
Different worlds (1)

"So you mean to tell me that you knew they had put the beetles and worms in your bed and you got revenge on them with a snake? I'm impressed," Cara clapped her hands at how well Annalise played the game.

"Not too loud," Annalise whispered, looking at the other Callahan servants getting out of the carriages. "I don't want to get fired. You know Laura and Tanya must already be complaining to Mavis about me."

"Complaining about what? I wish I could have rode with the two of you," Aria, another one of the maids said. "Some friends the two of you are for going into a carriage without me."

"We're sorry. We were so caught up in what happened with the snake so we didn't look around for you, "Cara said, leaving Annalise's side to give Aria a hug. "Did you see Tanya and all the girls screaming? It was hilarious."

"It was something," Aria said as she hugged Cara back. She looked at Annalise who she had not seen for more than a day, but she had heard about Annalise becoming Beatrice's maid already. "It was a good thing Rafael was there to help them. So Annalise, what is it like to be Beatrice's maid? It's all everyone can talk about right now. They think you have a good chance of becoming Rafael's maid when Beatrice leaves. How exciting."

"Don't be jealous," Cara nudged Aria as she was picking up some sarcasm in Aria's words.

"I am not," Aria replied. "I try to do my work to earn myself a better position, but then there are some people who get things through other means. It's hard to wrap my mind around how you became Beatrice's maid when Mavis was looking to fire you two days ago. You have to teach me your ways."

"First off, I highly doubt I will be picked by Mavis or Rafael himself to become his maid. Secondly, I was just being myself and caught Beatrice's attention. Most of you try too hard and it is evident you are getting closer to her in hopes of getting something in return. More than just raising your position amongst us servants. Do your job, but show your personality is my advice," Annalise said.

"If Annalise were to be picked as Rafael's personal maid, there would be so much anger and jealousy amongst the maids. It's a fair win for whoever gets the position. Part of getting that job is to be one of Mavis's favorites and Annalise already lost at that part. It's fun to talk to you two, but I have one day to get everything I need or I will have to wait until I am off again. See you at five," Cara yelled to the two as she hurried to the dressmaker to get her dress.

"When will she spend her money on anything other than dresses that she will not get the chance to wear? I have to go visit a relative," Aria quickly spoke before Annalise could suggest walking around together.

"Okay," Annalise replied, not understanding why Aria was acting so strange. She was getting the feeling that Aria was a bit upset with her being Beatrice's maid. With all of this anger, you would think Annalise was a maid for Queen Hazel. "I plan on getting a good look around the market so excuse me," she said, leaving first.

Annalise had somewhere to be and by now, she was a tad bit late. Annalise walked through the busy market, inspecting the stalls full of fruits, meats, and other good things that she wanted to buy when she was finished with her task.

Annalise walked further away from the busy side of the market to an area that some would not call safe. No one with money would come to this side unless they had a guard, could protect themselves, or were desperately searching for something that could not be found in the other market.

Annalise paid careful attention to her surroundings by occasionally looking behind her to make sure no one from the Callahan household was following her. She wouldn't put it past some of the maids to be nosy and try seeing where she went on her day off. No one seemed to know how to focus on their own lives.

"Haven't they been told not to stare?" Annalise asked herself when she met the eyes of men who seemed more than happy to see a lady like herself around here.

She heard of how some girls were taken when walking around the market and placed in the red-light district. Their families would then have to pay a high amount to get their daughters out of these businesses before they would lose their virtue. These kidnappings grew during Rafael's



Annalise's warning was cut short by someone covering her mouth with their hands and pulling her out of the view of those who were watching her.

"It's me," she was told.

"I am aware," Annalise's muffled voice was heard. "Remove your hands before you lose a finger, Thomas."

"Sorry," Thomas did as he was told.

Annalise took a deep breath first before inspecting Thomas's appearance. He was dressed as if he had just come from taking care of farm animals or rolling around in mud because of the wet mud coating most of his pants. "Would it kill you to clean up before you meet me, Thomas?"

Thomas looked down at his clothes and brushed away a leaf which had not helped his appearance. "I'm sorry mistre-"

Annalise covered his mouth before he could mention the word she had banned him from using when they came to this town. "What are you doing?" She hissed, annoyed by Thomas's carelessness. "Do you want people to find it odd for you to be addressing me as such? I don't want my time here to be ruined already. Understood?"

Thomas nodded his head. "I'm sorry. I lost track of where we were for a moment. I've heard he has returned to town. Have you seen him?"

"I work for him, Thomas. Of course, I have seen him. What is wrong with you today? Come with me," Annalise held Thomas's hand to take him somewhere they would be out of sight. "Have you heard any news from back home?"

"No, but I've heard the people here talking about trouble at the border. I don't want to get too close to home and not be able to come back to see you. Are you sure it is safe for you to be so close to him alone? I still think I should come to work there with you to keep you safe."

"I am a better fighter than you are, Thomas. I've beaten you in every match we played against each other. It is not safe for more than one of us to gather in the same place and I need you to keep an eye on what is happening at home. I am safe for the moment. Though there are some fools I need to put up with," Annalise sighed.

Thomas was alarmed by this. "Is someone troubling you?"

"There's a few jealous maids who put beetles and worms in my bed. I've taken care of them for now," Annalise replied, smiling as she thought about the snake.

"Don't tell me you've killed them?!" Thomas panicked.

The link to my discord server is on my profile!

Violet_167creators' thoughts
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