
More complicated

 Yin Fu's eyes glinted with a sharp light. This was something that his brother taught him, he told him that the reason he was able to get hold of Yin Fu's sister-in-law was that he knew when to retreat and when to press for more. 

In the past, his sister-in-law and his brother, Yin Hong were not on good terms but his brother really liked his sister-in-law who was not only good-looking but was also famous for giving a good time to her partners. Thus, he had chased after her before 'accidentally' falling in bed with Yin Fu's sister-in-law. 

Back then he had used the same tactic as the one that Yin Fu was using because this not only created a soft spot in the hearts of women or men but also made them feel sorry for mer who lost their virginity to them. 

Of course, Yin Fu hated green tea b*tches and bas*ards who used such tactics to get what they wanted, but he was different. He was using this tactic to get more s*x in his life. 

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