
Xie Jie’s past ——1

Doctor Chou did not doubt his words. She knew Xie Jie ever since he was a baby in the arms of his father, so of course she was completely aware of how sharp Xie Jie's tongue was when it came to mocking others. Those who did not know anything about Xie Jie thought that he stayed quiet because he did not like to speak but the truth was ——Xie Jie stayed silent because he was fully aware of how dangerous his words could be. 

There was one time when someone pissed Xie Jie off and then they ended up getting scolded by Xie Jie. That poor mer did not even know what kind of devil he offended but by the time Xie Jie stopped speaking, that mer was crying until tears and snot smeared his face. 

From what Doctor Chou heard that mer refused to come out of his room for three weeks and it was only when his parents pulled him out that mer came out of his room. Even then he did not recover and she had to treat him for two years. 

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