
Volume 1, Part 9: Ada, you are a Promiscuous Female.

The chapter would've come out early, but wattpad removed the whole chapter. So, the quality of this chapter isn't as good as the others since I didn't put any effort into rewriting the whole darn thing. Will be back with prior quality in the next chapter. Comment to let me know of your views and leave a vote for a highly not consistent uploads at the most random frequencies. And I'll see you all next time. Peace!

4577 words


Julian dipped his head as he introduced himself. Luffy is his nickname, huh. Why is there a feeling that he will suddenly extend his limbs? If Sylph was so optimistic, he might not have been bullied. Never mind that, how did Julian know about Sylph's father?

"Have you met already?" I asked Julian and looked at Sylph's father from the corner of my eye.

"Ohh, I've heard about you. You're Paul's older son, Rudeus, right? You're really a polite child. Oh, my apologies. I'm Rawls. I'm usually hunting in the forest." He introduced himself. According to him, this watch tower is meant to observe if any monsters come from the forest. It is manned 24 hours a day, patrolled by the men of the village. Paul has brought Julian with him a few times, so Rawls has met up with him before, and the two of them have discussed their children with each other.

"Our child appears this way because she resembles our ancestors a little. Please get along well with this child." He spoke with a subtle tremor in his voice. It was natural for him to act like this. Being the father of a kid who was facing extreme prejudice just because of something he couldn't even control neither was he responsible for it, must be mentally exhausting. Discrimination, or in other words, Bigotry was something that was common not only in this world, but also my previous one. It might get wattered down and people might seem to act like they have accepted the other stratum of former victimised outcasts, but the hate and skepticism that is base of the prejudice always lingers.

"Of course. Even if Sylph is from the Supard race, my attitude will not change. I swear upon my father's name." What I said was true. The bias for demons stems from the multiple great wars over the course of past few hundred years. But a reason could be due to the leadership of that time. It wasn't like demons were inherently evil or bad. I mean, look at Roxy. Calling such a girl evil would be downright worthy of getting executed. I could relate to Sylph's condition in this case. I was discriminated against, and my life was made a living hell because I was fat.

Hence, I was not going to follow or even consider a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. My personal experience with Roxy was something that I can never forget. And Sylph was so harmless himself. He was subjected to physical bullying. I wasn't going to assume him as evil just because he has green hair. That is just ridiculous. After hearing what I said, Rawls uttered a voice of admiration.

"You understand about honor at such a young age... I'm envious of Paul having such an excellent child." He replied as he drew in a wavering breath, a sense of longing in his eyes as he looked at Sylph who was nervously fidgeting with his fingers.

"Being excellent when one is young does not mean that one will continue to be excellent. It's not too late if you want to be envious. You can wait until Sylph grows up." Comparison is a killer of joy. That is something I had learnt from my 40 years of worthless life. Comparing Sylph who's growth had been hindered by the objective bullying to me---someone who has the knowledge and mental maturity of someone reaching 50 years of age is just... wrong.

I comforted Sylph at the same time as I talked.

"I see... You both are exactly as Paul described." His tone changed completely, replaced by an impressed shine in his eyes.

"...What did father say?"

"He says he loses confidence as a father when he is around you two."

I tilted my head in confusion. "Well, I can already see how mature and knowledgeable you are. As for Julian," he paused and looked at him. Julian had a straight face but looked a bit confused as well, "you can't fool me. I can feel power spilling out from him. It's not magic. But I feel something." He explained and looked back at me.

"Is that so. Well, we will try to do some wrong things from now on so he can give us a sermon." I replied with a light-hearted chuckle, trying to eliminate the tension lingering. But still, why can't I feel Julian's presence like Rawls said? Is it because my lack of ability to use Touki? I do not know the exact reason behind it, but it seems like that would be the case.

The corner of my sleeves suddenly pulled as I was talking about this. When I looked back, I saw that Sylph was lowering his head while pulling on my sleeves. Is it too boring for a child when adults are talking? I mean, seriously, are we adult humans just big snoozefests to these pint-sized wonders?

Wait... he did seemed bored... but...

...he was scared as well. Huh? Why?

Aligning my line of sight with him, I saw Julian looking at Sylph like a ravenous predator who's ready to pounce on its prey any moment and rip it to pieces or like a mad scientist with an uncanny glee in his eyes. Goodness gracious, what's up with that intense gaze?

Hold on a second...

Could it be... that my brother isn't exactly on the straight and narrow path? Could it be that my dear brother isn't exactly a straight shooter?

Is he...


FABULOUSLY GAY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? A BLOODY SHOTA-CON AT THAT???!!!!????????

Just kill me at this point. I could feel the tension bubbling like lava as he started at Sylph, his eyes starting to glow.

"Psst, Julian. Your eyes." I whispered as he suddenly looked at me, removing his chin from his index and thumb. He carried a confused look on his face. Looks like he isn't able to fully control it. It was almost 2 years ago that I found out about his glowing eyes. He told me that it happens due to him using mana or being in a state of trance which he refers to as a state in which he is thinking about something. While I don't buy a word he says, I think it is correct decision to not tell our parents anything since it isn't a hindrance to him anyways. If anything, I can feel my own magic getting disrupted.

Sensing the rising discomfort, I tried to ease it a little, "Rawls-san. Can we play for a little while?"

"Ah, of course. But don't approach the forest." He agreed almost instantly adding in a little advice at the end. It isn't really necessary for this point to be said... But it's probably insufficient. Knowing Julian's highly curious nature, he might end up going there. If he didn't mention it, maybe he wouldn't have. Well, I guess I just have to force him to play with us today.

"There's a really big tree up on the hill when we came here. We will play over there, and I'll bring Sylph back before the sun sets. But if you don't see us when you return home, then the possibility of us being in some form of trouble is very high, so please search for us then." Once again, this was something Sylph's father should've said but its ok that one of us says it. Just as a precautionary measure.

"Ah... Hah." He stammered. Well, you see, this is a world without handphones. Reports, communications and discussions must be held up. There is no possible way to completely avoid accidents. It is imperative to immediately take corrective actions. Even though there is good national security in this country, one wouldn't know what sort of dangers are lurking. Especially when the potential targets are two kids---one of them being a target of racial discrimination.

Amidst Rawls' stunned gaze, we started to walk towards the big tree in the hills. Julian was walking behind us, looking here and there as he walked. The way he was looking, it made him look like a doberaman, always vigilant and looking around. Was there something bothering him? Or was someone following us? I couldn't tell. But anyways.

"Well what should we play?" I asked, excitedly.

"I'll go home. I am tired. And I'm hungry." Julian interjected and immediately turned, tucking his hands into his pockets.

"Hey, Julian. Why don't you stay and play a little?" I called out to him, my raised voice echoing.

"If I stay, you'll surely have trouble later." He replied in a vague way and waved his hand. I watched him as his form disappeared while walking in the direction of our house.

"....D-Do you think h-he ha-hates me because of my hair c-colour?" Sylph asked, his voice squeaking.

"What? No, of course not. He just isn't much of a social person. He'd never do anything like this." I assured her. While I didn't know why he left after being so interested in him and what he meant by his previous dialogue, I chose not to focus on it. I will know once I reach home. But I can feel a weird premonition. Shaking my head, I got rid of those thought.

"So, what do you want to play?" I redirected my attention to Sylph.

"D-don't know... I never played with f-friends before..." Never played with friends or rather never had friends. Whatever the case might be, Sylph seems to be hesitating about the "friends" issue. He probably didn't have any friends before. How sad. Even though I don't have friends now either.

"Hmm. Come to think of it, I'm also one who has stayed indoors until now. What shall we play?" Sylph fidgeted with his hands and looked up to me by raising his head. I'm about the same height as he is, but he's bending his body while raising his head to look at me.

"Erm, why do you change between I (BOKU) and I (ORE) from time to time?" Well, that was an unexpected question.

"Hm? Ahh. It's impolite if you don't change your speech accordingly to match the person's position. It's necessary to use polite speech towards someone with a higher position." I explained.

"Polite speech?"

"It is what I did earlier."

"Hrm?" He doesn't seem to understand, but this is something that one will slowly learn. This is how one becomes an adult.

"Instead of this, about that earlier, teach me."

"That earlier?"

Sylph blinked and used his hands to explain. "The hot water that gushes out from your hands, and the hot wind that blows. That."

"Ah--. That." The magic that I used to wash off the mud from him.

"Is it hard?"

"Even though it's hard, if you practice, anyone can do it... probably." My recent capacity of mana has increased so much that I don't know how much I have. Plus, I'm not sure about the average mana capacity of the people here. Although, it is just using fire magic to heat up water. If it's not using voiceless incantations to create instant hot water, then anyone is probably able to replicate it using melded magic. So, it should be fine. Probably.

"Alright. From today onward we will have special training!!"

Sylph and I played like this until dark.


The discovery about the girl---Sylph or that is what she introduced herself as wasn't as fascinating as I thought. The peculiar magic talent was because of her mixed lineage. She doesn't seem to have any real use or worth to me. And besides, her psyche has been damaged enough already. While it wasn't late to mend it, I don't see a merit in doing so.

However, since I had a second chance at life, I tagged along with Rudeus and Sylph to play whatever game they were about to play. However, on the way to the hill, while we were walking uphill, I saw one of the bullies from before, being dragged along by a woman---most probably his mother as they walked in a certain direction. From this much distance, their destination can be pretty much anywhere but factoring in the previous events, I was almost certain of what was about to happen.

"I'll go home. I am tired. And I'm hungry." I lied. If my doubts are correct, Rudeus would be in trouble. While they could blame me, I had far too much time with Paul while forging an image of myself as someone who isn't violent towards humans at all. Naturally, the villagers know me as well. Seeing from a logical perspective, the natural aim to transfer any sort of blame would be Rudeus.

The reason to do so?

There were many women in the village who had a crush on Paul. While he was handsome, his face wasn't all that great. What made women fawn over him was his charisma and his battle abilities. Women are prone to find men stronger than them attractive. And within this small village, Paul was arguably the strongest. Coupled with his natural charisma, it was natural for many women to try to get intimate with him. And the fact that Rudeus had a minor altercation with this bully provided that chance of 'private' meeting to that woman.

As I reached home, I announced my presence, "I am back, dad." I spoke up as Lilia came running in my direction. She had a pair of clothes on her arm and was smiling widely, "Welcome back, little Julian."

"Thanks, Lilia." I replied as she was about to usher me to my room for my bath.

"Where is dad?" I asked.

"Hmm? Master Paul is in a meeting with someone." She replied and I could see her expressions waver.

"Hm. I'd talk to him first and then take a bath."

"He is quite mad, just so you know." Her tone changed, replaced by a much more casual one. Unlike Rudeus, who freaked her out, I was quite close to Lilia. Maybe it was because of the stark contrast between us that she got really infatuated with me. She would often talk about having a kid just like me for herself as well. While I do admire this wish, I don't think it will end well for this family.

Or maybe I am reading too much into it. I should just mind my business.

"I know. I still want to talk to him." I replied.

"Brace yourself." She said with an exasperated exhale.

Nodding in her direction, I went towards the simply furnished drawing room. Knocking on the door once, I entered.

"Good evening, father." I greeted. He jerked his head towards me, his face a mix of apology and rage. My gaze swept over to the woman sitting in front of him, wearing a rather bold piece of clothing, with her breasts threatening to spill out any second. Besides him was her son---the bully from before, his eye blue. There was no doubt about it. He had been punched. That much was true. But the ashamed and forced look on his face already gave away their real intentions.

"I don't think my evening is that good, Julian." Paul said with gritted teeth. The woman let out a 'hmph', oozing spite and malice towards me.

Did I interrupt something?


Paul isn't interested in anyone who's breasts are below a certain size. She clearly fell into the lower stratum; hence it was safe to assume he wasn't mad because I interrupted something. Paul was actually mad at us for something she said.

"I do not understand," I replied, keeping my composure. I was certain she was using this situation to her advantage, but I wasn't sure what kind of story filled with lies she had spew.

Suddenly, Paul stood up. The table in front of him hit his knee and went rolling towards the woman seated in front of him marginally. She and her son recoiled at the sight first but calmed down soon as they saw him look at me with an anger-stricken face. He showed off an angry gesture. Both of his hands were on his waist after he walked over and stood in front of me, his frame towering over me.

The vein on his temple was bulging. I could sense his muscle twitching. He was ready to hit me. Looks like she really did lie about something that really made him angry. What could it be, I wonder? Definitely not the bruised eye, yeah?

Who could've guessed!

"Do you know why I'm angry?"

"Not really." I replied with a nonchalant look.

"Mrs. Ada came to look for me all the way from her home. Why did you and Rudy hit her kid, Somar?" Oh, so his name is Somar. "Scratch that, where is Rudy?" He asked again, this time his voice harsher than before.

"Rudy actually saved a kid from Somar and his friends who were bullying Mr. Rawls daughter for being an outcast." I presented my stance, as a matter-of-factly.

"How rude! Are you trying to point towards my upbringing? Are you trying to imply that I am inadequate as a parent?" She raged, her composure still there though. It seems like she was trying to play the victim role, trying to bend my words and use her "woman" card to get out of a logical discussion.

"I didn't really mention you at all. I pointed towards the objective bullying your son and his friends were taking part in. Please avoid gaslighting my narrative." I replied with a subtle bow, indicating my respect.

The woman was suddenly taken aback, her words getting caught in her throat as she struggled to form words, "H-How rude! Is this how you raised your kids, Paul? I-"

Before she could finish, Paul hit me in the face. I could've protected myself, but it was not worth it. Although, the slap did sting, and I was sure my cheek was red by now, the time was right now. I was waiting for the discussion to get physical. I planned on revealing the holes in their plan right after Paul hits me. This would cause him to contemplate on his actions and not act on whims and get deceived so easily. Normally, I couldn't care less about people falling for tricks. But in this case, it was my father.

Paul wasn't a bad or stupid person. He was just too young. Having kids at his age and handling them is a hard task. The weight of realisation of his own mistake for using violence on his own kid would have a crushing effect on his psyche. Which in this case... is utterly necessary.

"Don't make excuses, Julian. That mark isn't some makeup. Its a genuine punch mark," he said, more and more emotions spilling out of his words, "I thought I had talented and powerful kids who would use their gifted powers to use it for the weak. But look at you," he paused and looked at me with a look of disappointment, "you disappointed me, Julian. You really did. You and Rudy both. I won't let him off the hook either."

"The feeling of disappointment is mutual, dad." I replied, looking up. The burn on my cheek was quite higher than what I had anticipated. Paul sure was as strong man.

"You..." Paul looked down with a look that was an alchemy of different feelings.

"First and foremost," I started by raising my finger in the air, "the positioning of the bruise on his face is highly indicative of a self-administered blow."


"Please, Mrs. Ada, let him speak. I want him to present everything he has planned," he narrowed his eyes, "If it ends up as a way of extending your time, you're going to have one hell of a time, young man."

"That won't be needed," I assured him with a shrug and started talking again, "The contusion resides precisely in an area where person's own fist, when hit with force, would most likely make contact. The angle and trajectory align with the natural mechanics of an inwardly directed punch, rather than an external strike from an opposing party." I finished talking as he looked back and took a step towards the boy, lowering himself and observing his eye.

"This..." He paused in his tracks, his eyes wide open.

"You surely do not trust this violent kid, right?" The woman spoke.

"Mind your language, miss. The kid you keep accusing is my son after all."

"Oh? So, you are going to neglect your duties and take your son's side now, yeah Paul?"

Paul was taken aback by her statement.

I sighed. Seriously, this man has no skill in a logical argument.

"What he means is that you have no leverage over us. So, most respectfully, stop acting like you have the upper hand and keep your volume down." I spoke in Paul's stead. Paul didn't seem to mind this time however, he was still tense.

"What a rude kid!"

"Inability to comprehend and engage in a fair and two-sided conversation shouldn't be blamed on rudeness. You accuse me of being violent with your kid while it was Rudeus who fought him. And the fight involved throwing mudballs at each other. Furthermore, if we both teamed up, why does he have a single bruise on his one eye?"

"No. They beat me up all over. Only one strike reached my face since I was protecting my head." The boy interjected after his mother secretly pinched the flesh on his arm, prompting him to take part in this lie.

"Then you won't mind showing one more wound or mark or even redness from the strikes, yes?"

The woman seemed completely lost now, trying everything to defend herself, "I won't let my kid strip here."

"You can do it in front of my mom or our maid, Lilia. Since, a kid has been beaten up and you have arrived at our doorstep, we will see this matter through to the end."

I needed to end this right now. Otherwise, she will make a fuss over everything I or Rudy do. And I can't allow that. I won't be around after a little time. I need to make sure Rudy has the nigh optimal conditions for his nourishment.

"We are done here." She stood up and picked her boy up by his arm. As she walked towards the door, Paul spoke up, "Miss Ada. If you ever do this act of false accusations again, legal actions would be in order."

Her whole body trembled. If it was me who said that she would've made another issue out of it. But since the root cause of all of this was to get in bed with Paul and exactly the same person told her off, she lost all hope and went away.

Once she left, there was a moment of silence.

"Julian, I-"

I can walk away and act sad to make him regret everything he did. But that won't teach him anything. He needs to learn.

"It's ok. You got deceived. That's all." I replied. If I forgive him, the debilitating and crushing weight of his little conscience would make him think before he speaks or acts in the future.

This will do.

"No, I am really sorry..."

"Its ok. I am neither mad nor sad."

I was disappointed in him. But of course, I won't say that out loud.

Or was I disappointed? I could feel a hollow emptiness towards this situation.

Anyways, just like that, the threat was thwarted, and Rudy didn't even become aware of the whole ordeal.



Bloomin' 'eck...

I'm an absolute numpty, I am.

A proper scoundrel, I tell ya.

Should've just stuck me 'ead in a pile of horse muck, I reckon.

Blimey, what was I thinkin'. Ain't I daft?

'Ere's me boy, all calm and collected, a bloomin' genius, I tell ya. And 'ere's me, blunderin' about like a proper pillock, can't even see the obvious trap in front of me. I must've got a degree in thickheadedness.


How did things come to such a pass... I ask myself?

'Twas this very afternoon when Mrs. Ada stormed into our humble abode, raisin' a right ruckus, she did. Draggin' along her young scamp, Somar, who's been widely known as a proper rascal among the neighborhood folk, with a pair of bruised peepers that even a seasoned swordsman like meself could discern as the telltale signs of a sound thrashin'.

Mrs. Ada's words were a tad murky, but the crux of the matter seemed to be that me own lads---Rudy and Jule, the apples of me eye, had ganged up delivered a solid wallop to young Somar. A curious mix of emotions washed over me, for I found meself somewhat relieved. You see, it's likely that Rudi and Jules, me lads, simply desired to join the company of Somar and his cohorts for a spot o' play. Yet, me boys is unlike the other tykes 'round these parts. One's a wizard of the highest caliber, holdin' the rank of a Water-Saint at such a tender age. The other is an advanced rank swordsman who is holdin' an equal streak of wins and losses against me. Methinks his tongue, ever the sharp tool, must've uttered some haughty words, promptin' a fiery skirmish when met with a retort.

In any case, even with me offering me sincerest apology, I reckon Julian may still bear a grudge. After all, he's me own flesh and blood, me dear son. I've gained a right valuable lesson about life from the lad, I must say. And by Jove, I'll make every effort to ensure me own child doesn't suffer the same fate as I did at the hands of me own old man.

In me youth, I encountered such situations as well. Me own father, bless his heart, never took a moment to truly listen to me, instead merely pointing out me flaws. It left me perpetually discontented, I must admit.

What a blunder it was, this notion that "education is an absolute necessity." Ha! The audacity...But then, there's Rudeus, me own flesh and blood, who showed no inclination to cast blame upon me. In fact, the lad went so far as to console me in the end. Truly, he's an extraordinary son.

Sometimes I can't believe he's really me own... No, even among the folks Zenith may have had a dalliance with, there wasn't a single soul so remarkably brilliant.

Oh, my word... Could it be that me seed is of such exceptional quality...

Rather than proclaiming me pride, I dare say me stomach churns in a peculiar manner.

Later on, young Rudy and Julian kindly acquainted me with their newfound chum, the poor soul who had fallen victim to the bullies.

I suppose I ought to be joyous for me lad's first comrade, although it did appear that the lad felt more at ease in Rudy's company and a wee bit apprehensive around Julian.

Well, irrespective of the circumstances, it appears I've played the part of a dim-witted and foolish father. It's high time I engage in some serious self-reflection, so as to spare meself the agony of witnessing that look of embarrassment and disappointment on me dear son's face once more.

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