
School project and test of New weapons

Zack was making use of 5.5M left and decide to make on Jawin 3 that has jungle desert seas and even arctic environments Ideal Planet for training troops. He made ground and underground facility with everything to make comfort rooms for 4, Cantina, Shooting range, training ground, swimming pool, recreation hall medic rooms with access to bacta tanks, landing pads to transport troops on training in different environments, Military School/Academy and Battle Simulation room where Recruits/Students are going to VR World where all looks realistic even pain was felt and they can smell blood in air everything to show the most realistic experience to user.

They trained different scenarios like boarding ship , landing on enemy planet ambush Etc They fight was made against illusion model enemy Droid/Organic or 5 times in year against each other with objectives.

Battle made of 2 Companies that are class say A and B class of 200 students each, one is attacking other defending then change in matches best of 3. Winner gets more points to end of School Bigger Battles are made in system Academy Block A against B etc each has 4 classes what means 1600 students in one big battle.

When school gets bigger as Zack wants his Mercenary group to keep sending orphans here and in some years willing children of his civilians. He spent all of EDs to build it but it is worth in my eyes also Zack will come on some of this big games and they will be also transmitted event to his People as Nation Academy Events. He also thinks of making higher league where actual veterans can participate maybe even make Best Academy class or block challenge veterans that will be great but it is a dream for future.

Then Zack summon his 3 star army instructor as main teacher and give him permission to chose other staff members. Then go to his Light Cruiser that was slightly modified half cargo space was changed for small hangar where was standing his Sith Interceptor 12 Maccan Starfighter and 20 drop ships and go to hunt some Pirates or slavers. That was time to check how first butch of BM Series and SDS Droids Works 40 droids and 100 BM Carabins were loaded on ship, Zack Took 2 BM Pistols as his arsenal. BM Series had 3 shoot type

BM Pistol had

- Fast Shooting with less energy, made for fighting light and medium armor

- Slower with more energy that is effective against Heavy armor Troops had enough force to send flying lighter troops if hit in close range

- Accumulating energy making weapon start emitting light and shot powerful shot that make explosion in contact but after one shot weapon is of no use for 2 min

BM carbine

-Fast full auto state with less energy, made for fighting light and medium armor

-Single fire Slower with more energy that is effective against Heavy armor Troops had enough force to send flying lighter troops if hit in close range

-Accumulating energy making weapon start emitting light and shot powerful shot that make explosion in contact but after one shot weapon is of no use for 3 min

SDS Droid has medium armor equipped in EN-5 Carbine , retractable knife and hand light blaster in fist if he loses weapon working on military systems that make him really accurate and good moving, Zack had planes to add Hive mind to his Droids for them to have even more coordination and faster information as enemy will be behind wall and one droid is seeing him rest will have him highlighted on vision but it will cost much and is plan for future also more powerful Droids and machines are on blueprint section so hive mind would be great addiction to coordinate battle.

After 3 days on looking after some free pirates Zack found small pirate base prob droid saw only 200 Pirates 1 Cargo ship close to magazine fleet nowhere to be seen

"Ok Ship will stay here 10 Drop ships with 200 troopers would be overkill also it is pure test of new toys so ready 40 SDS Droids and 100 Heavy Troopers with BM Carbines in 7 drop ships Maccan Starfighters will cover our land that non hidden Star fighters will take us out get ready boys! " He ordered

In Drop Ship Zack Stand in his armor 2 vibroswords on back 2 BM pistols in hands other Troopers were checking they new weapons excitement seen in moves.

'Hahah Lets wait how they will react after they see power of this toys' though Zack with smirk and contact pilots

"Drop ships with SDS Droids drop them first then Troopers I Want to see what they effectiveness will be" He instructed

When Drop Ships Landed Pirates made some defenses nothing special zero heavy weaponry seen. SDS droids Attacked from Drop ships They Posture slightly bend to be smaller target moving forward with Good movement Their Military aiming systems make them no less sufficient as Trained Trooper Pirates Find this fact in Hard Way Falling Comrades make them afraid of this unknown Machines but lucky ones that see HK series assassin Droids know how really terrifying droids can be and that 5 HK can smash this 40 SDS droids to peaces.

In Power SDS is between B2 and commando droid Lean construction and good armor but can't do so extreme Acrobatics or change voice as comando but can climb walls to 3M and have enough sense to use cower or other objects weight to 98KG.

Zack and other troopers go out from droop ships and start using new toys BM blasters were overwhelming firepower for pirates.

Zack thouth that he to want some fun like in old times and After activating Pure Blood charged on Pirates blasters hitting him but blue flame mana covering him make him protected firepower was low and his speed inhuman for normal person so no problem he fired two pistols when running killing 8 pirates then holstered one and retracted his long black claws jumped and landed in center of four pirates then shoot one that was in bigger distance in chest force of black blaster bolt throw him back with big black burnt spot on chest and even reaching stomach then swing around slashing with clavs killing last three blood fountain shoot in air covering Zacks clothes with addiction to his menacing looking armor terrifying pirates that saw it.

3 Low F ranks come out of building

'huh time for test' Thouth Zack taking other pistol to hand and firing from 2 pistols at closest man of course from start of battle they were turned on against heavy infantry Blast Blast Blast 6 hit one by one hit slower F rank First four took out all his mana that was shielding him fifth Greatly injuring and sixth throw him away dead.

Last two F Ranks don't know if they can make it to cargo ship and run but they know that they don't have chance against D rank even less when he had heavy weapons so they go for it in their way were 6 SDS and 10 Troopers they even destroy 5 SDS in their way with Coated Blades and one shooting fire mana from hand as troopers were firing single shots of more deadly black blaster bolts they have harder time to hit F rank that were charging and ducking but when first landed and throw them off balance next landed on them Zack saw as both lay on ground one dead second barely breathing this one was harder from the two that seems two troopers stand over him and shot him on spot. Zack look around that was end of battle in some places were seen SDS droid Checking Dead Pirates and shoot those who have any life in them left.

'Tests go better than I Though now let's take loot shall we' Smirked Zack Going to Magazines.

Updated Pictures of added ships and units. Have nice day :D

Danse_Macabre_creators' thoughts
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