
The God's Messeger

Although her body would only recover for three hours, it was better than being struck by the effects of the mind-control smoke. After all, Roxana also couldn't be sure the demons wouldn't kill the villagers if she weren't watching them.

With the last of her strength, Roxana reached for the medicine box in Zagan's hand as a gesture that she was willing to endure the pain after drinking the elixir.

Zagan then looked at Damian. "May I give it to her, My Lord?"

Damian gritted his teeth. He did not want Roxana to drink an elixir that could make her body experience excruciating pain after three hours, but he could not ignore Roxana's request.

In the end, Damian said with a heavy heart, "Give it to her."

As soon as Zagan got approval from Damian, he immediately took the elixir, then helped Roxana drink it. 

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