unfamiliar ceilings?'

"I think he's awake," Iroha whispers from somewhere near my waist.

"He will be if you keep talking," Haruno answers in pretty much the same volume.

And from the same general area.

Look, let's just say I would kill a small fuzzy animal for something half as witty as 'unfamiliar ceiling' to address the current moment.

Because lying on Shizus' bed, near the right edge of it, with Haruno kneeling on the floor by my side and Iroha's hands slowly tugging at my previously undone belt is the kind of thing I am pretty sure anime hasn't prepared me for. I mean, other than in hentai, but as many times as I've plundered the treasure trove that is the 'sleeping sex' tag, I think this may be the first time I've seen it applied to a male character.

Which is somewhat disorienting, because Kazuma had led me to believe the medium was currently steeped in gender equality.

Truly, there's still so much left to achieve.

"He's getting hard," Iroha comments at a low enough volume that I can't tease out all the undoubtedly Iroha-like nuances the statement must be laden with.

"Well, I should hope so," Haruno answers as a deft, possibly still lace-covered finger lightly traces the contour of my cock while it pulses down the left leg of my black, butlery pants.

Which reminds me Haruno is currently wearing a French maid uniform.

"Okay, he's [definitely] awake now."

"My dear Iroha, why would you think so just because he suddenly got as hard as a rock and is very clearly trying not to squirm?"

"… Because of those two reasons. Mostly."

"Ah. I had hoped you would provide further insight on the subject. After all, if he's actually awake, why wouldn't he say anything while his two girlfriends slowly undress him on his third girlfriend's bed?"

"You know, when you put things like that, I kinda feel like I should punch him."

"Certainly. But if I may, I think there's an alternate punishment we might both enjoy a tad more…"

Haruno's tone is, while still so low as to be hard to hear, the kind of thing that would've made me buy a drama CD without even knowing what series it was from. It's the kind of voice hentai voice actresses wish they had. The kind of sound that sends a small, terrified part of me to hide while shivering in sheer scarousal as other, more vocal parts of me—


Yeah. That.

"Told you he was awake," Iroha's whisper, for some reason, drips with smugness.

It may have to do with the small hand shoved down my pants and wrapped around my cock.

"Really?" Haruno says with the kind of whisper that's meant to be overheard. "But if he really is awake, why is he not saying anything? Why do you think that is, Iroha?"

There's a pause in which I imagine plenty of meaningfully exchanged glances. Most of them make my cock throb.

"I think you're right. I think we haven't yet done [anything] that would wake him up. We may have to try harder," Iroha finally says as the tip of her forefinger slides up and down along my cock's slit, slathering precum along the way.

"I do think you've found the crux of the issue," Haruno answers in fake, yet cheerful, Sherlockian.

What's that, you say? 'Sherlockian' is neither a tone nor a language? Well then, allow me to state my counterpoint: Haruno.

The defense rests, your Honor.

… This is a very bad time to think about Ace Attorney hentai.

"A little help?" Iroha murmurs right before Haruno slowly drags my pants down, the satin finish of the piece of clothing gliding over the actual satin of Shizu's sheets in a way a sufficiently paranoid part of me thinks was actually planned for.

"Thanks," Iroha says as she frees my cock from the confines of my boxers to much-needed relief, even as I try to suppress a wince when the elastic band lightly snaps back against my base.

"Anytime…" Haruno purrs.

And then she kisses the side of my hip over my displaced underwear, her lips tracing the crest of my bone right as Iroha leans down so I can feel warm air pouring out of her nostrils and making my toes curl in anticipation.

Then she… breathes.

"Oh?" Haruno asks.

"It's…" Iroha sounds uncharacteristically bashful, and I almost open my eyes just to see it before I remember I'm currently playing dead in hopes their predatory instincts are somewhat ursine. "It's something Shizu told me. That scent can be… You know."

There's a brief silence, and then I feel the tips of Haruno's hair drift over my lower abdomen.

Then the tip of her nose pushes against the underside of my cock in a way that makes it press against the side of Iroha's face, against a tender cheek I can picture reddening at the scene before her, and Haruno…


I almost shiver, a thrill of something dark and violent rushing up my spine as I feel her taking my scent in, tasting the air, taking me [in].

And then she lets out a shuddering breath, and I almost grab her head to shove my cock past her lips.

"It's… It's [powerful]," she says.

"It should be gross, shouldn't it? I… I really shouldn't like it, but… But it makes me think it's [him], that it's him in a way very few will ever learn, and I get… I just want to take it. For me."

Iroha's hand is still lightly wrapped around the base of my cock, right beneath Haruno's nose, and now another hand closes around the both of us.

Haruno and Iroha are holding me.

And… And there are [noises].

So, fighting the… the whatever it was that was keeping me still and silent, I open my eyes and prop myself up on my elbows.

And they're kissing.

Beneath my rigid cock, behind their tangled fingers around it, flesh and lace grasping at one another, Haruno kisses up to the kneeling Iroha, both women closing their eyes as they taste the other one gently and sweetly.

Then, eyes still closed, Haruno pulls slightly back, her forehead leaning against Iroha's and her headpiece askew in a way that manages to be harmonious.

"He's watching us, you know?" she says.

Iroha, eyes sweetly closed, smiles.

"I do," she says, with a choice of words that she has primed me to expect from her at any unsuspecting moment she could drag a priest into.

Hopefully, not [now].

"And the stupid man thought we needed this. That he had to bring us together, to help us overcome whatever distance there was between us.," Haruno continues, slender fingers briefly tightening against my shaft.

"To be fair, we're bonding over sucking his cock," Iroha answers, her smile turning cheeky and provocative, even if her closed eyes are still peaceful.

Haruno laughs. Softly and tenderly.

And I, my recently discovered abs tightening as they strain to keep me leaning forward without my arms' support, reach down to caress their hair.

"No, you aren't," I say. "You're bonding over teasing me to distraction without providing any actual relief. Which, to be fair, I really should've expected," I tell them.

Two gorgeous girls open their eyes and look at me with fond mockery.

"Senpai, are you asking me to lick up your shaft, kiss your tip, and slowly swallow your whole cock as Haruno plays with your balls with her tongue? Are you asking me to look right into your eyes as I do my very best to make you shoot rope after rope of thick cum down my throat, my cheeks bulging with it until I am forced to lean away, white rivulets running down the corners of my lips before I kiss Haruno and feed her a fair share of your seed? Are you asking me to moan and hum around your cock as I go wild with your scent and taste, so turned on that a careless touch will send me right over the edge, and I will fall panting on my side as Haruno takes over?" she says before laying a gentle kiss on me right over her accomplice's thumb and pausing to look at me over my tip. "I am sorry, Senpai, but that's impossible! After all, I want you to [cum inside of me."]

There's a pregnant silence in Shizu's bedroom.

Haruno, eyes impossibly wide, breaks it.

"If you don't grab her hips and fuck her cross-eyed right now, I'll be very impressed," she says.

"And I'll be very [disappointed]," Iroha whines.

"And I will rescind your napping privileges," Shizu grumbles.

Very, [very] slowly, I turn to my left.

Shizu's there, lying on her side, still wearing that maddening blue dress of hers, the one I almost gave my virginity to.

Okay, [technically,] I would've given it to Shizu, but the dress would've been an integral part of the process.

"Well?" she asks, her eyebrow arched, her cheeks lightly flushed, her lips still glossy after…


Did she… reapply her makeup after eating? Am I the only one who thought napping would actually involve some sleep? Is this the legendary Harem Protagonist Denseness finally bestowing its blessing on me?

['You got in bed with three beautiful women you're in a relationship with, all of them dressed to kill, and one of them actually wearing a French maid uniform. What were you expecting?']

That Haruno's plan would work, and we would spend some time in quiet, non-sexual intimacy?

['Ah. You thought Haruno's plan only had one layer. How cute.']

… You do realize I'm now picturing you as Kaguya-sama, don't you, Brain-chan?

['I'm personally more of a Hayasaka girl, but I'll take it. Much as Shizu is about to—"]

Tender lips crash against mine while strong hands hold me in place, threading through my hair and pushing me back against the pillow that still smells faintly like Haruno's hair.

['Yeah. That.']

"I'm extremely disoriented, yet not at all displeased, by the current events," I say while paralyzed by steel eyes.

And a boxer's hands.

One of those things is contributing slightly more to my paralysis than the other.

"And I'm somehow relieved that you haven't started this whole thing by yourself, because I was half expecting to wake up to that low voice of yours murmuring in my ear," Shizu says with half a smirk.

"Expecting… or anticipating?" Haruno asks.

And Shizu's cheeks are no longer [lightly] flushed.

"Can't it be both?" Iroha adds with a teasing grin implicit in every syllable.

"You're both terrible," Shizu says.

"You're all amazing," I contradict her.

And then, as her eyes widen, I grab her nape and drag her down to me so that our kiss can resume and turn into something involving our tongues.

Enthusiastically so.

"I feel left out," Iroha grumbles.

"It's vexing, after all the work we put in, isn't it?" Haruno commiserates.

"Yep," the kunoichi trainee agrees.

And then, right as Shizu moans into my mouth and I palm her generous bust over her mind-breaking dress with the hand not holding her captive, two sets of lips kiss each side of my cock and slowly open over it until my two younger girlfriends are kissing with me in the middle.

I hiss around Shizu's tongue, my eyes closing tightly as I try not to claw at her nape, and she closes her hand over the one massaging her chest and pushes me harder against her, the stiff fabric crinkling under my touch.

She isn't wearing a bra.

And just knowing that makes me thrust my hips up, my cock sliding between the attentive mouths of Haruno and Iroha to their moaned approval as their tongues seem to advance and retreat against one another and over the underside of my shaft.

I grab hold of Shizu's long hair and [pull], dragging her away from me to her hissed… approval, I think.

Because she's looking at me, eyes wild, mouth open, breath ragged.

And she's pressing my hand [harder] against her.

So I pull her dress down, her breasts spilling out with a brief effort as they force the blue fabric down.

And I…

The room is almost entirely dark, traces of grey light filtering through the door's edges and leaving us in a twilight almost devoid of color. It's a grey world, and Shizu's dress is almost as dark as Haruno's black maid uniform, while Iroha's white blouse makes her stand out as if she was carrying her own light.

Shizu is leaning over me. Iroha is on all fours on the bed, her lips still lightly moving up and down my cock, matching Haruno's pace as the older girl reaches up to me from where she's kneeling on Shizu's carpet.

And I don't need any more light than this. Because I know their colors. Because I didn't realize it when I memorized Iroha's luminous honey, Shizu's steel, sometimes silver eyes, or Haruno's pale lavender.

Because I know them.

And because knowing them is loving them.

"I don't deserve this," I say in a voice that is meant for all of them, even if my eyes have trouble reaching them all. "I should be the one making… making sure you feel good. I should be the one—"

"Shut up and accept that we love you as well, you impossible man," Shizu whispers with a tender smile.

And then she undoes the buttons of my white shirt, one by one, agonizingly slowly, until she reaches the dip of the black vest Haruno saddled me with, the one that's so very much like Shizu's I briefly cocked an eyebrow at my most enigmatic girlfriend when she presented it to me that made her roll her eyes in dismissal.

And Shizu just spreads my shirt open without undoing the vest.

It takes me a moment to realize I'm still wearing both the tailcoat and my gloves.

So, again, I cock an inquiring eyebrow, and Shizu… bashfully looks away.


"It's… Haruno did a very good job," she mumbles.

"I did, didn't I?" the smug girl answers, her breath washing over saliva-slickened, hard flesh.

"That should be illegal…" Iroha… confirms?

"It certainly should. It would only add to the thrill," Haruno answers.

And then both of them smile at each other, and…

Haruno climbs onto the bed, pushing me to the middle of it as Iroha mounts my left leg, and Shizu shuffles to the side so she's lying parallel to me, her hand lightly tracing my chest as Haruno straddles my right leg.

"It's… I still can't believe you started exercising because of me," my teacher says, a sappy smile playing over her lips as she traces a thrilling line down my breastbone, between muscles that weren't half as prominent when all this started.

"He did [what]?" Haruno asks, one gloved hand resting under my clothes and below my navel, her warmth seeming to pulse into my belly.

"He started exercising because he got carried away and wanted to be able to carry-fuck Shizu," Iroha says with a very obvious eye roll.

And her own sappy smile.

Haruno blinks at her. Then at me.

Then laughs.

"Of course you did," she says.

And swallows the head of my cock.

"Hey!" Iroha protests before diving down to close her lips around the side of my shaft.

I think nobody can blame me for closing my eyes at this point. Because the brain can only take so many sensorial stimuli at a time.

['Sure. Blame it all on me, why don't you?']

When you're right, you're right: there's absolutely no reason not to blame you.


"You know…" Shizu hotly whispers in my ear, her hand still playing over my thundering heart. "I think that was a turning point. Seeing you with those dumbbells, sincerely striving to better yourself because of me… because of something you wanted to do with me… It… It made me feel so…"

I try to answer. Try to tell her all the ways she should have felt, the ways she [deserved] to feel.

But Haruno twists her tongue around my head, and it's all I can do to clench my teeth and let out a frustrated hiss as I try not to be overwhelmed.

"Loved. Wanted. Cared for. Like you [matter]. Like he looks at you, and nothing in the world will be able to take away the value he sees in you," Iroha answers for me. Far more eloquently than I could at the moment.

Shizu pauses.

And then she kisses the side of my neck only to trail her plush, glossy lips up to my cheek, down my jawline, and over my own lips before her tongue dives into my mouth and turns this into a kiss as hungry as that with which Haruno is teasing me with.

Both of her hands close over my hair as she pulls herself over me, as her chest presses down on mine, and I feel her nipples hard against me, moving in errant lines as she undulates over me until she finally leans back and, almost breathless, answers Iroha's statement:


And that breaks me.

I pull her down to resume our searing kiss, my tongue wrapping around hers as I rise, sitting up on her bed and forcing her to follow me. Then I grasp the back of Haruno's head and pull her off my cock, the noise of broken suction making something snap inside my head after thinking there were no more things left to snap in there.

I pull Haruno up, and I turn Shizu away from me so the both of them meet, their mouths as open as their eyes as I force them into their own kiss, and then as they are somewhat distracted, I grab the back of Iroha's collar and pull her up, the young girl clawing at my clothes first, and then Haruno's, as she tries to climb up our bodies at the rate I force her to rise.

Luminous honey blazes in front of me, even if there's no other light for it to do so than that of Iroha being herself.

And then we four are face to face with each other, cheeks brushing against one another.

"I would've done the same for each and every one of you. I will do [more] for each and every one of you. I will do everything in my power to see you happy. Fulfilled. [Loved]. And nothing will stop me from doing so."

My voice is… not deep.

It's just my voice. Laden with everything I carry in my chest and that I never had the courage to express up till now. Until three gorgeous women showed me there was reason to.

Weighted with all my love, my hope, my devotion, my need to care for others, to ease pain and burdens that are not mine to take.

All that I always covered up with fearful cynicism, bitter irony, and supercilious sarcasm.

And, all of that? It's heavy. A weight I never dreamed I would be able to share. So heavy it drags my tone down.

So, yes: it makes my voice deep.

Iroha shudders and leans down against my chest, her hand splayed on my chest, in front of her lips.

Shizu shivers and hugs my shoulders, her head resting on the crook of my neck.

And Haruno smiles and leans forward to peck my lips.

"You say such beautiful lies, my dear Hachiman, that it's impossible not to see the truth in them," she says, pale lavender trembling in front of me.

And then disturbingly agile foot slides between me and the two girls resting against my body before she wraps both her thighs around my waist, her arms clinging to my neck, her body pressed tightly against me. And I discover she wasn't wearing any panties.

"Wha—" I start.

Haruno pushes down, my cock spreading her open as she hisses, her eyes closed as warmth and wetness slide down and around me.

She's at the middle of my shaft, and I'm clinging both to Shizu and Iroha, the two of them staring at Haruno with wonder in their eyes.

And then Shizu kisses her.

She holds her cheeks tenderly between palms I know are gentler than one would expect, and she lightly hums something that sounds like a lullaby as the two of them relax around one another.

And I could stare at them forever, just seeing the two women being finally free to express something they hid from one another for years after too much hurt and pain.

But Iroha has moved behind Haruno and is reaching to me over her left shoulder, and her own palms are on my cheeks, and her lips are barely brushing over mine as she stares at me, right into my eyes, and through my heart.

"Responsibility, Senpai. Take it," she says with what would be a smug grin if not for the quivering of her tender lips and softening of her eyes as she leans forward.

And I kiss her.

As lovingly and tenderly as she deserves. Or, at least, as I am able.

Shizu slides behind me, her arms wrapping around me and Haruno as they keep kissing over my right shoulder, and I feel the warmth and softness of my first lover's breasts on my back despite the tailcoat. Then she slides her legs around me, under Haruno's, and my boxers are dragged further down, her thighs making contact with my hips even as she pulls up the tails of my coat to drape them over Haruno's legs so that Shizu can press the heat of her sex on my bare skin.

Then Iroha shifts, only one hand remaining on my cheek, cradled with infinite tenderness, and Haruno throws her head back with a surprised moan.

That's when I notice the slender hand between us, teasing light circles right over where my cock is still slowly pushing up into Haruno's body as her legs strain with the tension of keeping herself aloft. Over me.

Shizu kisses my neck, her long hair draped down my back, teasing my nape, and she slides up to lick my earlobe with a flick of her tongue that makes me wish for so much more before she, instead, decides to tease me with words:

"I already loved you. I loved you in another way, though. And I didn't want to hurt you, or mess your future, or… I wanted to put some safe, [sane] distance between us, Hachi. But you pushed. You pushed, and kept pushing, chasing me. Confronting me. Forcing me to see what I refused to. Women don't like pushy men, you know?"

"I—" I manage to say, freeing my lips briefly from Iroha, but only because she's also fascinated by the words of our teacher.

And then Shizu cuts me off, thus fulfilling yet another of her sexual fantasies.

"No. We don't. But we make many exceptions when it's men we love. And I have always played favorites," she says.

"I forced him to chase you," Haruno says, eyes closed as her hips twitch downwards, slowly taking more and more of me inside of her.

"You did, did you?" Shizu says with a warm, teasing tone before she reaches forward and pulls down the strained hemline of Haruno's maid uniform, the fabric pushing her two round breasts together in a way that makes them surge up, and that makes me in turn almost unable to resist the temptation of diving down to bury my face between them.

But Shizu takes the two nipples between her fingers, gently rolling and caressing them as she gently nuzzles her right cheek against the side of my neck.

"I… When I found you that day, drunk, and sad, and… When I thought about you pushing him away like… like you pushed me. I went after him. Dragged him out of his house. Made him promise," Haruno shivers, and I'm almost entirely inside of her.

Then Iroha presses harder, the tips of her fingers reaching down to brush along my cock before going back to Haruno's clitoris as she bites on the edge of her right ear, and Haruno's arms tighten around my neck.

"Promise what, Haruno?" Shizu asks tenderly.

"That he would force you to confront your ideals. Your belief in what's genuine. That he would hurt you. Wound you."

Shizu tugs the nipples up, the motion sharp enough that the shapely breasts quiver on top of the tight clothing.

"And what did he say?" my teacher asks, still wrapped around me, pressed against my body, my neck, over Haruno's slender wrist.

And Haruno…

Haruno's eyes open. Fully. And stare at the woman clinging to me.

And then she smiles the happiest, most unguarded smile I've ever seen on her lips.

"That he would do what's best for you."

And then Haruno lets go, her body finally sinking down until I'm fully inside of her, and she leans forward to hide her head on my chest as she quivers around me.

Shizu lets go of her breasts, and I can feel her grasping her right arm. Then I manage to look away from the girl taking refuge in my body, and to my left, and…

And Shizu bites the tip of Haruno's glove, pulling at the lace finger with her teeth until the translucent fabric slides off. And then she kisses each and every fingertip with so much tenderness I feel my heart ache.

"Thank you," she whispers. "Thank you for wounding me. For caring for me. For being there after all those years, and after I pushed you away."

Haruno lifts her head, looking at the woman leaning against me with eyes that are tremulous with too many things.

"Thank you," she says. "For loving me."

And Iroha's arms wrap around all three of us.

"I… I don't want to intrude, or steal the moment, or… I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I do. But I… I also love you. And Hachi does. And… And I think we would all be happy—we [will] all be [happier] when you love yourself."

Haruno shudders against my chest.

Shizu caresses her hair.

I kiss her eyelids.

And the impossible woman smiles a tremulous thing, looks at each of us in turn, and says:

"I'm sure this is the sappiest orgy [ever]."

Iroha laughs, her arms tightening around our sides as she does.

"Sasuga, Haruno-sama," I intone with all the solemnity I can muster, briefly adjusting the cuff of my right glove as I lean on my butlery persona, even if maybe the quote would fit better a certain Demiurge.

"You're all going to be the death of me," Shizu grumbles.

And then she twists my head around and kisses me deeply, her tongue drinking of me as her other hand travels down to yet again tease Haruno's breasts, making her gasp mid-laugh, which makes Iroha get a very foxy—that is: entirely Iroha—grin right before I can feel her fingers yet again pressing on top of my member.

And I… Well, I can take a hint, you know?

['That is a filthy lie. A lie so vile not even Imagine Breaker would dare touch it. I'm proud of you.']

So am I. But mostly because I'm about to fuck Haruno silly.

['She could stand to lose a few brain cells, couldn't she?']

Not quite agreeing with Brain-chan, I still slide my hands along Haruno's stockings, briefly teasing the line of flesh overflowing from the top of them, and then I follow her thighs down to her ass, pushing them between her and Iroha.

And then, only after I've sunk my fingers in her flesh tight enough to make her gasp, I shift my hips below her, plant my feet firmly on Shizu's bed…

And move.

My first thrust is gentle, just… just me pushing her up, seeing how she reacts when I do, how Shizu and Iroha move when they sense me doing so.


Iroha looks at me over Haruno's shoulder, her grin widening as Haruno's fingers tighten on my nape and the detective fangirl remains uncharacteristically silent.

"Do it. Show me how much you've… trained," Shizu darkly whispers in my ear before [slowly] licking up my neck.

Suffice to say? My second thrust is far less tentative.

"Ah!" Haruno throws her head back, mouth and eyes wide open, chest offered up to both Shizu and me.

Iroha's fingers move faster.

And so do I.

I pull her down by her hips and ass, our flesh clapping even as her legs struggle to find purchase despite Shizu's own, despite three bodies working against her, around her, and inside her.

Her short skirt is flipped up, her pale flesh exposed to me as far as her navel, the flimsy fabric held up by Iroha's arm tightly pressed against the older girl.

My… My [Iroha] looks at me, brief uncertainty flitting across her eyes, but then she meets mine, and… And she sees something in them. Something I can feel burning inside of me as Haruno's sex clenches against mine.

And Iroha's cheeks darken in the twilight of Shizu's bedroom before a shy smile blooms.

She keeps teasing Haruno's clit, matching my movements, following the other woman's body up and down, but she also uses the other hand to tease the nipple Shizu isn't rolling around. And then, still looking right at me, starts licking up and down Haruno's neck.

Then Haruno tries to stare at me. To focus. To get a hold of something other than the waves of overwhelming sensation tearing through her.

And Shizu grabs her neck and drags her into a searing kiss right beside my ear.

So, my hands, Shizu's legs, and Iroha's whole body hold Haruno up. Still. Immobile against me.

And I can hear the wet sliding of two tongues, the soft, yearning moans, and whimpers.

So I fuck her.

I thrust up, gliding almost effortlessly into her as she flinches when all three of us do our best to overwhelm her. But we don't let her escape. We don't give her a single chance to recover. To plan. To be Haruno about this.

We just… love her.

She convulses around me, and it's harder to pull back out than it was to push in, but I still do it, even as she clings to me all the way out. As she moans and quivers. As she tries to chase me back down despite three people working together to hold her up.

"Take it," Shizu whispers, something in her tone making me shudder despite—or because—knowing the words aren't meant for me. "Take his cock. Take our touch. Our kisses. Take it all, you insufferably broody brat."

"The student has yet to surpass the master," Haruno's quavering voice replies in an attempt at smugness and mocking irony.

Then I thrust back up and [grid], my pelvis pressing Iroha's fingers tighter against her, and Haruno whines.

"You did. A long time ago," Shizu tells her, her voice achingly tender.

And her lips silence the desperate moan.

So I'll have to work harder to hear her.

I look at Iroha yet again, at luminous honey staring back at me over Haruno's left shoulder, and I can't help myself as I lean forward to ask for her lips.

Then, as she answers, as I can feel them thinning into a spreading grin, as our tongues touch, we resume tormenting Haruno with as much pleasure as we can give her.

I can feel two hands between my chest and Haruno's breasts. I can feel slender fingers over my cock. I can feel a toned body pressed against my back. I can feel four legs circling my hips.

And one sex rhythmically clenching around me.

It's all too much. The sensations, the emotions, the declarations.

The… The love.

And I want to hold back. One part of me wants to make sure I'm not just enjoying this for what it is, but that I keep a watchful eye out for them. For whatever may be needed of me.

But… But we're all doing this together, and Shizu and Iroha's intent couldn't be any clearer.

So I let myself go.

I let myself kiss Iroha fully, her tongue and mine dancing as intricately as Haruno and I are doing. I let Shizu hold me. I let Haruno…

I let Haruno thaw, I guess.

Damn Yukinoshitas…

But that isn't fair. Because I may be as bad or even worse than she is. Because we two let ourselves get carried away when planning today's events, despite knowing fully well that no plan can ever survive intact in this… this group. This whatever we will call ourselves.

This… Maybe family. Some day.

So I have to make an effort to take all of this in. To let myself breathe their mingled scents, even if Haruno is by far the strongest for obvious reasons. I allow Iroha's taste to overwhelm me, to drive me even wilder as I finally notice Shizu's damp warmth smearing on my back and hips as she writhes along the motion of my thrusting hips.

And I let Haruno's sex engulf me. Call to me.

I let go of Iroha's lips, and she looks at me with raw desire right before I pull Haruno back and away from Shizu, the surprised girl gaping at me, her mouth silently open before I shove myself back inside of her just to force a keening moan out of her quivering lips.

But that's a lie. I do it because it feels good. Because it feels right. And because I want her to feel good and right.

"I'm going to come inside of you," I tell her with something rumbling inside of my chest.

I can see her eyes go from me to Shizu and to Iroha by her side. I can see her briefly considering the best possible answer, the best way to come across as enticing, seductive, and witty.

And my heart soars when I see her throw it all away.

"Do it," she breathes out. "Do it, [please]."

I lean forward and hold her throat between my teeth, and Haruno throws her head back as I suck, as I finally speed up, the thrusts blurring together into something that sends ripples across her as I imagine, just for a moment, that I'm fucking her entire being. That I'm thrusting across her. That I'm filling up [Haruno], and not her sex[.]

And it's like she can read the mental image, because her hands go to my hair, and she pulls me closer against her neck as she tries to undulate against me, her hips faltering in the attempt at something deliberate as I interrupt her with harder, faster movements.

"Fill her up," Shizu spurs me on.

"Show her how much you want her," Iroha says with a fascinated tone.

"Give… Make me… [Love me!"] Haruno begs.

And I do.

I pull her down, her weight finally resting on me right as I move up one last time, as I grind against Iroha's fingers before the heat building inside me roars and explodes, everything that's been built up rushing out of me in a scalding burst of mind-blanking pleasure.

I tremble. Shiver. Shudder.

And my hands go from her ass and hips to her back as I let go of her throat to hold her closer to me. As she also loses control and embraces me as tightly as she can, burying her face in my chest while her body shakes in tremors that I keep mirroring even as my last rope of semen comes out of me and inside of her, yet my orgasm continues.

So I keep feeling the… the waves. Not even pleasure, but… Overwhelming. Something beyond almost anything I could ever feel without one of them by my side.

And I force myself to lean back.

Pale lavender meets my eyes, her lips open in silent surprise.

And, as I feel the last shudder of my fading climax wash through me…

I kiss Haruno.

And then I fall back on top of Shizu, dragging Haruno and Iroha with me in an unmanageable tangle of limbs, and I laugh with relief, exertion, and…

And happiness.

But, before I can abandon myself entirely to the feeling of fulfilled exhaustion, I caress Haruno's cheek tenderly, cupping her face and cradling it up so I can meet her eyes once more.

"Of course we love you, you big dork," I say.

And the sheer look of befuddlement she sends my way is enough to make up for any and all revenge she will plot against me in the future.


"Are you… [sure]?" Haruno asks, lying between Shizu and me and looking at Iroha.



Between Haruno's legs.

"I… I did say I would lick up your legs, didn't I?" my youngest girlfriend says with the tone of somebody looking for an adequate excuse and giving up halfway through.

"That's [not] my legs," Haruno says with the tone of someone who knows just how awkward things are and is thus in an unparalleled position to make them even more awkward.

"Haruno, unless you're opposed, I would suggest you stop giving Iroha a hard time about this," Shizu says in the tone of someone who would rather not be the voice of reason but is nonetheless forced into the role by a casting director who should've never made it out of the van with a one-way mirror.

And I…


Iroha meets my eyes. Blushes. Looks down.

Which, in this case, means staring right at Haruno's bare pussy under the, surely not compliant with workplace regulations, skirt of her maid uniform.

Somehow, for reasons beyond the ken of mortal men (or, at least, beyond the ken of mortal men who haven't consumed industrial amounts of doujins), Iroha blushes harder.

Haruno clears her throat, and…

"Sorry. If you want to… try? I guess I am curious," she says, uncharacteristically bashful, as if cumming hard enough to go limp at the hands and other appendages of her three lovers had, somehow, momentarily mellowed her out.

For some reason.

It's not like I can sympathize or anything, [baaaaaaka].

['Never again do that. I hurt all over.']

That's what [she] said—

['Okay, never mind, that's worse.']

"Right. Curious. Curiosity is a good reason for… for… oh, for—Haruno, are you asking me to eat your pussy? To tenderly kiss your petals, still reddened and sensitive? To gather all your juices with my tiny tongue before I plunge it deep inside of you and try to lap up Senpai's seed out of you even as you writhe and moan out my name, incredulously coming closer and closer to yet another climax with every one of my touches and kisses? Are you asking me to turn you into the second woman I make love to, to try and coax yet more pleasure from your exhausted body, to become lovers in every sense of the word? I am sorry, Haruno, but that's impossible! After all, I'm planning on doing far more than trying."

Haruno, Shizu, and I, in a rare show of solidarity, gape at the blushing, fidgeting, kneeling, [naked] Iroha.

"I mean… I didn't [ask—]oh, fuck!" Haruno, very eloquently, says.

"Yeah. I can sympathize," I tell her.

Shizu, for some reason, doesn't say anything.

Maybe because she's too busy staring at Iroha, her cheeks as dark as those of the younger girl, as the Strongest Junior dives between Haruno's legs, her hands massaging her inner thighs as her tongue no doubt tries to translate everything she's learned from teasing me to distraction on her newest target.

And I…

Okay, I, in a Heaven-defying feat of stamina, am once again hard.

And Iroha is waving her hips side to side, making noises of enjoyment while remaining in precisely the same prostrated position she adopted what feels like a lifetime ago on the floor of a love hotel's room while wearing kunoichi cosplay.

So it may be due to nostalgia. It may be due to some kind of mirror neuron phenomenon as I witness Haruno reach up to the pillow behind her with both hands just to have something to hold onto. It may be due to this being really, [really] hot.

But I look at Shizu over Haruno's surprised face, and we reach an understanding.

So I get up, off her bed, and walk to the foot of it. Behind Iroha.

And Shizu gets on her knees, scoots back, looks at me…

And sits on Haruno's face.

There's some frantic muffling that gets suddenly silenced as Shizu bites her lip and holds back what looks like a mournful moan, and that's my cue to grab Iroha's hips and drive myself forward. Inside of her.

More noises come from between Haruno's thighs, but they're somewhat silenced when a pair of plush thighs close around a younger girl's ears.

Haruno's ankles cross on top of Iroha's back. Right in front of me.

And Shizu leans forward, her hands resting on Iroha's shoulders, pushing her even further down against Haruno's sex.

I could focus on Iroha's tender behind and how it shifts when I push against her, when I bury myself fully inside of her.

I could stare at Haruno's breasts and how they ripple when the force I bring against Iroha bridges their bodies and is transmitted to her.

I could even lose myself in how Shizu's own breasts dangle free between her extended arms, softly swaying back and forth as my teacher traces soft circles over Haruno's mouth.

Instead, I look between Shizu's eyes and her lips.

So, still grabbing Iroha's hips, still slowly making love to her as she, by her own admission, enthusiastically tries to lap my seed out of Haruno, still desperately trying to commit to memory every single detail of this precious, irreplaceable moment that I hope will be one of many…

Still doing everything I can to live up to what they deserve me to be…

I lean forward.

And take Shizu's lips.


This work is a repost of my second oldest fic on QQ (https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/all-right-fine-ill-take-you-oregairu.15676/), where it can be found up to date except for the latest two chapters that are currently only available on on Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/Agrippa?fan_landing=true)—as an added perk, both those sites have italicized and bolded text. I'll be posting the chapters here twice weekly, on Wednesday and Friday, until we're caught up. Unless something drastic happens, it will be updated at a daily rate until it catches up to the currently written 90 chapters (or my brain is consumed by the overwhelming amounts of snark, whichever happens first).

Speaking of Italics, this story's original format relied on conveying Brain-chan's intrusions into Hachiman's inner monologue through the use of italics. I'm using square brackets ([]) to portray that same effect, but the work is more than 300k words at the moment, so I have to resort to the use of macros to make that light edit and the process may not be perfect. My apologies in advance

Also, I'd like to thank my credited supporters on Patreon: aj0413, Niklarus, Tinkerware, Varosch, and Xalgeon. If you feel like maybe giving me a hand and help me keep writing snarky, maladjusted teenagers and their cake buffets, consider joining them or buying one of my books on https://www.amazon.com/stores/Terry-Lavere/author/B0BL7LSX2S. Thank you for reading!

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