
Nuptial Night.

After the marriage, Stiles and Eve mingled with their guest.

As the customs required, Eve was not allowed to take off her veil till the nuptial night, when her husband would witness her outstanding beauty.

It was a custom Eve had no qualms with. After all, she would ct be able to astonish Stiles with her beauty and have some alone time with him.

As for Stiles, he could only think of fulfilling the condition. Goerge had not laid any alternative before him, so Stiles could not take the risk of considering a 'maybe'.

Slowly, time passed by, the guests excusing themselves to let Stiles and Eve prepare for their alone time.

Since they were underage, nobody expected them to become intimate sexually. Though, they could do many other activities, like talk about their future and tell jokes among others.

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