

"No way, you're not! You're lying!" Kyla begins to bawl in tears, still awestruck by this phenomena.

She looks at you, who was basically dead from existence, and faces Yoongi. "D-Did (Y/N) give you any trouble?!"

Yoongi shrugs. "Not too much that I couldn't handle. I just popped up here tonight to have a little farewell party before I go on tour in a few months."

"No…" Kyla's jaw drops. "I need to tell the girls! They would never believe this!"

"Uh, actually, can you not?" Yoongi chuckles. "I'd prefer to not have other fans find out that I'm here. Or else things can get pretty ugly."

"Oh!" Abashed, Kyla bows. "I'm so sorry! I should have obviously known that!"

"It's okay. I'm guessing you two were just visiting my hometown?"

"Well, actually, I'm here visiting my best friend, (Y/N). She's been living in Korea for almost a year now. The girls wanted to not only take a vacay here, but also visit different cities. And so, here we are! Eh…sort of."

Yoongi nods. "I see. Well, your bestie seems like she could use a bed. Do you think you can take her home?"

"Actually…she is a bit heavy. I would call the girls to come but you just said to not alert anyone…"

"That's fine. I can help you, if anything."

"N-No! That would be crazy of me to allow you to do something like that!"

Shaking his head, he insists. "Please, let me help."

"Are you sure you want to help that woman, boss? She's not from around here…"

While Yoongi was discussing the matter with his men, Kyla comes over and slaps you on the knee hard. "Get your ass up, girl!" She hisses. "You are embarrassing the absolute shit out of me!"

You wake up, mortified by the sudden whiplash that grazed your knee. "What the fuck?!"

Kyla slaps her hand over your mouth. "Watch your mouth! Yoongi is right in front of you!"

"Right in front of me?" You muffle through her hand. "I know you fucking lying—" Your eyes bulge at the sight of a man towering over you and Kyla.

"Oh, she's finally awake again."

You stare uncontrollably for a moment and begin to laugh hard. "That's not Yoongi, Kyla! When did you even get here?"

"You sent me a very suspicious text message!" Kyla cries. "Look at this nonsense!"

Narrowing your eyes, you read the text from her screen.

I'm about to get fucked.

"Oh shit, I forgot to add the word 'up' in my text."

Kyla bops you in the head, earning a moan from you. "Don't you EVER scare me like that again! This is supposed to be my last night staying with you, and you go off on your own like this? What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"I'm sorry, I was so pissed…" You grumble, holding your forehead. It was throbbing uncontrollably.

"It looks like you girls can use a bit of unwinding." Yoongi buds in. "I don't mean to pry, but what time are you leaving tomorrow?"

Befuddled, Kyla points to herself. "Me?"

Yoongi nods.

"Um…around the afternoon. Why?"

"Perhaps you ladies can use a little bit of fun. Well, once your friend sobers up."

"A-Are you serious?!" Kyla gasps. "You're joking!"

"We can rent a room at the hotel across the street."

"Are you sure that's okay…M-Mr. Yoongi?"

Yoongi smiles.

Kyla's eyes twinkled. "I need to tell the girls!"

"These are the same girls you two are traveling with?"

"Oh-oh!" Lowering the phone, Kyla pouts. "I can't tell them anything…right?"

"Tell them. They should know where you both are. They're welcome to join if they want to. Just let them know not to post anything online."

"Yay!" Kyla fist pumps. "Thank you!"

While Kyla was texting away, Yoongi steps before you, waving his hand in your face. "Are you there? How are you feeling?"

Smacking his hand away you bolster a hard face. "Don't put your hand in my face, you fake!"


"You're not the real Yoongi!"

He chuckles. "You're really cute, you know that?" Yoongi proceeds to help you up by the arm.

You resist, telling him to stop.

Kyla comes over and knocks you on the forehead.

"Stop being rude to him! He's helping me take your ass back to the hotel!"

"Hotel?" You simper. You stare at Yoongi, scanning over his features. "You look…"

"Alright, come on." Yoongi sits next to you and helps you up by your shoulder.

You struggle to pull yourself up.

Kyla hurries to your side and helps lift you from the other end.

"Boss! A-Are you sure you want to be that close to a stranger?" His men ask in Korean.

"Everyone, I'm fine. Thank you." The rapper assures.

Kyla and Yoongi were now holding you up, guiding you out the door.

Reaching the hotel, Yoongi requests that one of his men takes his place while he goes and pays for a room. It didn't take long before Yoongi snaps his finger, motioning for everyone to follow him to the elevator.

All of you took the elevator to the highest floor, where the suite was. Yoongi swings the door open, inviting everyone to come in.

"Bring the drinks, some snacks, and music!" Yoongi beams.

Kyla and the man settles you in the bedroom, laying you down.

"I'm going to get you some pain meds and something to relieve you, okay?"

You nod.

Once she leaves, the man eyes you for a moment, a look of pity on his face.

You tried to refocus your vision on him, but it was blurred.

He mumbled something to himself in Korean, taking his leave and shutting the door.

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