
Chapter 7 : ???

[Omniscient POV]

Batman dodged left and right around vaulted and somersaulted over parademons, he unleashed his array of batarangs and employed his various martial disciplines, from Boxing to Dim Mak with Muay Thai, Krav Maga, Karate, Ninjutsu, and Tae Kwon Do throwing in.

He weaves an incoming attack, then another and another before pressing a button in his utility belt, and varying areas on the three parademons started beeping. The parademon paused before charging at Batman, but the devices detonated before they even got close.

Batman shielded himself with his cap from the smoke. The observed his surroundings, and check on Green Lantern and Cyborg to make sure they weren't overwhelmed.

"Arriving now sir" the aged yet firm voice of his pseudo-father figure and trusted butler Alfred Pennyworth came from the com in his cowl.

Then the familiar hum of the engine of Batmobile came from the street behind him.

In all its glory, it swerved around the corner and headed toward him. He sprinted to meet it halfway dodging charging parademons before diving forward. The batmobile swerved and opened the door facing him just long enough for him to get in before closing again.

"Deploy weapons" ordered Batman.

"Which weapons?" inquired the onboard AI.

"All of them," said Batman as the radar detected multiple bogeys incoming.

"Understood, deploying immobilizer missiles ( Laser guided/infrared homing, Payload: 5gm high explosive cl-20/hmx cocrystal), 60mm Canon(60mm high explosion penetrative shells), Vulcan Gun (25mm rounds, anti-tank and surface to air combat) and Electro defense ( 200 - 300 kv range)" replied the onboard AI.

"Lock on and open Fire" commanded Batman.

It was like Christmas with bullets as the only presents to be shared and the batmobile was sharing with all comers.

At the same time great lantern was maneuvering in the air avoiding or using his power ring to shield himself from incoming fire breath from the parademons while simultaneously shooting concentrated blasts of energy from his ring at the parademons.

He then created a rotating minigun to more effectively thin the heard of parademons since the biggest advantage was the sheer number of them swarming.

After a hundred or so parademons fell to the minimum construct, they split and came at the lantern from three directions. The front, the back, and above (pause).

"I don't think so" shouted Green Lantern

See this Green Lantern unleashed an I'm no direction energy wave. The closest parademons were atomized, and the others were pushed back.

He then created a robot construct that he was piloting.

It features shoulder-mounted heat-seeking missile launchers, wrist-mounted miniguns, a pulse cannon on its back, and a laser from its palms. It was a veritable juggernaut dishing will-powered justice.

"HA suck on these," said Green Lantern with a maniacal grin on his face as his mecha-z... robot construct unleashed hell upon the parademon army. Missile and bullet construct took parademons out in bulk, while pulse cannon defended his rear and the lasers took out the stragglers.

Cyborg was maneuvering through and around the army with his jet pack while using his forcefield to defend from attacks that he couldn't evade in time. His laser cannons filled the parademons with lethal yet precise holes in the heads. While his white noise cannons just tore them to shreds. In a moment of reprieve far and few in between combat his system were hacking the mother box to they and reverse the polarity of the boom tube that sent the army here. Once achieved he could send them back to Apokolips if his calculation were correct ( which they are ).

Not too long ago all Victor had to worry about was being in the best condition to play the sport that he loved. Now hear he is only half a man yet some much more fighting against the invasion forces of Apokolips, of Darkseid and hell put the same hundred and ten percent he always does when playing football into this battle.

"Calculations 50%...51%....52%" came the voice of his mother box. He and the others needed to keep buying time. He charges at an oncoming swarm and fires his white noise cannons.

" Booyah" shouted Cyborg.

Kalibak swung his beat club aiming to crush his opponent's skull, Wonder Woman block with her shield, and Superman came from behind and launch a puck for the New God's head who block the punch using his brace and countered with his punch launching the Kryptonian into a building on the shore. He then turned around and fired a beam from his beta club, Wonder Woman uses her shield to block once again, but Kalibak use that moment to get behind her and fired another nerve beam, Wonder Woman used her sword to deflect the beam, while her shield still defended her from the residual force of the previous beam. Kalibak grabbed her leg stunning the Amazon who didn't expect it. The New God slammed her into the ground caving the ground in deeper and deeper with each slam, slinging her into a building that crumble upon impact. He licks his maw before stalking toward the building, savoring every moment of this brawl. Then a red and blue blur came out of the dust of a demolished building, Kaalibak since The Man of Steels approached and spin around fist cocked ready to retaliate, he swung at Superman who dodged and countered with an uppercut rocking his chip and jolting his brain sending Kalibak up when a golden lasso warped around his feet and pulled him back down to waiting fist of Wonder Woman who sock the still stunned new god in his face sending through several buildings. The duo knows after exchanging several blows with the New God that it would take more than that to put him out of commission took flight and gave chase.

Steppenwolf has conquered many planets for Darkseid and faced entire armies by himself. Yet here he was having trouble with two whelps. He swung his axe at Byakko aiming to take his head off and like many times he tried before he miss as Byakko evaded the axe and Shazam came from his bling side with and lighting charged punch that Steppenwolf block with the flat of his axe and absorbed Shazam's lightning much to the duo's shock (pun intended lol) supercharging the axe that started emitting even more yellow electricity which further strengthens his next blow which breaks through the wind barrier that Byakko put up to defend the blow and although it doesn't pierce his armor the impact caused him to spit up blood before blasting him through several buildings.

"BYAKKO" shouts Shazam.

"Focus help lest you lose your head," said Steppenwolf while swinging his axe towards his midsection. Shazam evades the blow while launching a counterblow in rage.

Picking himself up from the rubble while clutching his stomach as the pain from Steppenwolf's started to ease.

"Don't remember his axe being able to do that" said Byakko.

Just then time froze and he was in a different place floating in what seemed to be an amalgamation of multiple locations stitched together.

"It's been a minute, hasn't it Mr Lycan oh wait it's Baihu now," said R.O.B. who appeared in front of Ezekiel starting him in the process.

"I have a proposition for you," said the Omnipotent being with a shifty salesman smile on his face.

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