
Answers (2)

In truth, Nikolai didn't expect much from that one question. But to his surprise, Rosela had been planning to kill Mineah right from the start. From that one incident back in that inn all the way to the siren attack in the middle of the sea, it just seemed that she was hellbent on making sure that his wife died just so that she could have him all to herself.

"And… And I don't regret any of it…" Rosela trailed off, her voice sounding defeated.

"So it would seem," Nikolai sighed, more out of disappointment than anger as he questioned her. "Your confession is more than enough to have you sentenced to life imprisoned in the deepest cell in the dungeon. However, there's more to this. Zoran…"

"Zoran? What about him?" Rosela droned.

"Have you been colluding with him all this time?"


He blinked at how quickly that answer came out. He didn't even need to compel her to have his answer. It would seem that she had truly given up now.

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