
Shouldering The Present, Past, and Future.

Rowan smirked, "You call my dreams foolish, yet you flee, like a rat with its tail on fire."

The Narghal Tyrant frowned before saying, "You are lucky that a greater portion of my strength lies in the pillars it supports, or else I shall crush you like the bug that you are."

Rowan shook his head in pity, "I am coming for your throne."

"You have already lost the chance." the Narghal Tyrant replied and apparently done with the conversation, turned to leave, and he did not place the next actions made by Rowan to be his concern, it was his greatest mistake.

Rowan brought out his Tower of Greed, but he covered it with his fist after he shrank the Treasure to the size of a grain of sand, and he said to the departing figure, "My words are heavier than gold," even as he activated the Origin Treasure—Tower of Greed.

A single floor from the Tower was consumed, leaving three floors behind, the pale Tower gleaming like bleached bones under the midday sky…

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