
Frigga's Match

He wasn’t familiar with the other 3 faces but the last was Frigga. If he was to convert Frigga's capabilities into stat, he would still lose out even now and he was yet to see his fighting style.

He casually placed his hand on his jaw while waiting for the fight that was about to take place.

After thirty minutes, 4 figures appeared on the battlefield facing each other in pairs. Frigga who was paired with another boy stared at their opponents which was a boy and a girl duo in ridicule. His partner had a confident smile while both of their opponents were worried, uncertain of their victory.

These were normal emotions as they had all been present in the true weapon ceremony and could still recognize Frigga who got picked as a group leader.

Without a doubt, he was a powerful foe. But still, they weren’t going to go down without a fight. Their parents, and siblings who were considered true family members were watching.

Frigga held a two-meter-long bill in his hand while the boy beside him wielded a sword. As for their opponents, the girl also had a sword while the boy wielded two daggers.

There was a thin green line separating the duos and when the line disappeared, they were allowed to engage.

After some time, the line disappeared, and the boy and girl pair were the ones to charge in. They didn’t believe that anyone of them could handle him solo so he decided to handle Frigga while she tries her best to take care of the other guy and join him.

Whether she would be able to do this and how fast she can is going to determine their victory. Frigga watched the boy approach him in disappointment. He would’ve loved to fight a certain person first but the idea of saving him for later wasn’t bad. He just hoped that their paths would cross during the contest.

The boy going after Frigga could see that he was in thought which was somewhat of an insult to him but he planned on using this against him and making him regret it.

But what happened next made him realize that he was the one doing the underestimation.

He leaped forward while slashing one of the daggers to his chest but Frigga moved his fist at a greater speed hitting him in the face and with his legs off the ground, he was left crashing and rolling before managing to quickly pick himself up.

“Tch,” he clicked his tongue rubbing his chin.

“This isn’t going to be easy.”


Meanwhile, the girl was engaged with the other boy. They were both using swords and by every attack and parry they made, it was obvious that they had mastery over it. This was thanks to their awakening but the girl still had an edge over him.

Weapon awakening happened at different ranges. Two people can awaken at the same time but if they cross swords, one can be stronger.

Things like self-derived skills and techniques along with experience could later decide how strong apart they became.

Someone like Art had an abnormal weapon awakening most likely due to him already having a decent amount of mastery. So the girl was slightly better than the boy but she knew this wasn’t enough. She needed to push herself further to defeat him as soon as possible.

“Haaaa!” She screamed while sending out a series of strikes. The boy on the receiving side tried to block as many as he could and hadn’t expected to be pushed back by this girl.

He would’ve sustained several cut injuries if it wasn’t for the protective skin put over them. This protective skin stopped attacks from doing damage to their bodies so they didn’t have to worry about accidentally killing themselves. So they were free to aim their attacks at vital points.

The skin also served another purpose called damage accumulation. The attacks which successfully connect would be recorded and if the damage accumulation gets to a certain level, the person would forcefully go unconscious resulting in his or her loss, so they avoided getting hit in vital points as the damage accumulated would be much, and even though their bodies weren’t hurt, they could still feel pain and exhaustion.

He knew he had accumulated quite some damage from her and couldn’t stay on the receiving side.

After stepping to dodge her slash, he spun around with his sword headed towards her neck but she leaped back avoiding it before thrusting her sword at his chest.

It was very quick and precise that he wasn’t able to dodge it causing more damage to be accumulated.

‘I have to win. I can’t lose so soon. Mum has big expectations from me. I have to finish him off with my next attack,’ she said internally while taking a fighting stance.

Her opponent already knew it. He couldn’t defeat the girl in front of him……. That was if he played nice. With a smirk, he voiced out.

“Looks like you’re finished. Poor thing. If only your partner had lasted longer.”

The girl’s eyes widened as she quickly looked towards where the other duel between Frigga and her partner was happening to see him panting with exhaustion written all over his face, he seemed barely able to stand up.

“Got you!” Her opponent’s voice drifted into her ears as she tried to react but she was too late as his sword stabbed her in the chest.

He had used all the strength he could muster and even though it failed to go through her chest because of the protective skin, she still felt the pain which although reduced, didn’t fail to make her go on her knees.

He didn’t waste this opportunity to gloat as he kicked her on her cheeks causing her to fall to the ground before stepping on her face.

“Feels nice.”

Her partner who noticed this gritted his teeth. Now he had to somehow manage to defeat Frigga which seemed impossible after exchanging attacks with him. But he didn’t still plan on giving up.

“Hmmm?” Frigga’s lips curved into an evil smile with an idea in his mind.

“Why don’t I use you to send a message to him.”

He didn’t hear Frigga clearly but ignored this while charging forward. He moved slower than before while coming up with an attack pattern. It was because Frigga had barely moved from a spot that he didn’t expect him to suddenly lunge forward while thrusting his bill.

He managed to escape the tip of the bill but he got caught by the hook which hit him on the chest accumulating a lot of damage.

Frigga grabbed him by the neck and kneed him in his stomach before tossing him away. After rolling on the ground, he folded his fist still not willing to give up. But as he raised his head, his eyes sighted Frigga’s weapon heading straight to him and he couldn’t react in time as the tip hit him right on the forehead making him fall unconscious immediately.

If it wasn’t for the protective skin, that attack would’ve killed him. His partner was also unconscious so Frigga’s team was victorious.

Art let out a sigh after watching this.

“I guess it won’t be easy.”

More matches came and passed and he was impressed by some people but others weren’t pushed to the point of getting serious and now it was time for his match.

“Huh?” He raised an eyebrow seeing the face of his partner.

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