
A Pompous Princess

"May I inquire about the reason for Your Highness's visit?" Count Chase inquired cautiously, each word dripping with courtesy. After all, Cecilia was the princess of the empire, and he a mere vassal.

My months at Mythos Academy, where societal hierarchies were more relaxed, had caused me to forget the rigid social order that dominated the Slatemark Empire. Here, a single misstep could have severe consequences.

Cecilia cradled her teacup gracefully, inhaling the aroma before taking a dainty sip. Her every movement exuded a practiced regality – a porcelain doll imbued with an aura of royalty, further emphasized by her flowing golden hair and the signature scarlet eyes of the imperial family.

"Simply a visit to my friend, Arthur," she declared, her smile reaching her eyes. I fought back the urge to narrow mine in suspicion. How could we be at ease when a contingent of imperial knights flanked her? One, in particular, stood out – the same air of power I recognized from the professors at Mythos Academy.

<Ascendent >-rank knight.

Given Cecilia's position, a powerful escort was to be expected. Nonetheless, it was quite intimidating as it showed the difference of social standing between the two parties.

Count Chase cleared his throat, his voice strained. "Your Highness is most kind. However, Arthur is preparing for his departure today."

Cecilia's smile faltered for a flicker of a second, a flicker I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't been on such high alert. "Departure?" she echoed, her voice losing its playful lilt. "Where are you going?"

The tension in the room thickened, almost suffocating.Count Chase's hesitation was palpable. Caught between courtesy and the need to protect my plans, he wore a mask of thoughtful concern. His mind raced, searching for a diplomatic response that wouldn't offend Cecilia.

But before he could utter a word, Cecilia's sharp voice cut through the tension. "I was addressing Arthur, Count," she declared, her gaze hardening into a glare that caused him to flinch ever so slightly. There was no mistaking the amusement in her eyes; she was clearly enjoying this little power play.

Defeated, Count Chase turned towards me. There was nothing I could do but meet Cecilia's challenge head-on. "I'm planning a visit to Rachel at the Creighton family estate, Cecilia," I announced, my voice firm despite the churning in my stomach.

A flicker of surprise crossed the faces of the imperial knights – a testament to the audacity of dropping honorifics with a princess. However, their disciplined nature kept them still, their focus solely on Cecilia's reaction. Her amusement deepened, bordering on a smirk. While the knights seemed flustered by my informality, Cecilia relished the disruption. It was clear she found this entire situation entertaining. However, she made no move to reprimand me, leaving the knights frozen in a state of confused tension.

Cecilia's amusement at my lack of formality wasn't entirely unexpected. Back at Mythos Academy, we'd interacted on a more casual level, and it seemed she enjoyed the dynamic. Still, her motives remained a mystery. Was it simply the novelty of someone outside the rigid social hierarchy, or perhaps the fact that I wasn't swayed by her charms?

Shifting her attention to my parents, she offered a disarming smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you both. Cecilia Slatemark, but please, call me Cecilia. No need for formalities."

Dad responded respectfully, "Greetings, Princess. I am Douglas Nightingale, and this is Alice Nightingale. We're happy to see Arthur has made a good friend in you.""Just Cecilia, please," she insisted, extending a hand for a shake. "And you're absolutely right, Arthur has been very kind…~" The playful lilt at the end of her sentence sent a tremor of unease through my parents. Mom shot me a questioning glance, her lips pursed.

"Let's avoid such implications, Cecilia," I interjected with a sigh. Instead of being deterred, her smirk widened. A single finger tapped her bottom lip as she tilted her head in mock innocence. "Whatever do you mean, Arthur?" The way she accentuated her plump lips and subtly drew attention to her chest with her pose showed how comfortable she was with seduction.

"Regardless," she cut through the tension, "I'd appreciate a private word with Arthur, if that's alright." Her tone wasn't one of a request, but a decree. The imposing knight stationed behind her started to rise, but Cecilia silenced him with a gesture.

"Stay here," she commanded. "It's not like you'd be unable to intervene if some unforeseen disaster were to befall me, would you?" she finished with a playful click of her tongue.

"Now, Arthur," she continued, her voice dripping with suggestiveness, "lead the way to your room." She reached out and grasped my hand, the weight of my parents' and Count Chase's curious stares burning into my back.

I led Cecilia towards my own quarters, a separate house within the Count's sprawling estate that I shared with my parents. She kept up a steady stream of conversation throughout the walk, and I played along, hesitant to risk her displeasure.

Reaching the Nightingale villa, her eyes snagged on the row of baby pictures lining the wall. "Aww, look at you!" she exclaimed, feigning genuine interest. Despite her seemingly normal behavior, a sliver of unease gnawed at me.

"Anyway," she declared, suddenly impatient, "bedroom time!" With a playful tug, she dragged me up the stairs, leaving me scrambling to keep up. My room held no particular interest, adorned only with posters of the former Arthur's favorite artists. I was about to usher her out – "Nothing much to see here, let's-" – when she abruptly slammed me onto the bed. The world spun for a moment as I landed on the mattress, disoriented. Before I could react, Cecilia was now on top of me, her arms pinning mine to the bed.

Cecilia's sudden shift in demeanor left me flustered. My gaze darted nervously, landing on her eyes, then her lips, then dropping away entirely. A knowing smile played on her lips.

"Enjoying the view, Arthur?" she teased.

I forced my gaze back to hers, a blush creeping up my neck.

"This isn't funny, Cecilia," I mumbled, trying to mask my true emotions.Her voice dropped to a husky purr as she leaned in close.

"Don't worry, Arthur," she murmured into my ear, "it's perfectly normal at your age. It's hard to resist someone as… appealing as me."

Every fiber of my being wanted to disagree, but the undeniable truth hung heavy in the air. She was undeniably attractive – the crimson dress clinging to her curves, the glint of the belly chain around her toned midriff, the inviting fullness of her lips, the way she moved with a calculated sway. Only my knowledge of her true nature, gleaned from the pages of <<Saga of the Divine Swordsman>>, kept me tethered to reason. Without that knowledge, I doubt I could have held out for this long.

Cecilia locked eyes with me, her scarlet gaze meeting my own azure one. "Arthur," she began, a playful challenge in her voice, "why resist the temptation you clearly feel?"

The accusation stung, but I held my ground. "I've already told you, Cecilia," I said firmly, "I'm not interested."

Her pout was unconvincing, more of a theatrical performance. "Oh, come now," she scoffed, leaning in until our faces were mere inches apart. Her perfume, like the rest of her, was undeniably alluring, and I had to consciously take shallow breaths to avoid being overwhelmed.

"Is it Seraphina?" she pressed, her voice a husky whisper. "Unlike that frigid princess, I can offer you nights you'll never forget."

I met her gaze unflinchingly. "No, it's not Seraphina. And frankly, I don't believe your motives are purely… carnal either."

Cecilia's response was a light, breathy laugh. The playful intensity in her eyes morphed into something more cryptic, more enigmatic."You're a fascinating puzzle, Arthur Nightingale," she murmured, her voice a low whisper that sent shivers dancing down my spine.

"For now, a kiss will have to suffice."

Before I could react, she leaned in, and our lips met in a brief, chaste kiss. Then, as quickly as she'd moved in, she pulled away, a mischievous glint in her eyes. With a playful twirl, she headed for the door.

Left alone, I stood from the bed, the taste of the kiss lingering on my lips. While a part of me wished it hadn't been her for my first kiss in this new life, I couldn't deny it – her touch had been undeniably soft, the sensation lingering pleasantly.

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