
It's not just one

"Everyone! Just focus on the main gate and leave the rest of the fortress wall unmanned," Kaden shouted out a hint after seeing his guild completely overwhelmed by the beast horde. The sheer number of the beasts was exasperating.

"The gate should be the weakest part!" He yelled out again.

But thanks to his reputation, the group did not pay any attention to his words. Sigh. He shook his head helplessly and shouted out one last time. "Wow! Look over there! They are doing the same thing I suggested!"

And just like that, everyone in the guild finally paid attention. They quickly changed tactics and moved around to only focus on the beasts banding against the main gate.

Kaden's face twitched on watching this scene. 

However, he did not care. He already knew that at the end of this fight, no matter what, the guild was going to recognize his efforts. One way or the other.

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