Piloq's marketplace was bustling with activity, showcasing a blend of traditional stalls selling handcrafted wares and exotic spices, as well as boutiques featuring modern technology and fashion. Vendors sold goods from woven baskets, Summoning Scrolls, and digital displays side by side.
The means of transportation at the edge of the city were a symphony of contrasts. Monster-drawn carriages shared the roads with hovering shuttles. The resounding sounds of the horses' hooves resonated alongside the soft humming of the shuttles all around them.
As Michael and the rest walked down the staircase of hell with thousands of steps to take, his attention was drawn to the parks and gardens that could be considered oases of time. Ancient sculptures shared space with contemporary art installations. Traditional pagodas provided shade next to innovative outdoor seating areas equipped with solar-powered charging stations.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: