

"So fast! You... there's really no need to rush. Please take your time to explain things properly," Miaoyi replied, feeling slightly taken aback by the suddenness of the proposal.

For some inexplicable reason, this person she had only met two days ago wanted to become her manager out of the blue?

The conversation had barely begun, and already she was being presented with this opportunity!

But wait, wasn't 3000 a month too little? It wouldn't even cover the rent for a one-bedroom apartment on the outskirts of Shanghai, let alone the expenses for food and transportation.

Moreover, this person had the potential to represent Light Cloud. Why would he choose to take a pay cut and become her manager instead?

However, Yun Jie's timely proposal made Miaoyi realize something. Until now, she had been handling everything independently – producing, releasing songs, making deals – while managing her own publicity, acquiring equipment, engaging in impromptu negotiations, and juggling her studies.

And this was just the beginning of her career. She knew she was destined for more extraordinary things, which meant her workload would only increase.

Having a label had already alleviated some of the burdens, as they would take care of their investment. Nevertheless, the idea of having a personal manager to represent her and handle negotiations on her behalf seemed almost too good to be true.

But then again, this potential manager seemed a bit... inexperienced?

Yun Jie was young, albeit older than Miaoyi, and still had a baby-like face, complete with a hairstyle resembling a "young Justin Bieber."

His appearance, combined with his current anxiety, which reminded her of a child hiding behind their mother's leg, gave her the impression that she was talking to a child.

And Miaoyi certainly wasn't ready to violate any child labour laws.





She couldn't help but worry about the skill level of this manager. If she granted him access to her personal finances, she might end up bankrupt within a month or two.

Well, the least she could do was conduct an interview, so she proceeded with her questioning.

"Ahem... Are you absolutely certain that you want to be my manager?" Miaoyi cleared her throat gently, maintaining a composed demeanour as she asked.

"Y-Yes, I'm sure," Yun Jie replied, slightly lowering his head and sneakily assessing Miaoyi's facial reaction.

"Don't be so nervous. I'm not a ferocious tiger," Miaoyi couldn't help but find it a bit amusing. "So, you're a fan of my songs, huh?"

"I've been a fan since I first heard 'Fox,' so I'm still slightly overwhelmed. It's like meeting a celebrity, well, I mean, you are one now," Yun Jie quickly explained.

"Alright then, let's get straight to the point. What outstanding advantages or strengths do you possess?" Miaoyi took a deep breath, her demeanour shifting from youthful maturity to that of a seasoned businessperson.

Although she had already had numerous conversations with Yun Jie and had even met him in person, she felt the need to assess his skills properly.

After all, she was looking for a manager, not just a friend. If she wanted a manager that she could genuinely rely on, she had to base her decision on their skill level rather than personal connections. Constantly changing managers would be a hassle she neither wanted nor needed.

The role of a professional manager was vast, encompassing a wide range of responsibilities. Typically, before taking on a new client or signing an artist, managers would conduct thorough investigations, learning about their character, and talents, and creating a comprehensive profile outlining their strengths and weaknesses.

Once signed, managers focused on promoting and publicizing the artist. Based on their individual traits, managers identified roles that would be well-received by the audience and compensated for any shortcomings. This process transformed ordinary talents into superstars.

At that point, the managers took care of all aspects of the artist's affairs.

Managers were the lifeblood of every artist, enabling them to focus on their true passion: music.

"I recently obtained a professional manager qualification certificate, further strengthening my credentials. Additionally, I have achieved level 8 proficiency in both English and Japanese, as well as level 4 in French. Moreover, I graduated with a major in music theory and a minor in finance from Qingbei University. However, I'm not entirely sure if these qualifications meet your expectations," Yun Jie realized the shifting atmosphere and adopted a serious expression, leaving behind his initial awkwardness. This was his chance, and he was determined not to let the excitement of meeting his idol hinder his professionalism.

And indeed, his qualifications were more than sufficient. Someone who climbed the ranks of a billion yuan organization so quickly must have outstanding credentials. Even securing a position at Light Cloud was an accomplishment in itself. The higher the industry's stature, the fewer mediocre individuals there are.

Miaoyi's eyes sparkled with excitement.

Those qualifications!

Was he a hidden gem?

Initially, Miaoyi didn't hold high hopes, but now it appeared that she had completely misjudged the situation.

Qiuying also gazed at Yun Jie with surprise.

"In terms of salary, I don't have any extravagant demands. As I mentioned earlier, 3,000 is subject to change; 2,500 would suffice," Yun Jie tilted his head and finally stated, "I went through your contract with East Records, and it states that your manager should receive a salary from them. Although I'm unsure of the exact amount, it should be enough."

"Well, how about we start with a salary of 7,000? In addition, we will provide social security benefits, accommodation, and meals. As time goes on, there will be opportunities for salary increases," Miaoyi promptly responded, rejecting the notion of settling for the two or three thousand mentioned by Yun Jie. Instead, she offered conditions that she currently felt were most suitable.

This kind of talent had to be seized, and Miaoyi had developed a favourable impression of this young man. It was worth giving him a chance.

A music and finance student seemed perfect for the manager role.

"Do you agree?" Upon hearing Miaoyi's proposition, Yun Jie lifted his head in surprise, his face beaming with joy.


Miaoyi extended her slender right hand, offering it for a handshake. "May our partnership be fruitful. Welcome to our family."

"Welcome," Qiuying also greeted with a warm smile. "I'm An Qiuying. You can also call me Jing Qiuhua."

"Thank you so much!" Yun Jie's face lit up like the sun as he shook Miaoyi's hand.

"So, when do you think you'll be ready to start?" Miaoyi inquired. She didn't expect Yun Jie to be prepared immediately, so she was willing to grant him a short grace period.

"If I rush, I should be ready in two days." Yun Jie replied. He had already made some preparations because, with the news of the new merger between Light Cloud and East Records, his job security was in question.

"Hmm... hey Qiuying, how would you like to extend our trip for a few more days?"

"Sounds wonderful."

After wrapping up at the coffee shop, Miaoyi called East Records, to tell them that their flight at 9 pm back to Shanghai was being delayed and that their new manager, Yun Jie, was flying back with them in two days.




East yelled at her again...

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