
Party's Bond

My quiet, heartfelt declaration brought a somber silence to the cavern, broken only by the drip of Vithrass' blood. After a moment, the Demonkin looked up, his eyes glowing with madness.

"Free? You can never be free. You are already mine!"

He tried to raise his arms, but when only one responded, he stared down dumbly at the severed limb lying limply on the ground. A scream built in his throat, beginning low and deep, building to a dreadful cacophony of rage and denial. 

"Oh, shut up and die already," Sorrin spat, raising his sword. 

But before he could bring it down, something on the demonkin's remaining hand flashed, and a magic circle materialized around him. Sorrin backed away warily as several thousand runes sprung up, rapidly weaving complex magic circles. 

Something about the spell tugged at my memory, and I pulled at Tana's sleeve. "Stop him!" I cried, "Its a teleportat-"

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