
Chapter 182 : Against Akatsuki (Rewrite)

"Now the last ingredient for the ritual" Hidan muttered but I totally heard him saying and got ready.

With that said he jumped towards me.

And now that crazy bastard wants to take my blood. Like As if.

I just send few Kunai at him.

But Hidan dodged all of them. The one he could not dodge was struck away by his scythe.

"Oh no you don't" I mutter under my breath and rush forward. A Rasengan already forming on my hand.

I saw a smirk forming on Hidan's face.

"This bastard thinks that he can dodge this attack as well. Then try dodging this" I thought to myself and threw the Rasengan towards him.

He already took a position to dodge the upcoming Rasengan after seeing my throwing it but suddenly the Rasengan Vanish.

He who was about to dodge the attack got a little confused.

Anyone including myself would have thought that the technique failed but only those who know.

Hidan changed his previous idea of dodging and swinging his scythe but before he could do that, suddenly he felt something hitting him.

His internals at this time were twisting and ringing throughout in his entire body.

He was thrown away and I just smirk.

"Vanishing Rasengan." I mutter.

But that son of respected women as we should not disrespect women for what their son does, got up like it was nothing.

While this was happening, the fight between my team 10 and Kakuzu was also going on.

Shikamaru has already caught Kakuzu with his shadow clone.

"Asuma Now" Shikamaru shouted.

Asuma was already on his way. He took out his two chakra blades and inserted them directly into Kakuzu's heart.

"Now Ino" Asuma jumped away immediately and instantly Sakura appeared and gave a mighty punch which even put the likes of Izuku Midoria to shame.

Yup she too have learn the Chakra Infuse punches. 

Kakuzu was sent flying backwards.

"Is that guy dead" Shikamaru asked to himself.

Honestly he wants to believe that that is the case but his instincts are telling him that that is not the case.

"There is no way that a member of the Akatsuki will die this easily right" Shikamaru asked to himself.

"Stay sharp, that guy is not dead yet," Asuma said.

Unlike his team. He has enough experience to tell whether he delivered a killing blow or not.

"That guy is not dead. Asuma are you sure about that" Shikarmu asked.

"Yes, Asuma Sensei. I punched him with everything I got. There is no way that he can walk after that. And you too pierce his heart, right ?" Ino asked.

Before Asuma could answer. Kakuzu's body moved and he stood up.

There was anger in his tone.

"You bunch of idiots just destroyed one of my hearts," Kakuzu said and took off his shirt.

The entire body was covered with snitches. Well, at least it felt like it was snitches.

In reality, it was not snitches. It was his Jutsu. A very special Jutsu which made him immortal. There were also many masked snitches on his body.

And then something pretty disturbing happened. His body started to open from the snitches and then black threats came out. And all the masks suddenly came out of his body.

Five different monsters made entirely of the threats and each has one mask.

But then one of the masks which was already cracked, broke and the monster died in front of everyone.

"What the hell is that thing," Sakura asked in disbelief.

" I am not sure Sakura but be vigilant. I do not have a good feeling about this. If those monsters can also fight then we no longer have the numbers advantage" Asuma said.

Shikamaru too nodded at this.

"Crash Crash Crash" A constant sound was coming from the other area.

"That's where Kirito and that guy Hidan are fighting. We need to stop this guy here. Let Kirito do his job" Shikamaru said and took his thinking pose. Asuma and Sakura also took the position of defending Shikamaru and attacking Kakuzu and his monsters.

On the other side of the battlefield.

"Stop swinging that sword you pesky ninja" Hidan roared in anger.

This is because all of his attempts to get my blood were seen by me and I dodged all of his attacks.

Sometimes it's a replacement technique, it's Hiraishin and sometimes plain old clones. But he was not able to connect the attack. Not even able to draw a single drop of blood.

Not to mention, I was attacking him. There were many wounds already on his body. Although I was still not able to cut one of his limbs.

"Sorry not gonna happen, buddy," I said and then form hand signs.

"Fire Ball Jutsu" a big ball of fire flew towards Hidan.

He dodged it and came to me with his scythes but at this time I again took Ninja Wire and bound him.

He seeing that stopped his attack and dodged back.

"Tck, now who is being pesky here? Just stand there and let me cut you" I said and suddenly increased my speed.

I appeared right next to him and swung my weapon.

But at this time I saw him not dodging. I could easily cut him but he did not dodge.

And I realize why. The moment I cut him. He turns into a mud clone.

"Shit" I internally said and show the real Hidan emerging from underground, swinging his scythe.

I can dodge the attack but then I will lose this chance to cut him.

I thought and smirked.

Well, there is another way to save myself.

Unlike other ninjas in this world, who have impressive offensive power but lack in defence. I have something which makes my defence top-notch.

"Armament Haki"

The place where the scythes were about to pierce turned black. Deflecting the blow and making Hidan wide eyes.

"What" I am sure that he at this time wanted to ask.

But before that, I turn and deliver a powerful sword swing.

"Water Divider," I said and a slash of sword energy, this time mixed with wind-style chakra emitted from my sword and cut that bastard's left arm.

"What, but how? I got you there. How did you deflect my attack" Hidan asked in disbelieve.

"Simple. The attack was not strong enough to pierce my skin." I said with extreme satisfaction.

"Stop Joking. There is no way that my attack lacks power. Tell me what you did" Hidan sounded pretty annoyed.

"Well if you want to know then listen.

There exists a legendary power which has changed countless worlds. This power goes by many names but all there is one guarantee if you are chosen by this power. Then you are no longer an ordinary person.

There is a one hundred per cent chance to win any battle and solve any problem in life" I said building dramatic effects.

"What, what it is" Hidan asked already denying the fact that there exists a power more powerful than what his god Jashin has given him.

"It's Called PLOT ARMOR"


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