
Meeting Ceil

Lydia woke to a tap at the door. Who could be at her door? She groaned lightly and rubbed her eyes. Wait! Something wasn't right. The covers didn't feel right. They were too nice, not the cottony feel she was used to. Her eyes flew open, and she sat up as the door opened. "Good morning Lydia. I hope you slept well," Sebastian said as he brought a tray over to the side of the bed.

It hadn't been a dream. The night before had happened. "Tell me I'm not dreaming Sebastian. I swear I will wake up at any moment and be back in my crappy apartment, having to go to my crappy job, living, if I'm honest with myself, a crappy life."

Sebastian set the tray down and put his gloved hand under her chin. She pulled her face up to look at him. He leaned down a little. His scarlet gaze met her hazel one. "You'll be going nowhere if Claude and I have anything to say about it, love. I never imagined I'd be working with that spider, but for you," Sebastian let out a deep breath. "I would do anything."

Lydia looked down at the tray and there was a cup of tea and a small biscuit of some sort that she didn't know the name of. She smiled up at him, "Thank you for the breakfast. I'll eat it quickly, so I can change and get down and help you."

"You believe you can find your way on your own? Even change into your uniform? Have you ever worn a corset, love?" Sebastian asked.

"How do I explain this?" Lydia stroked her chin. "Where I came from your world wasn't real. It was something called a TV show. It was like taking a bunch of pictures one after the other and then flipping them. That is the best I can explain it. I know the layout of this manor in general, maybe not all that well as it was never shown per se. As for a corset... those don't exist in my time, so I've never worn one."

"Scandalous. I cannot even begin to imagine what you might be wearing under that ridiculous little outfit you have on. I only left it on you because I had nothing better to give you," Sebastian said honestly.

"Y-you're not going to help me change? A-are you?" Lydia asked.

"Of course, my dear. Who else?" Sebastian said with a smile.

"Mey-rin?" Lydia suggested.

Sebastian pouted, "You don't want my help?"

Lydia bit her lip, "It's not that exactly... "

"Then please, love, tell me what it is," Sebastian said.

She ran her hand nervously up and down her arms, "I've never been with a man. I'm a little nervous."

"Hmm, my sweet little innocent mate," Sebastian purred. He dipped down a little closer to her face and whispered, "But don't worry, I promise to be gentle."

Lydia bit her lip, "I'm still nervous Sebastian, but I'll admit that I need your help. I'd never figure out a corset. Thank you."

Sebastian leaned forward and kissed her cheek then he said, "Eat your breakfast. I'll be right back with everything you need."

After Sebastian left Lydia ate the little biscuit, which was sweet, and drank the tea, which was Earl Gray. She was glad that she'd learned the different kinds of tea a few years ago. She had just set the teacup down when Sebastian reentered the room. "Are you ready, dear?" he asked.

Lydia took a deep breath as she stood from the bed, "Yes, Sebastian. Thank you again for helping me."

Sebastian came over to her and spun her around. He began to lift the short house dress off of her, and as he did, he said, "As I said, love, I would do anything for you."

Lydia thought her face was red as a tomato the whole time that Sebastian helped her out of the old and into the new. It was almost pure torture to get laced into a corset. Lydia was glad that modern times had moved away from the bothersome things. Once in the maid uniform, she could appreciate the curves that the corset gave her. Sebastian pulled her away from her thoughts by asking, "Are you ready, dear?"

She looked and saw he had the tray in his hand. She brushed her hands on her skirt, "As ready as I'll ever be. I know that Ceil doesn't remember some things, so I'll be careful."

Sebastian looked back at her in shock, but then his face returned to normal, "I forgot you said that you know all about us. You'll have to tell us more tonight."

"Of course I will," Lydia agreed. "But I want to know what is next f-for us... the three of us."

Sebastian explained, "We'll discuss that tonight as well, love. Now come on, we must get breakfast ready for the young master before that useless chef."

Lydia stifled a laugh as she walked after him to the kitchen, which she found in perfect running order, which meant that Bardroy hadn't been in yet. "Just let me know what you need me to do Sebastian. I'll help out."

Sebastian set the tray in the sink before he looked her way, "Are cooking and cleaning things that you're used to?"

"For a house as large as this? Not at all, but I can cook and clean. I've been living on my own for four years now. I had to grow up pretty fast."

"Then by all means please try your hand at breakfast for the young master. He eats everything I fix him, but my pride tells me it's not up to par."

Lydia nodded and set to work as Sebastian worked on cleaning. When all was said and done she had whipped up a plate of eggs, sausage, and toast with jelly. She let Sebastian make Ceil's tea. He insisted that she go with him to the study. She would have to meet Ceil eventually. She was curious as to how Sebastian would explain her appearance. They walked into the study. Sebastian walked to his spot, placing the tray on Ceil's desk. Lydia went to stand in front of Ceil's desk. "Good morning, young master," Sebastian said.

"Who's the girl?" Ceil said whippishly.

"My, my master, did you not sleep well?" Sebastian asked. "That's no way to speak in front of a lady."

Ceil's frown deepened, "Just tell me who she is and what she's doing in my manor. I'm in no mood for this."

Sebastian bowed slightly," Of course. This is Lady Lydia Jennings. She's a recent arrival from America. I happened to run into her while I was in town. She was looking for a job and I offered her a position as a maid here."

Ceil had begun to eat but when he heard that he jerked his head up and yelled, "And why on earth would you do that? What criteria even qualifies her to be a Phantomhive servant?"

Lydia piped up, "I'm sorry master, but were you enjoying your meal just now?"

Ceil stared at her, his one piercing blue eye hard and cold, "Yes, but what has that to do with anything?"

Lydia curtsied. She had always felt sorry for Ceil. He lost his parents at such a young age and was forced to grow up. Ceil had a tough life. He shouldn't be in this situation. She held back her tears at these thoughts, "Well master, it was I that made the meal for you."

Ceil swung his gaze to Sebastian, "Is this true?"

"It is, young master."

Ceil looked back down at his breakfast plate. Lydia wiped her eyes before she looked up. Sebastian was looking at her, a hopeful look on his face. Ceil then looked at her, "You may stay. Do you mind if I call you Lydia?"

"N-no, of course not, young master," Lydia answered.

"Good. Then I hope that lunch is as good as breakfast was Lydia," Ceil said before going back to eating.

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