
Chapter 122: Under Attack Part 1

With the proclamation of All Might's " imminent death", it was now completely safe to assume that these people, were villains.

Damn it! They have a warping quirk, there's no way my security could have stopped that! Izuku though, as he took a good look at the villains.

The vast majority of them just seemed like basic thugs, although many of them seemed to have mutation quirks.

Their leader stood in front of all of them, and to his sides were some rather…off-putting people, mainly because they all had their brains exposed in some way.

The biggest one was a giant about the size of All Might and even more muscley. It had pitch-black skin and a beak-like face, its brain completely exposed, and it wore a pair of beige shorts, with skulls on its kneecaps.

Next to it was a similar-looking creature, with black skin, however, its face was mostly hidden by skin that went over its head like a hood, but Izuku could just barely see its brain peeking out. It had a very bad hunch, making it almost seem like a quadruped and its neck was far longer than normal.

On the other side of Shigaraki, was another hulking figure, although this one was more tall than muscular, being two heads taller than All Might. Its body was mostly covered in what looked like a tight leather trench coat, with the only part of its body that was visible being its head, which much like the other two, had its brain exposed, and under it were dirty piano key like teeth, with skin stretched out around it.

The last one was rather different from the other three.

Its body had a shape that was almost exactly like a normal human, although it possessed a red long tail that went from its waist to the floor, and two long purple horns coming out of the side of its head, and curving behind it, with its brain between them. Its body was mostly covered in purple armor, although the armor appeared to be part of its body, with some exposed red areas on its stomach, arms, and face. Lastly, it also had some bits of white armor over its forearms and legs. Although, unlike the others, this one looked more alive and had a look of malicious glee in its yellow eyes.

Just as all the villains finished stepping out of the portals, the Grimm came in.

Various Grimm came from out of the forest, surrounding, coming in through the gates to get closer to the villains.


The Nuckelavee came running out of the forest, meanwhile, a Hound jumped off the roof, and a Wyvern soared into view.

"I don't know who you are, but I'd suggest surrendering now!" All Might told Shigaraki, flashing him his signature grin. "Because I am here!"

"Also, you are surrounded by an army of nightmare beasts." Aizawa pointed out, as the Grimm completely surrounded the villains, growing menacingly, waiting for them to make a move.

"Oh we are aware of what we're up against, which is why we've come prepared," Shigaraki said confidently. "Ruin, why don't you show him what the Anti Symbol of Peace can do. Kill him!"

Suddenly, the giant creature with its brain exposed apparently called Ruin, rushed forward at a speed, that most of the people there couldn't even see.

But All Might could, and he moved just as fast towards the beast.

Both of them cocked their arms back and got ready to throw a punch.


Their fists connected, creating a shockwave so powerful it kicked up storm-like winds, forcing everyone to guard their faces and look away.

When they looked back, they saw the two fights, their fist still touching. And the Nomu seemed completely unaffected.

"Oh shit." Kaminari summed up everyone's feelings at that time, as everyone on the hero's side looked at the scene in absolute shock, All Might included.

This was the first sign that this was not going to be an easy battle.

But with the first attack thrown, the Grimm descended onto the villains.

Immediately, the villains started fighting back, some of them winning, some not so much.

Meanwhile, the more powerful Grimm also started rushing in as well. The Nucklavee running in from behind, the Hound from the front, and the Wyvern dived at them from the sky.

"Nemesis, kill the horse. Janemba, kill the Dog. Hood, take the Dragon." Shigaraki ordered.

Immediately, the purple and red Nomu, Janamba, turned towards the Hound and shot out its arm, which stretched and extended out like playdough, grabbing the Hound by the throat, and throwing it to the side.

The Hound rolled for a bit, before digging its claws into the ground, and stopping itself.

And while it was doing that, Janamba's body came apart, turning into tiny little blocks, that flew behind the Hound.

Janemba reformed itself behind the Hound and tried to stomp on it, but the Hound jumped back, dodging the attack, as Janemba's foot smashed into the ground.

The Hound lunged at Janemba, however, the foot that Janemba smashed into the ground, extended through the ground, and popped out, kicking the Hound in the jaw, and sending it flying back, landing on its spine.

"Ahahahahaha!" Janemba let out a high pitch evil laugh, seemingly enjoying this.

Meanwhile, the tall trenchcoated one, Nemesis, turned towards the Nuckelavee and raised its arm up at it as it charged towards it.

Then, its arm began to morph and change shape, turning into huge cannon.


Nemesis shoots out a huge blast from its arm cannon, impacting the Nuckelavee's human torso.

"RAHHHHHHHH!" The Nuckealvee stopped its charge a roared in pain, the shot had destroyed most of its rib bones, and destroyed most of its right arm.

Then Nemesis raised its other arm and shot a tentacle out of a hole on its wrist.

The tentacle wrapped around the horse's head, and Nemesis jerked his arm to the side, dragging the Nuckelavee to the side, and causing it to fall on its side.

Lastly, the hooded one, Hood cocked back its arm, and then shot it out at the Wyvern, its long arm extending at rapid speed, and smashing the Wyvern in the face.

"RAHHHHH!" The Wyvern cried out, as the blow hit it so hard, that it broke off part of its mask. It threw its head back, and panicky flapped its wings, trying to get away from Hood for the moment.

But Hood was having none of that, its shoulds morphed, transforming into jets, and Hood took to the sky after the Wyvern.

All the while, All Might, and Ruin had gotten into a punching match, the two throwing at rapid-fire punches, so fast and powerful that it created a whirlwind that kept anyone else from getting close.

"What the hell!? What are these guys!?" Mineta shouted, shaking in fear at the powerful foes battling it out in front of him.

"It's like they have multiple quirks." Izuku noticed, looking at the enemy with fear in his eyes. Multiple quirks. Could they be working for All for One?

"Everyone, get inside," Aizawa said, getting ready to jump into the fray.

"We will take care of this," Sai said, as she, Aizawa, and Sai got ready to fight.

"You want us to just leave!?" Kirishima asked in shock and outrage.

"But we can help!" Ochaco objected.

"You can, and you will. Be guarding Midoriya and the kids." Aizawa said sternly.

"Yeah, if you guys watch over them, that means we can focus on taking down these bastards!" Sori said, cracking her neck.

"Very well. Everyone get inside!" Iida said, turning to the children. "All of you as well!"

"But we can help too!" Netsu argued, his flames spiking in power as he got fired up.

"Yeah, let us kick these guys' butts!" Ken said, holding up his Omnitrix.

"These villains will suffer for daring to invade my home!" Aka shouted in rage.

"We can at least take the weaker ones," Nara added, trying to sound somewhat reasonable.

"Absolutely not." Izuku stepped in and looked at the children with a stern glare. "All of you may be powerful, but you are also children. This is an army of real, actual killers, some of which look to be incredibly strong. We are going to the training room, and locking ourselves inside. None of you are fighting unless you absolutely have to! Now let's go! Now!"

Fu sent out a few of Kyosei's tendrils out, and wrapped them around Ken, Kiba, and Aka, before starting to run towards the house.

"Hey! Let us go or I swear you'll regret it!" Aka cursed as she struggled against Kyosei's reach.

"Not letting any of you do anything rash," Fu explained, before looking back at everyone else. "Come on guys! Let's go!"

Izuku, 1A, and the kids all started to run away from the battle, some more reluctantly than others, with some also looking back at the adults who would soon be entering the battles.

However, the last one to enter was Kei, who suddenly stopped, her eyes widening as she remembered something. "Wait! What about Kai!?"

"I already texted him about the situation. The information should have gone straight to the screen in his room." Izuku told her, as he picked her up. "I told him to stay and his room and hide until the situation is over. "There's nothing else we can do. Let's go!"

Izuku carried her inside, and with that, all of them had made it into the house.

"Alright, now that they're gone," Sori smirked, as she set her sights on Shigraki, who was standing in the middle of the Grimm/Villain war that was happening, watching All Might battle Ruin. "I'ma take-out the leader!"

"Wait Sori be-" Before Sai could finish, Sori lunged at Shigaraki, at lightning-quick speeds, cutting through the air like a knife.

Sori's smirk grew as she was only a few feet away from Shigaraku, and she got ready to punch him. "Eat shit asshole!"

However, once she was close, suddenly, a figure appeared next to her out of nowhere, and punched her in her side, sending her rolling across the ground.

"Ack!" Sori hissed, as she rolled to her feet, quickly getting to her knee and holding her right side. "Fuck that stung."

Sori looked up at the person who'd hit her, glaring at him intensely.

The person was a man, wearing a long black coat, and big black boots. His skin was dark purple, and he was also completely bald.

He looked back at her coldly, standing with his hands in his pockets.

"Glad you're earning your pay, Hit," Shigaraki said, name-dropping the assailant.

Hit didn't respond, not taking his eyes off Sori.

"Alright, you wanna play!" Sori got up and extended her claws. "Let's play!"

Sori dashed forward, moving faster than most people could react, and reaching Hit in no time at all.

She launched her arm forward to scratch his chest.

But he suddenly vanished, and her claws hit nothing.

Sori didn't even have time to process that, as at the same time, Hit appeared beside her, and punched her in the side again. "Aghhhh!"

She stumbled back holding her side yet again, as she processed what just happened.

"Fast, but not fast enough." Hit replied, his voice cool and calm. It'd be rather soothing if he weren't trying to kill her.

"Hisssssss." Sori glared at Hit, but before she could attack, suddenly all she saw was purple.


"Aghhhhhh!" Sori cried out in pain, as she was suddenly struck from multiple places in stupidly quick succession.

Sori fell to one knee, her body aching with pain from all the hits she had just taken. Damn it this guy's no joke. I need to figure out how his quirk works. Looks like teleportation or something, but it's too damn fast, and there's no glow or effect or anything. He just disappears and reappears somewhere else. Need to rely on my senses.

She heard something behind her, and she quickly spun around and tried to kick him, only for the presence to vanish and reappear behind her, before punching her in the spine.

"Fuck!" Sori cursed, turning around to try and grab Hit, only for Hit to vanish, now being a few yards away. '

Sori took some time to breathe, and think. It's not teleportation. When he vanished, he reappeared in a completely different pose. Then how the hell is he doing this. Some kind of time manipulation. Shit, I need to focus.

Seeing that Sori was in trouble, Aizawa and Sai were about to step in.

However, suddenly, some strings wrapped around Aizawa and threw him into the air.

"Eraserhead!" Sai was about to open a portal to cut the strings on Aizawa while he was flying away, but her attention was suddenly shifted to something more imminent.

She shot out a wall of swords out next to her, as a red bolt of lightning-like energy smashed into it.


The energy exploded, destroying the swords, and forcing Sai to look away as the force from the explosion almost swept her away.

When she looked back, she saw her swords were destroyed, and standing on the other side of the destroyed sword wall, was a figure shrouding in smoke from the explosion.

"Finally. After all this time I've finally found you." Said the figure in a tough-sounding, female voice.

The figure stepped out of the smoke.

And was revealed to look exactly like a teenage version of Sai. She wore a red tube top, and a pair of very, short shorts, as well as a red leather jacket and red shoes.

In her hand a grey sword, with a red handle, and a bit of red going down the base of the sword.

"Suprised to see me, Father!" The girl shouted, glaring intensely at Sai.

"...What?" Sai responded, giving her the most confused look she'd ever given in her life.

"Don't play innocent! Now you'll finally pay for abandoning me and mom you freaking deadbeat!" The enraged girl shouted as she held her sword up.

Suddenly, that red electricity emanated from her body, frying the ground around her. The energy poured into her sword, surrounding it with that red energy.

She then swung he sword at Sai unleashing a slash of red lightning-like energy at Sai.

In response, Sai opened a portal in front of her and shot out an explosive sword at the slash.


The sword hit the energy and exploded, but the energy just kept coming.

Sai's eyes widened, and she barely managed to jump to the side in time, her arm getting grazed by the energy as she dodged.

"Agh." Sai held her arm, her arm burning with pain and she could see the wound through her torn sleeve. "Shit."

Sai looked back at her young doppelganger and saw her unleashing a few more energy slashes at her.

Not having much time to dodge, Sai made another wall of swords in front of her, this time it was a two-layer wall rather than a signal layer one.

The energy slashes crashed into the wall, exploding against it, and breaking quite a few swords, but not fully destroying the wall.

Sai looked at her doppelganger through the broken parts of the wall and opened a bunch of portals around her, with sword tips peeking out, ready to be fired.

The doppelganger raised her sword, and the red lighting exploded off of it, shooting bolts all over the place, destroying all the swords that were about to be launched at her. She then ran out, leaping between the portals, and running at Sai, unleashing an even more powerful energy slash at Sai's sword wall.


"AGH!" The slash hit exploding and tearing the wall apart, causing Sai to go flying, and land on her back. She groaned in pain for a moment, before forcing herself to sit up. "Ahhhh. She's strong."

"Die! Fathhhherrrr!" Sai looked up and saw the girl had jumped into the air, and was now descending down on her, with her sword covered in red lightning, and pointed down at her.

Sai quickly opened a portal next to her and grabbed onto the hilt of a rocket sword, that dragged her away from her current position, as her doppelganger slammed into the ground, her sword stabbing into the ground, discharging red energy into the ground, causing it to explode.

Fortunately, Sai was out of the blast radius, her rocket sword carrying her a few yards away before it ran out of fuel, and the sword's hilt stopped spewing fire.

Sai was dragged a couple more feet before coming to a halt.

Both Sai and her younger doppelganger brought themselves to their feet and glared at each other.

"Heh." Suddenly her doppelganger smirked. "You're just as strong as I thought you'd be. Glad you're not leaving me disappointed…for once."

"Ok, look. I do not have time for…whatever this is!" Sai said firmly. "I have no idea who you are, but I can assure you. I am not your father. As you can see, I am a woman! You're probably confusing me for my brother, or perhaps one of my MANY sisters, although I'm fairly certain none of them possessed male genitalia the last time I saw them."

"You're the former hero Saber right?" The look-alike asked, Sai nodded her head in response. "Then I'm not mistaken! You're my bastard father who ran out on mom the moment you found out she was pregnant!"

Sai rubbed her temple in frustration. "Firstly, that's impossible because I've never had a lover, and I am a woman! Secondly, I would never, ever do such a thing. And third, even if I did do something do deplorable, that doesn't justify murder!"

"Like I care about justifying shit. You made my life hell, I'm gonna kill you!" The girl said, angrily raising her sword. "And since you probably ran away before I got named, I'll tell you who's about to send you straight to hell! My name is Konashi. No die you freaking deadbeat!"

Meanwhile, Aizawa had been dragged away to the outskirts of the fighting area and was dragged along the ground by the strings.

Aizawa reached for his short blade, and cut the strings around his waist, although they were very tough, had his blade not been top of the line, he wouldn't have been able to cut them.

Once Aizawa came to halt and picked himself up, he heard a voice speak to him.

"Oh my my my. You cut through my threads, that must be a pretty nice knife you got there." Said an annoyingly cutesy voice.

Aizawa looked up and saw a young woman standing in front of him. She was about average height, although her blonde hair was about as big as her, styled into two massive drills, with some smaller locks framing her face and a massive pink bow. She wore a pink lolita style dress, with matching boots and fingerless gloves, and a pink heart choker.

She looked at him with a cute smile, but Aizawa could see her sinister intention in her eyes. Looking at him like he was her new toy.

One that she looked forward to breaking.

Immediately, Aizawa activated his quirk, hoping whoever this was didn't know who he was, and underestimated him.

The girl pouted. "Hey, what did you just do? My quirk isn't working right all of a sudden."

Good. She doesn't know who I am. Hopefully, I can end this quickly. Aizawa thought to himself, as he rushed forward at the girl, and punched her in the face.

And the moment Aizawa's fist connected with her face, he realized something was wrong. It didn't feel like he was punching flesh it felt like he was punching steel strings. And all punching her seemed to do, was tilt her head a bit, and hurt his own hand.

Realizing his mistake, Aizawa jumped back, and the girl pouted at him.

"You heroes really don't know how to treat a lady." The girl flashed him a menacing smile. "Guess I better teach you a lesson. I can't use my quirk like I'm used to, so I'm gonna have to improvise. I've never beat a man to death before, but mama always said to try new things!"

Aizawa grit his teeth and pulled out his blade. I hope the kids have at least made it to the safety.


Izuku, 1A, and the kids were currently in the entry hall, looking on at what was in front of them in fear and anger.

Eri in particular was frozen stiff with fear, her body trembling. "N-No."

Blocking their path, were former Yakuza members, Rappa, Deidoro Sakai, Soramitsu Tabe, Yu Hojo, Toya Setsuno, Riykiya Katsukame, and Chronostasis.

"Hello Eri," Chronostasis said, his carrying a clam fury that reminded Eri far, far too much of Overhaul. "It's been a while."

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