
the howlers, Lockhart's class

the next day many Ravenclaw girls approached Alex and gave him a quill and paper, he is puzzled, Cho told Alex about the condition and asked him to sign an autograph for his so called fan union while glaring at Alex, he sighed and gave them auto-graphs, some tried to kiss him but cho stopped them, Luna is watching this with a unmoved face while delphini is blushing looking at Alex and Cho's affection.

just then there are 2 owls with red envelopes approaching Griffindor table Alex gave Cho, Luna, delphini some ear plugs and also send them towards Hermoine with a note to put them on as he knows Lily's temper and her loud voice, even Mrs Weasley's voice with a howler is terrible. the girls puzzled but Hermoine sensed the red envelope meaning and put the ear plugs, Griffindor table noticed the envelopes and moved away from Ron and Harry as they know what happened last night and also know what will happen now.

Alex put his ear plugs on as the 3 girls at his table also followed it, one owl crashed into a jar of milk splashing the milk all over the table and dropped the letter towards Ron, and another owl landed on Harry's shoulder giving him the red envelope, first Ron opened the seal while the twins are praying like it's Ron's last day, and a scream sounded.

Ronald Weasley,

how dare you stole the car? and ride to Hogwarts, more than 8 muggles saw the car and your father is now facing an enquiry at the ministry, do you even think what your actions will impact the family, doing something so stupid as to fly to Hogwarts in car, are you out of your mind?, this your last warning, another step out of line and we will bring you straight home.

oh! Ginny congratulations on making it to Griffindor, we are so proud of you.

then the letter burst into pieces itself, Harry is now gulped watching the howler in his hand, Hermoine thanked Alex for giving the ear plugs because due to Mrs Weasley's yelling even the dust on roof fell down, Cho, Luna and Delphini now understood why Alex gave them ear plugs and looked at him thankfully as the others are closing their ears due to the loud yelling from the letter.

it's Harry's turn to open it and Alex is giving Harry a pitiful gaze at the same time felt guilty, due to him they missed the train, and now Lily is mad at Harry for this, Harry opened the envelope to hear an yelling much greater than Mrs Weasley, the whole Griffindor table closed their ears due to the howler and it sounded.

Harry James Potter,

what do you think you're doing breaking the laws of wizarding world, we felt a headache due to your mistake and even the minister is concerned about this matter, we felt guilty and can't even lift our heads when the minister didn't say anything and just send personnel to clean up the mess you made, how did I raised you? look at your brother and learn some things from him, flying to Hogwarts in a car, you certainly inherited your father's talent in flying but that doesn't give you the right to fly in the muggle world and expose the magical world, it's lucky only 8 muggles saw the car, what are you even thinking? can't you wait for us if you miss the train, you brought so much trouble to us, if you do things like this again, I'll come to Hogwarts directly and bring you straight home? keep that in mind?

Alex my boy , please don't chase after another girl in this year, you have to up keep our house diginity and take care of yourself.

Harry's letter also tore into pieces in mid air and Alex is now so embarassed by the last words in the letter that he isn't even lifting his head, Delphini laughed at Alex for this, while Cho, Hermoine and Daphne after hearing the last words us looking at Alex with a murderous gaze after noticing Luna and Delphini beside him.

the first class is defense against dark arts and Alex hated this class not only him after Alex told Cho, Hermoine and Daphne about Lockhart being a fraud they cursed him and even asked Alex why don't we report this to the ministry but Alex told them they have no evidence about this.

Lockhart introduced himself as a most charmed smile , all boys looked at him disdain and he said," I'll train to face the most deadliest dangers of wizarding world, fear not as I , Gilderoy Lockhart , will train you personally for this". Alex mouth twitched after this and he is glaring at him, Lockhart smiled at class and revealed Cornish pixies.

Seamus laughed at them and Lockhart released those. the entire class is a disaster after this and they throw books at students while robbing Lockhart's wand, and he escaped by saying it's their homework to capture these, then he ran out of classroom.

Alex cast immobulus and freezed them , then waved his wand all those creatures went into the cage while Alex locked it with a spell. all students breathed in relief and complained about Lockhart.

the day ended with transfiguration class about this semester introduction to course and syllabus.

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