
Enough with the sweet pretense.

"Sir, it's Blue calling. Do you have a minute to talk to her? She says this is urgent," Garry walked to Sebastian, and he lifted his gaze from the report he was reading before nodding at him.

"Put it on the speaker," Sebastian vaguely murmured. 

"Respect to the prince," Blue started, and Sebastian hummed to let her know he was listening.

"There is something I would like to report, sir,"

"What is it?" Sebastian placed the file on the desk and put the paper stopper on it, his sole attention on the phone call now. 

"I... I would like to start with an apology because I failed you and your faith in me, sir. I went away just for a few minutes to talk to the leader. I swear that she was playing in the forest when I left her, but -"

It was obvious to the Prince that something had happened with the Princess from how Blue was talking, and he didn't have the patience to hear her go round and round.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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