
Back to the Academy

(Angelica POV)

"Lady Angelica, please. Wait!" Voices trailed after me as I sped walk down this unusually long hallway.

"Stop chasing me!" It took all I had not to curse them but I did have a reputation to uphold.

"We're sorry, it was all a misunderstanding." They made feeble attempts to reclaim the trust they lost.

You're sorry alright, sorry that you picked the wrong side.

I'm sure there going through it at the moment. Their families are probably one mistake away from disowning them and now they're looking for salvation.

They'd never get it, the only one deserving of salvation is me. 'Noir, please come save me!' Teleport me off to the wondrous heaven u call a home. Hold me tight to sleep and whisper sweet nothings in my ear.

A girl could dream, right? Though, I was starting to hope that, that wouldn't just be a dream much longer. I'd admit I've been a bit of a coward as of recent.

The general consensus between Livia and I was that I'd be straight with my feelings and Livia would be right there to show that she supported it completely. Besides that, we've just been trying to increase my confidence. I didn't expect that it'd take this long.

Was it so much to ask that he just do it? He's a perceptive guy, right? Livia said he made the first move with her and was completely aware of her feelings.

Oh God… did he know? Did he know that I was crushing on him this hard? That's so embarrassing. I can already imagine that stupid grin mocking me.

Ugh, I won't let you win! I will not be embarrassed like this, you evil man. From this second forward I will stop liking you…

'But he's so cute though…'

No, no. He's average, I could find 1000 guys that look better…

Okay, okay. Maybe I have already lost. Hehe, no one is better than Noir. That body…

I had managed to lose the mob of snakes by ducking into an empty classroom. I don't know how but somehow my thoughts turned to Noir and unconsciously a bit of drool escaped my mouth.

I sighed as I wiped my mouth with a handkerchief. Walking further into the room I looked out the window overlooking the entrance to the academy.

"What!" What I saw baffled me.

Right there in the front yard was a redhead known as Greg. Opposite of him was the focal point of my thoughts as of recent Noir.

This would seem like a normal, Greg being confrontational scene, if it weren't for the fact that Greg was completely stripped down to his underwear and on his knees in front of Noir.

"I told you to keep your clothes on dumbass." Noir's voice resonated sounding very disgusted.

(Noir POV)

"I told you to keep your clothes on dumbass."

What the hell was wrong with this guy? I don't want to see you nearly naked dude.

"I apologize, but I can't pay the 1 million Dia that was promised during the duel." He said with his head lowered severely.

"I'll pay you a million just to put your damn clothes back on weirdo." I retorted getting very annoyed.

"Yeah put your clothes on weirdo." A voice mimicked my own from behind.

"Yeah, no one wants to see that." More voices followed that one as the source of my biggest annoyance stood behind me.

"LEAVE ME ALONE! Stop following me around." I practically begged to the wastes of matter behind me.

"You got it, boss." They replied though they made absolutely no effort to go away.

Ever since I stepped back into the academy I suddenly had a bunch of fans. They'd follow me around like loyal henchmen and repeat every damn thing I said to someone.

I don't know whether they are after their money back, or they think being on my good side will give them some type of benefit.

All it was doing was pissing me off.

"Noir Fou Stardia, please forgive me for my foolishness!" Greg drew breath in before screaming at the top of his lungs.

I wonder if he along with Brad and Jilk hadn't been completely disowned if he'd actually had put so much effort into the terms of the duel.

One thing I was certain of though, is that I was two seconds away from blowing up this whole damn school.

Thankfully, my saving grace came only a few seconds later.

"Noir?" Livia came up to me looking down in confusion at the groveling man before her eyes turned to the group of people behind me.

"LIVIA! PLEASE SAVE ME." Seeing my angel make her descent I jumped at her, begging for salvation.

(Olivia's POV)

I half excepted for everyone to have it out for me more during the second term. I didn't expect for it to seem like the opposite.

Girls who openly made rude remarks about me in class suddenly started talking to me. It wasn't like they were being very friendly but it was an improvement from before.

They tried to get me to follow them, they told me that I was now their friend. Some even tried to compliment me.

I don't really understand it but I didn't like it at all. It seemed very fake, it wasn't genuine like when Noir or Angie complimented me.

When I tried to leave without following them, they said I was being too haughty and full of myself. I don't think I was being rude, but maybe they thought differently.

Thankfully, before they could insist more, everyone's attention was suddenly drawn to the loud scream coming from the academy entrance.

I wanted to find Noir, I knew he would know what was happening and why those girls were acting like that.

I didn't expect for him to be involved in what was drawing everyone's attention.

(Noir POV)

I hurried and ushered Livia with me into the school. When I saw that the crowd including the nearly naked Greg was following us, I picked Livia up and then ran at a blinding speed down the hallway.

Thankfully, I managed to lose them in a classroom.

"…Noir…Livia." Weirdly I wasn't the only one there as Angelica made herself known as I was checking to make sure we really lost them.

"Angie," Livia said in delight as she ran across the room to hug the other girl. "Everyone is acting so strange." She said sounding distressed as Angie smiled and patted her head.

"Indeed, though I expected a lot of it." Just as she said that I backed away from the door and took a seat on one of the tables.

"So what's happening?" Livia questioned as the two moved closer to me.

"In short, they're sucking up to us," I said in exasperation.

"They've seen what going against us has resulted in, they are also no longer worried about offending three people they used to," Angie added on. "Plus, I'm sure after learning of Father's and Her Majesty's support their parents are telling them to win Noir's good graces."

"Oh… Then why are they doing the same to me?" Livia was still confused.

"They know that you are close to Noir and want to use you as a door to his 'inner circle'. Please try to ignore them, and if you can't we can report them for harassment." Angie reassured before turning to me.

"You seem like you're suffering the most from this."

"I'm as popular as ever." I joked.

"I see…" Livia with a crestfallen expression said. I don't think she is naive enough to believe they started to accept her all of a sudden.

"Well," I said, dropping off all my depression with a sigh. "The school day is almost over, let's persevere."

"Are you coming over today?" I asked Angie as I stood up and stretched.

"Eh, depends. My Father left me a few letters at my dorm, I have to respond and then send them out."

"Seems you got thrust right back into work mode huh?" My comment made her groan.

"Tell me about it, judging by how things have gone I'm sure I'll have to go to the palace as well."

"Ehm, I was hoping to spend some time at the library today, but I don't think that is a good idea anymore." Livia contemplated from the side. Poor girl, the one-time people are even remotely nice to her, it's all fake.

"We can stop by the bookstore if you want, I'm sure they'd have what you're looking for." I gave a solution.

"Yes." She nodded before all three of us with a sigh walked out of the classroom, doing our best to avoid the scheming mobs.

[Master, I am so proud of you.] Later that day as classes finally ended, I went into a private bathroom to talk to Luxion.

"Yeah, yeah, you can do it right?" I asked in annoyance, he loved treating me like a child.

[Of course Master, may I ask, how large of a priority is this?]

"Medium, it's more of a whim than anything, but get me a prototype fairly quickly."

[Understood.] He said before his spherical form turned invisible and pretty soon he had left the room entirely.

It had occurred to me, that the method of long-distance communication in this world was bafflingly slow.

As such, I had the bright idea of a phone. Truthfully, I wasn't sure why I hadn't thought to do this before, but better late than never.

I wasn't going to mass produce this or anything, but It'd be nice to give it to some people and tell them to keep it to themselves.

With those thoughts in my head, I left the bathroom.

On my walk back I was very unexpectedly ambushed by two people I hadn't seen in quite a while.

"Hey." The first of the two spoke to me. "It's been a long time."

Green eyes stared into my own. "Clarice," I said, the girl wasn't the type that would stress over being called by just her first name.

I couldn't help but notice that she hadn't returned to her honor student look. Her hair was down, a choker was around her neck. Her face wasn't morphed into a permanent frown like before, however.

She had improved, I guessed.

I was surprised to see she no longer had her dutiful manservant behind her at all times.

"How was your break?" I asked in genuine curiosity.

"Great, and yours?"

"It was what I needed." I nodded. "So were you waiting for me?"

"Yes, I thought that even though you said you weren't doing it for me, I'd repay you." She kept it vague when she referred to "it" probably because of the person who was standing off to the side.

With those words she retreated a few steps, going to where something was being covered by a large cloth.

When she pulled the cloth, a metallic air bike was revealed, its exterior glistening in the sunlight.

I could've sworn I saw a red orb suddenly appear right above it before disappearing seconds after.

Clarice went over everything involving the air bike before I sat on it to get a feel.

"So, what happened to that guy you used to keep around."

When my question reached her, I could see her face stiffen and a frown overtakes her.

"I have dismissed him from my presence, I caught him making out with that Marie girl you see."

The hell? Is this woman a succubus or something? Or is everyone in this world just a pedophile who enjoys partners who look like kids?

"Seriously?" I certainly didn't expect him of all people to fall victim to that pint-sized bitch.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the bystander also freeze up.

"Yep, you could imagine my frustration." She sighed. "Well, I've got to get going. Let's have tea sometime." She said before she waved and turned a corner.

"You hear that? Seems your darling Marie has already moved on." I chuckled while referring to the man who until now had been quiet.

"Please do not refer to the deceiver as such, it's just like her to do that."

"Oh, has her spell finally worn off on you?" I was surprised, to say the least.

"I do not know what I was thinking." The man, Chris, shook his head. "Regardless, I recognize her for who she truly is, though the others seem not to be able to."

Well, if anyone was to escape her It'd definitely be him.

"So, we're you waiting for me." I'd bump the guy up on my favorability list. He really wasn't a bad dude whatsoever.

"Yes, to keep things short my father wishes to meet you." Hmm, that's…annoying.

"The Sword Saint? Why?"

"He is interested in your swordsmanship, he heard you even defeated Sir Gilbert who is even better than I." His words were twisted with his own curiosity.

"And when exactly is this meeting supposed to take place?"

"In two weeks, on Saturday. He said he will come out himself." Chris pushed up his glasses.

"Well, I have completed what was asked of me, I will see you around, Lord Stardia." Oh, was that actual respect I detected? Someone was growing.

I didn't go straight home like I initially planned. Instead, I had to drop off this air bike on my ship.

Since it was on the way, Livia followed along with me.

"It's so sweet." An overjoyed Livia said as she walked with a bounce in her step. A crepe in her hand as she nibbled away.

"It must be if you're like that." I chuckled, I held her hand gently feeling over her soft skin from time to time.

"I feel sorry for Angie." She said suddenly. "Let's get her something before we go back."

I nodded to her suggestion as we approached the docking area and as a by-product the bookstore.

"You can go in, I'll be right back," I called to her as I looked for my ship amongst the numerous ships. Truthfully, it was just a decoy one, the real Valor was constantly floating around in the sky along with Stellar.

Luxion would transport the air bike to the main ship, I'm sure he'd want to do all sorts of modifications to it.

The chore didn't take much time at all and Livia had finished at nearly the same time as me.

Following her idea, we stopped at the crepe place yet again, getting another crepe for Livia and then one for Angie.

"Ah, thank you, guys." Knocking on the door to her dorm, I peeked inside while Livia handed Angie the snack.

I could tell by the mountain of letters and papers on her desk that it was unlikely she was leaving this room for tonight.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah… it's what you'd expect. Though, I underestimated how much build-up there would be from our break." She sighed.

"Ehm, should we bring you food?" Livia questioned feeling bad for her friend.

"Oh, don't worry about that, I ate before I settled into work mode." She brushed Livia off with a smile.

"Please, don't worry so much, I'm used to this, I'm sure it won't always be like this, so I'll have more time for you soon, promise." Angie brought the girl into a hug, rubbing her head as Livia looked like an abandoned puppy.

"Okay, but take care of yourself." Livia nodded returning the hug.

When the hug ended, Angie spoke up. "Of course."

Understanding that as a goodbye Livia hugged Angie again.

"See you two." I could tell by the faint glance she directed at me that she wanted the same for me, and of course, I easily satisfied her.

With my arms around her back I hugged her close, giving my own final words before we said goodbye and left.

"Mmm~." Livia let out a moan of satisfaction as I pushed a sponge across her skin.

Soap trailed behind as I worked my way between every part of her body.

"Naughty, Noir." She breathed out as when I reached a certain area I abandoned the sponge and washed them with my bare hands.

My grip tightened around her large breast as I idly played with her nipples.

From our close proximity, my enlarged member slid between her legs getting moistened by something other than water as her fluids dripped over it.

Seeing my shaft coming from between her legs, she with both hands grabbed onto it, playfully stroking it.

"Your turn," She breathed out a heavy breath desperate to get out of the shower so we could go dirty ourselves again.

As she washed me we couldn't go five seconds before our lips interlocked.

When we finally were done washing even with water dripping from our bodies we stood in the middle of the bathroom, skins pressed together as we devoured each other's tongues.

We did a very lazy dry with a towel before I squeezed the girl's ass and pulled her up, signifying her to wrap her legs around my waist.

"Noir…" An ecstasy-filled moan escaped her as I dropped her on the bed, both of already naked and ready.

By the time we finished, I was sure Angie had already gone to bed.

With the light still on me and Livia lay on the bed, the sheets ruined with our fluids. It was insane how much of a mess we can make even without penetration.

"Noir…" The blonde girl to my side called for me as she sat up on my lap. Her hands used my chest as support as she looked down at me who was laying on the bed. Her breast swayed hypnotizing me.

"Yes, Livia," I asked as I rest my hands behind my head, truthfully, I was down and ready for some more fun.

"Noir is amazing. You do things no one else can. You can have anyone, but you chose me." I was unsure where she was going with this and so I remained silent.

"But, you chose me. Above everyone you chose me." Well duh, my Livia is just that great.

"I love you, and you love me. I make you happy the same way you make me happy. Right?"

"Definitely, every day is great with you by my side." My word's brought a smile to her lips. She leaned down and kissed me before she pushed herself back up.

"Then that's enough, as long as Noir thinks so the one most worthy of you is me." She said with conviction. I smiled so damn hard at that moment.

"I'm glad you understand." I put a hand on her cheeks.

"Mhm, I do, so…" Her face grew red, I knew what she wanted, and you'd be damn straight I was going to give it to her.

"I love you, Livia," I said with a fondness I didn't think I was capable of.

It only took her a second to process what I meant when I said that. "I…Love…You…Too." Her words came out one by one, when she got to the final one, tears dripped down from her face.

"I deserve Noir, Noir is my lover." She cried as she slammed herself against me, her lips overlapping my own.

"You were worried Angie would beat you huh?" I chuckled as I broke away from the kiss.

"A little… Ah, but don't take it the wrong way! I want Angie to have this too." She waved her hands, her eyes getting a little red.

With a permanent smile on my lips, I sat up, keeping her balanced on my lap as I did so.

"I know Livia," I reassured.

I held her close for a while as we remained in silence.

Before I knew it though, I felt her body go limp, she had fallen asleep.

Not wanting to spoil the amazing happening, I got up with her still clinging to me.

I somehow maneuvered myself around, replacing the sheets and blanket of the bed with new ones before gently I laid with her back down after turning off the light.

Even now, my dick was reaching for the stars, any inhibitions I had had faded as soon as our friendship officially evolved into a relationship of lovers. This upcoming weekend when I wouldn't have to worry about her needing to go to school.

I'd claim every last part of this girl's body. I'd fuck her into unconsciousness and then do it again as soon as she woke up. I'd fuck her until it was unclear where one of us began and the other ended.

The thought made me so heated that I had to actually pay LP to calm myself. I didn't think this poor girl knew what she was getting into.

That was my last thought before I held the clinging girl close, and drifted off into unconsciousness.

A/N: Powerstonessssss. A lot of things are happening, stay tuned.

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