
Through Steel

The colosseum located in the academy was filled to the brim with people.

On the left were the Honor Class, the most elite of the freshmen in Tyresia, and on the right were the A-Class students. 

In the middle of it all was a grand arena of concrete. 

Troi sat among the hundreds of his fellow classmates some already had their hands clenched on the handles of their weapons as they were clearly excited. 

The young man with skin of light-dark wore a face full of relief. 

Although it was quite a waste to use all of his remaining health potions like that it was well worth it for his body was now in tip-top shape. 

No more sore muscles, no more shaking legs. 

Below the students was a red-haired instructor with an hourglass for a body.

She had her arms crossed as she organized the hundreds of students under her wing.

It was Ms. Rebecca and although she did not show, a little bit of anxiety had crept on her mind.

For today was a day her classes and teachings would show. 

300 students of her class against the 300 of the A-class.

Parallel to them on the other side of the colosseum she could see them. 

Leading the class was none other than a professor equal to her strength. 

Professor Carn, 

Even from a distance, she could see his shiny bald head reflecting the rays of the sun above them. 

Although it was organized as a friendly combat practice. 

The competitive side of Ms. Rebecca did not treat it as such. 

She then turns back to the students behind her. 

Using the enhancer inside her uniform.

Her voice was able to reach the very top. 

"Alright, class, combat will start in a few minutes," 

"Although, they are a class below you," 

"Do not underestimate them,"

"They have trained as hard as you guys did" 

"Do not dare to undermine their efforts," 

With that, she started to make her way to the viewing area at the top of the Colosseum as Professor Carn did from the other side. 

They both sat down on their respective seats overlooking the hundreds of students below them. 

"Good morning, Ms. Rebecca," With a smile Carn greeted the red-haired woman. 

"It's not a good morning whenever I see your face, Mr. Carn" 

Carn let out a snicker, 

"Come on, don't be like Ms. Rebecca, are you scared that my class will be stronger than yours?" 

"We'll see," 

Instructor Carn was waiting for this day to come, 

He was jealous that instead of him, Ms. Rebecca was chosen to teach the Freshmen Honor Class this year. 

It was the position he'd been trying to get into for his past years as a teacher in the academy.

But this time he was sent to teach a class below it so he trained his students eagerly but he knew that was not enough, so he secretly spiked their water with an enhancement potion. 

It had cost him most of his salary but it was well worth it.

He couldn't stop smiling, in his mind he kept thinking about the look Ms. Rebecca when his students outmatched and outclassed her own.

"Good Morning, Professors," A blonde-haired woman soon entered their sights. 

With lime eyes, she gazed at the area below as she sat in the middle of the two. 

"Good morning, Ms. Miranda," Rebecca was the first to greet the right-hand of the president of the Tyresia. 

Carn merely nodded at her as he could not wait for the combat to start. 

"Well since we're all here, let's start calling names shall we?" 

Miranda then grabbed the microphone right in front of her seat and opened her mouth. 

"Alright, students, the combat will officially start." 

"The rules are simple, go to the raised concrete when your name is called," 

"Your opponent would be the same as your respective rank," 

"And a spell that grants you a shield will be cast upon you and the first one to break or the first one to leave the area will lose," 

"That is all, good luck to everyone," 

Both students of each class could feel excitement course through their veins. 

"You nervous man?" 

Troi who was busy trying to remember the contents of the novel was snapped out of his thoughts by a voice beside him.

It came from Mark who like the other students already had his weapon out. 

He was caressing his scimitar to stop his hands from shaking.

Troi upon seeing the hundreds of students parallel to them could feel the pressure currently inside the colosseum. 

"A little bit," 

"Man, my hands can't seem to stop shaking," 

"Just remember your training," Wyatt who was sitting on the other side of Troi spoke to reassure his fellow friend. 

"Leave him be Wyatt, you know he's always been a p*ssy," Kyle on the other hand who was sitting next to Mark, jokingly teased him. 

"What did you say you b*stard?" 

"You heard me," 

"You bi- 

"Save your strength for the A-class, you f*ckers" Troi gently diffused the situation that was occurring between the two of his friends. 

"He's right, focus up," 

Upon hearing Wyatt and Troi, Mark and Kyle immediately stopped bickering and like the others waited patiently for the first students to be called. 

But they won't wait for long because in a couple of minutes. 

The voice of Miranda rang within the colosseum. 

"Rank 300 Xavani of Honor Class, kindly make your way to the arena," 

"Rank 300 Leyland of A-Class, kindly make your way to the arena," 

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