
True Kun Peng

Suddenly, as if a force of unimaginable magnitude had been unleashed, the intricate runic chains that encased the Kun Peng's form shattered into countless minuscule fragments. The release of its unfathomable power reverberated through the air with a deafening boom, shaking the very foundations of the domain and causing the souls of all living beings to tremble in response.

Powerful entities from every realm gazed upward in confusion and awe, their expressions filled with a mix of astonishment and trepidation.

Deep within the heart of the planet Nexus, an aged man slowly opened his eyes, a deep frown etched across his face. Sensing an imminent threat, he felt an urgent foreboding which compelled him to take immediate action.

In the depths of the devil court, a man adorned with an alluring yet devilish countenance widened his eyes in bewilderment. The surprise that danced within his irises betrayed the notion that this event had caught even him off guard.

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