
Display of Intellect

Ever since Mama helped me understand the role of a support, my mindset started to change.

It was like a catalyst that turned me motivated to do even the things that I couldn't even try because of my anxiety. But Mama opened my eyes and told me that even if I couldn't use Astral Magic, I can still be helpful in my own ways. I just have to try my best and become the ideal person for those who needed help.

And so another year has passed.

With her condition in place, Mama made enough time to educate me about the world. In the past, Mama and Papa are thinking of hiring a personal tutor or even sending me to an elementary school but they have decided not to because of my special circumstances.

Apparently, it seems like I was too knowledgeable despite my age so I had to skip everything including elementary school education.

Of course, that didn't mean that I shouldn't study what the other kids are currently learning in their curriculum so Mama became my personal adviser and tutor and taught me everything I should learn.

These include the subjects that are the standards for the term:

Math, English, Science, History, Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health.

Mama is good at everything so she drilled every topic in my brain every single day during our study sessions. Because of that, I kinda developed my mind too much that I can now solve things and answer without reviewing. She was harsh at first but I had to keep following or else I would lose the chance.

For Physical Education, Papa is the one training me. He would always call me in our training yard outside and do basic warm-ups and then run around for a few laps. After that, he would record my progress within a sheet as I do all calisthenics and cardio exercises.

Astral Magic training is also included in this session so it's exhausting.

By the way, now that Lynn is six-years-old, she is now joining me in study sessions with Mama but there's a bit of a problem.

Lynn slacks off too much and couldn't process information very well. Even Mama has regressed our topics to basic terms but she still couldn't understand it. I think it was too early for Lynn to study so Mama left her to Papa which, for some reason, worked.

Lynn becomes highly energetic and always seems to be on her right mind whenever she is training Astral Magic with Papa.

Mama and I observed for a while and it seems like our expectation was on point. From the very beginning, Lynn has always been full of energy and reckless, just like Papa in the past. That means her inheriting Papa's genes was the correct assumption all along so we moved on.

By the way, apart from exercises, I also take a short time building my small muscles using the not-so-heavy dumbells from Papa's workshop. Building muscles is also important so that it would improve my strength. I want to be able to carry my stuff especially if it is heavy like the hardware from my personal workspace.

I didn't want to bother the maids or the butlers with my stuff so I had to train myself.


Another week has passed. Lynn and I are currently attending Mama's lessons. The topic this time was simple biology.

In order to make the lesson enjoyable for Lynn, mama had somewhat prepared a visual presentation as well as a little game at intervals between her lessons. According to a few researchers, One of the easiest ways to ensure that learners store information in their long-term memory is to pair concepts with meaningful images. Visuals help students make sense of the content and direct attention, increasing the possibility that the learners will remember the material.

And it was a success. Lynn could store the information clearly and she was working hard as well to catch up with me. At the very least, I don't have to worry about my little sister's future in education.

Still, I can really see a resemblance between her and Papa. Mama once told me that Papa was an idiot and always pushes whatever he thinks and I think I could see that with Lynn but it's nothing major or serious.

"And that brings us to the end of our lesson..." After a few minutes, Mama finally ended the lesson.

"Phew, that was... too much... for me..." Lynn slumped on her table, looking tired.

"Good job, Lynn. You've made it this far, you deserve a break..." I smiled and patted her head. She has been dealing with this constant surge of information for a while now and she tried her best to catch up so I'm pretty proud of her result.

"Big brother... Hee hee! Can we play later, Big Brother?!" She asked, looking excited.

"Hmm..." My eyebrows curled. As much as I want to spend time with my little sister, I shouldn't slack when it comes to my own personal work. "S-Sorry, Lynn... Your Big Brother has something to do after this..." I could only apologize to her.

"Hmm? Are you working on something, sweetie?" Mama asked. Lynn looked at me with curiosity and she doesn't seem to mind.

"Well, umm... I'm studying something related to programming so... Also, I made a machine a few days ago and I need to fix it..." I explained to them what I have been up to for the past few weeks.

First off, I learned a few things about engineering so I started building a simple electric fan but it didn't end up quite well. I thought the error has something to do with my own framework but I figured it was the wiring. I still don't understand the secret behind electricity so I kept on testing and testing but it still didn't work.

To fix it, I had to disassemble a small electric fan and I studied the parts closely including the wirings, and listed down the mistake that I have made. Since then, the small fan that I build is now working as my desk fan and it is portable so I can bring it wherever I want.

After that, I studied programming by learning all of the available Languages in the World Server and it is a bit too difficult so I gave up. But then I found a website that teaches simple programming with example codes so I decided to take my time learning them instead. And now I'm on my way to reaching the second topic so...

"That's why I couldn't have any free time for now..." I rubbed the back of my head as I revealed to them what I'm doing.

"That's amazing, Big Brother! You can build a fan?" Lynn jumped and clung to my arm. It seems like she was interested in what I'm doing which made me happy.

"Y-Yeah, just simple one though..." I answered.

"To think that you were able to build something at this age, hah..." Mama heaved a sigh and then smiled. "Seriously, you really are something else, sweetie. I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you, Mama! It's because of you that I was able to make it!" I bowed and thanked her.

"Why don't we eat lunch—" As Mama tried to say something, someone knocked on the door from the outside.

"Ma'am Rena! Ma'am Rena!"

"Hmm? Is that Sarra?"

"I'll go get it." I stood up from my chair and opened the door. There, Sarra was panting really hard and she seems to be panicking.

"Miss Sara, what's wrong?" I asked.

"M-Millie... Millie collapsed!" She screamed.


"S-She was just fine this morning but then I noticed she was kinda pale and then when we went to the garden, she suddenly fainted. Layla and the butlers brought her back to the lounge to rest..."

"Take me to her, Miss Sarra." I nudged her.

"Go with Aiden, dear. I will contact medical personnel..." Mama instructed.

"Y-Yes, Ma'am!"


I followed Sarra to the lounge and I discovered Millie laying down on the sofa near the window.

"Sarra? How did it go?" Layla asked.

"Ma'am Rena is contacting a doctor so we should be fine." She answered quickly.

Fainting is a common occurrence when someone is not feeling well. It's either they are feeling sick, doesn't have enough sleep, or just generally tired or exhausted.

But I don't suppose that Millie collapsed because of fatigue. Mama and Papa don't encourage overworking and they follow the standard procedure of their routine with breaks in between. All servants in this house should've enough rest before they start their job and if they're feeling sick, someone would be able to patch up for them.

I moved over to the side and approached Millie closely.

"S-Sir Aiden?" Layla turned to me. I then gestured for her to step back to which she nodded and followed.

Diagnosing a sick patient is out of my field and I've never considered studying more about medical treatment. However, I do have adequate knowledge of how to discern simple sicknesses just by checking their pulse, and their body's general status.

I first placed my hand over her forehead and focused on feeling her temperature. When I did so, I gasped in surprise.

"This is..."

"Hmm? What's wrong, Sir Aiden?" Layla and Sarra moved closer.

My palms felt like they'd touched a roasting pan. Her temperature exceeds normal and she was sweating profusely. I then grasp her arms and hands and they all felt the same. Her skin was dry and it was very hot.

"Miss Layla, Miss Sara, what did Miss Millie do before she fainted?" I asked them, my tone shifted to seriousness.

"She was outside the garden cutting some excessive grass and tending to flowers..." Layla answered. "I was with her the whole so time and noticed that she was feeling unwell."

"Did you notice anything else? Specifically about her behavior..." I went for more information.

"Well, umm... it kinda seems like she was confused and her speech is slurred. She was also feeling dizzy before she left the dining room." She explained.

"I knew it..." I quickly stood up and started opening the windows from behind the counter. I should've expected that this would be the case since the whole house is hot. Opening the windows would let release the heated air and provide enough ventilation to cool the room.

"S-Sir Aiden?" Both Layla and Sarra looked at me, bewildered by my sudden actions.

"Miss Layla, Miss Millie, may I ask you two to please get the electric fan outside and place it here? I also need a block of ice if possible and a towel." I instructed them.


After a few seconds, Layla and Sarra came back with the things that I'd asked them.

I first placed the electric fan near the side and faced it through the couch. That way, the cool air will be directed to Millie's position. I then took the block of ice and placed it on a container and poured water on it. Once the water got cold, I immediately soak the towel, squeezed it, and applied it to Millie's forehead.

Once she felt the coldness, her breathing returned to normal. I then soaked the towel again in the cold water and wiped it on her arms and legs. I asked Sarra to do the same on the opposite side.

"She seems to be in good condition now... Sir Aiden, what happened?" Layla asked.

"It's a heat stroke," I answered.

"W-What?!" Sarra exclaimed as she heard my answer.

"Confusion, slurred speech, loss of consciousness, hot and dry skin, profuse sweating, and high body temperature. There's no doubt that this is a heat stroke or at least a symptom of it. If I remember, the local news said that the heat index plunged from eighty degrees Fahrenheit to ninety degrees Fahrenheit today so that might be the cause." I explained.

"Is she going to be fine?" Layla asked.

"She's stable for now..."

'U-Urgh..." Suddenly, Millie slowly opened her eyes as her consciousness returned. It hasn't been that long since she passed out so her condition is stable. "W-What happened?"

"Wah! Millie!" Sarra then embraced Millie and broke down into tears. "I thought you were going to die!"

"S-Sarra? Don't be stupid, it's just a headache..." She tried to downplay the situation but... "Wait. Sir Aiden? Layla? What's going on?"

"You were experiencing heat stroke, Millie. Sir Aiden is the one who treated you while you were unconscious." Layla responded.

"S-Sir Aiden?! Oh no... I apologize, Sir Aiden! It looks like I've troubled you with my health!" Millie pushed Sarra and quickly bowed down in front of me.

"I-It's fine, Miss Millie. I'm just glad that you're okay now. Here..." I grabbed something from the cooler that I brought earlier and gave a long piece of ice to Millie.

"What's this?"

"It's called an Ice Candy. It's like an Ice cream or popsicle but in plastic. Try it..." I gave one to Sarra and Layla as well.

I was actually thinking of selling these Ice Candies to the staff so I can earn a little bit of income for myself. Apparently, Ice Candies are popular in the Philippines especially during the hot or summer season because the heat in that country is pretty high.

Most of the time, they would sell Ice Candies in a pack or Ice cream but since Ice Candies are cheap, all the people loved it and a lot of independent mothers are selling it.

"Mhmm! This is so sweet and delicious!" Sarra exclaimed as she take a sip.

"You're right, it tastes the same as a popsicle but this one is more delicious. The sweetness is well-balanced and what makes it better is that the ice itself is edible. How did you make this, Sir Aiden?" Layla looked at me. Her expression tells me that she is curious so I might as well explain it.

"You only need four ingredients: Evaporated Milk, Sugar, fruit, and food coloring," I answered.

""That's all?!""

"Yep. The flavor that I used this time is mango. First off, peel the fruit and scrape of the mangoes. Use a large container so that you have enough space for the mix. After that, add the sugar and the evaporated milk, and a little bit of water until the container is full then mix them all together. Then, add the food coloring so that it gives yellowish color accompanied by the flavor. After that, grab the long piece of plastic and use the funnel to fill it with the mix and then freeze them overnight." I explained the procedure.

"I see, so that's how you make it... But, Sir Aiden. Why did you make this?" Layla asked.

"I realized that it's getting hotter so I tried to make one. I was planning on selling this so that I can earn a little bit of income but..." Should I tell them that I've made at least one-hundred Ice Candies?

"Hmm, then how about this, Sir Aiden..." Millie thought for a while and then grabbed my hand. "I'm guessing that you've made a lot of these Ice Candies, right? Then why don't I help you in selling them?"


"As thanks for treating me, I want to help you in your small business. You don't have to pay me or anything, all income would be deposited through you." Millie continued.

"Wait, but..." I can't let her go like this. It's not like I'm sure that I would be selling them. In the first place, it's pretty hard to sell Ice Candies when you are living in a subdivision. It's hard to gather all people. Also, it's hot outside so selling them by walking every day is out of the option.

"I will help as well, Sir Aiden."

"Miss Sarra?"

"Understood, I will also try my best to make sure that this product sells."

"Miss Layla?"

All three of them insisted on helping me but... I'm worried about their health. I can't just let them do this all for me.

"I appreciate the thought, Miss Layla, Miss Sarra, Miss Millie, but I can't just leave this to all of you... I'm worried about everyone's health now that we have one case of heat stroke." I tried to explain but...

"We insist, Sir Aiden. Don't worry about us, I will not let myself get sick again!" Millie pumped her chest.


"I heard the situation..." While we are in the middle of a discussion, Mama and Lynn suddenly came out. The doctor that she brought was also present.

"Ma'am Rena..."

"Millie, are you okay now?" Mama asked.

"Yes, Ma'am. Sir Aiden treated me while I was unconscious and I'm now feeling better..." She answered.

"It seems like a case of a heat stroke. Good job on the quick treatment..." the Doctor praised the maids.

"Oh, it was not us who set this up..." Layla responded.


"Sir Aiden here is the one who made the quick treatment. He just instructed us to get all of the things..."

Mama, Lynn, and the Doctor all stared at me.

"Really? That's so astute of you, Young Master. You've done well with the ventilation and ice packs. Perhaps you know something about medicine?" The doctor asked.

"Oh umm, I just learned it from the internet, haha..."

"Still, to be able to diagnose that it was a heat stroke immediately. You really are a genius, sweetie. I'm so proud of you."

"Big Brother, you're amazing!"

Mama and Lynn complimented. I'm not used to this kind of scenario so I averted my eyes in embarrassment.

"He looks cute when he acts like that..."

"I know right?"

"Maybe we should tease him more?"

I can hear the trio maid talking but I ignored them.


After checking Millie's condition, Mama asked the doctor to check the other staff as well. All of them took a break for a while and the house became a consulting center for a moment.

Layla, Millie, and Sarra then inquired about my presence once again to talk about the Ice Candy business. I couldn't seem to turn them down so I accepted the offer and let them plan on how will they sell it.

Then a few days later, a bunch of people started lining up outside our mansion's gate. Apparently, they have set up a small stall near the side street and advertise the Ice Candy.

Many people came to like it and so they started buying many packs until the one-hundred pieces I made were depleted.

"Here's our sale!" Millie dropped the pouch on the table and we all take a look.

"Uh, isn't this a bit too much...?" The pouch popped out and a lot of coins slid down.

Millie started counting and she said we were able to earn about $9.01 in total which is equivalent to five hundred in our own currency. You can already buy a lot of things with that already.

"Oooh, not bad for our first day." Layla smiled.

"If we sell this in a week we could like to earn sixty to seventy dollars." Sarra nodded.

"Shall we use these earnings to shop for the ingredients?" Millie asked.

"Well then, let me do the shopping..." I volunteered.

"Eh? You will, Sir Aiden?" Sarra asked in a surprised tone.

"Yes. I was the one who shopped for the ingredients last time too, so..."

"Let me accompany you!" Millie raised her hand and moved her face near me.


"I'm sure shopping is going to be a tough task so let me carry all of the stuff, Sir Aiden." She insisted.

I turned to Layla and Sarra and it looks like they agree.

"Indeed, we need someone to guard Aiden as well. Millie here can use offensive Astral Magic so it will be fine."

"Yes, that's right. Please, Sir Aiden..."

"T-Then, please come with me tomorrow, Miss Millie." If they're okay with it then I guess that's fine.


After the confirmation, we wrapped up the discussion and went to bed.

I'm sure tomorrow would be another interesting day.

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