

Hajime tapped on Selena's shoulder, "hey Selena, can you help me with sword skills? I don't really know the first thing about it?"

"Sure no problem buddy" she grins at the fact she is useful to him.

As the first day of training goes on with Hajime falling on his but half way through the day, Ryutarou comes up to the two of them.

"Hey, how are you two?" Ryutarou asks in a cheerful voice, seeing as Hajime is catching his breath as Selena is performing practice swings with a wooden bastard sword, trying to get a feel since she is used to bamboo katana swords.

"I'm great. Just helping Hajime get his bearings on sword training" Selena says while taking breath while swinging. Ryutarou awkwardly scratches his hair, "I know you sure have the skill to be a frontliner. Curiosity written all over his face eagerly waited to hear what up. Hajime looks between us and also wants to know why, even now, Selena is still there for him knowing that if she trains just about anyone else she would get more out of it than with him. "Well, mmm," in contimpled expression, "you see I was thinking the hero party needed a strong rear guard, not another frontline" not to be truthful with Ryutarou. Since she already knew what was going to happen soon enough. Being there for Hajime was more important to her.

"Hey Hajime, let's go to the library and study up on this world's knowledge," reaching out for his hand to walk out of the train area. Most of our classmates are looking down on us. Hajime "thanks Selena. I know I'm kinda weak."

"No you're not in fact you got more guts than more than half our classmates. You just haven't seen it yet." as telling him in a jovial tone.

Another day passed and instead of training Hajime, Selena told him to work on his magic since she couldn't help him on that field. Her magic stat was not doing her any favors, given how low it was. She spent more time training for one level than most of class. They were leveling up like crazy fast.

Selena sees Shizuku and Kaori on the field and walks up to them. "Hey there friends, what are you up to?"

"I am trying to use these swords, unlike normal katanas, all of my forms feel off," Shizuku said in frustration, while trying to pull off a smooth quick draw.

"Want spar, then maybe that will loosen you up?" Selena suggested.

"Sure that would be great Selena," Shizuku replies, happy to face a fellow disciple. As the two face each other, Shizuku starts with her saber in the draw stance while Selena pulls her sword out in a ready stance. Kaori, meanwhile, is cheering for both of them on the sideline since she couldn't decide on who she wants to win the match more. As the match starts, Selena lunges forward with a diangle strike to take Shizuku down in one blow. With a quick movement, Shizuku parries the strike and goes for a counter strike, but with a quick jump back Selena dodges the strike. They slowly circling looking for an opening in each other's stances when Shizuku rushes in with a horizontal strike. Selena deflects the blow while stepping in closer and slips her leg behind Shizuku as she tries to retreat causing her to fall down. Before she could get back up, Selena is standing before her with her sword pointed at her neck.

"Thanks Selena, I can see more clearly where the problem is in my form with this sword" Shizuku says as she is looking down at the Knight sword she is holding.

"Hey, where's Nagamo-kun? Normally I see both of you guys training," Kaori asks with her eyes darting around to see if he is hiding somewhere.

"He is currently training his magic since I seem to not be able to use magic in any meaningful way at the moment" Selena awkwardly scratches the back of her head.

"Hey I didn't mean to say it like that, it's just you are his friend and I worry for him. The rest of our class doesn't treat him right."

"It's okay. It's been like that for him for years. He would normally let it brush off like his body is made of slime" Selena says while laughing, trying to change the topic since Kaori's eyes were getting more heated.

By the end of the first week, our classmate was bad mouthing Hajime more blatantly, calling him the weakest, to his dismay. He started to focus more on his transmutations and studying in the library. Hajime asked Selena not to cover for him and she reluctantly agreed, all the while pouting and poking his cheek. Daisuke ended up in the second week bullying Hajime with fireballs to his face and picking on him. Kaori jumps in and stops them from continuing the abuse that they were covering up over the guise of training.

It wasn't any better for Selena since Daisuke kept showing off his magic in front of her, sneering and saying things like "you can't do this, now can you?"

'I'm guessing it was for all year in high school where I had him back off bullying Hajime so much.' Daisuke despises Selena just as much as Hajime since he was infatuated with Kaori to a very sick degree.

On the thirteenth day of training, Captain Meld gathered the class up and told them that they would be going to a Labyrinth for the next part of training. Nearly the entire class was excited to try their hands at one of the seven Labyrinths now. Especially since all of the field training around the kingdom was getting too easy for the majority of the class.

Selena can feel shivers down her spine as she was thinking that the day is finally coming. She had prepared a small pouch with a sewing kit, salt, pepper, healing potion, Rations, hardtack, a small knife, and some gauze. Last of all the small bag itself can hold in water. Since she didn't want to carry too much and be an odd one.

By the end of the training week most of our classmates are much faster and stronger than both Selena and Hajime. 'It won't matter,' Selena thought to herself, 'I just have to keep my eyes on my friend.' He had a rough time after it showed he barely leveled up in his stats. He was awake around all their classmates. Kaori wasn't doing him any favors since most of them thought Selena and Hajime were a waste of space. When it came time to choose artifacts for the whole class, Selena picked chain mail that was big on def but super light and the effect to take on one mortal hit once every 24 hours, instead of weapon since none of them really fit her style. She still kept a thinner bastard sword as her primary weapon.

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