
Ignoring Yin Fu——2

Maybe you know scratch that. 

As soon as Mo Qiang stepped inside the public transport she attracted the attention of every passenger causing her to stiffen. Though this time it wasn't because of her but Yin Fu because he was dressed like those little elves of Santa Claus, everyone turned to look at him with wide eyes as if silently questioning whether or not to act as a kind Samaritan and tell Yin Fu that there was something very wrong with his dressing sense but then decided to say nothing as it was funny to watch. 

" Look Qi Qi, everyone is looking at us. We must be looking great!" Yin Fi excitedly told Mo Qiang causing many women and mers to stifle a laugh. Beside him, Mo Qiang felt like she had nothing to live for anymore, with an expression that was quite similar to that of a dead fish she nodded and then said, " You are right, we indeed look wonderful." Wonderfully idiotic. 

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