
Hard Truths(Part Two)

"How could he do that?! Jacob and I would've had to have consummated the marriage for the contract to be binding... He was just going to let that monster have me?!" tears filled Skye's eyes as her own words tore her heart in two.

A tormented expression covered Tidas' face as he looked to his wife and said; "I wish I could tell you what your father was thinking.. All I know is the minute that messenger reached him, he sent him back to me with word of you're impending marriage. Our original plan had been centered around the Fowlers believing your father wanted to buy slaves. After word of my death reached everyone, Lord Fowler insisted on the match between you and Jacob. He wouldn't consent to any deals with your father without his agreement on it."

"I don't agree with your father in any way on how he handled it, but you must understand Skye-" Tidas tried to continue, but Skye cut him off.

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