
Stereotype (3)

Perseus POV

After exploring the mall, we head back home, we didn't really buy anything because we wanted to save our credits, it's about 25 minutes home, excluding the 10-minute walking distance.

I got on the train and just looked out at the scenery, It's really hard to not be mesmerized, the cityscape unfolded before my eyes like a mesmerizing tapestry of steel and glass. Tall skyscrapers reached for the heavens, their shimmering surfaces reflecting the golden hues of the setting sun. Each building seemed to possess a unique personality, standing shoulder to shoulder like a concrete jungle.

The lights were great as well, there were vibrant neon lights and the city was bustling with people as well, but before I knew it, we got to our stop and we head back to our apartment, on our way, I let Shawn head back first as I stopped by the campus supermarket to buy some apple juice for the morning.

As I was returning, I could see this girl pacing nervously in the hallway, she looks familiar, probably a classmate, but I don't really care, so I just walked by and got to my door where I tried to unlock it before I got pulled back by the collar.

"Seriously?" the person exclaimed and grabbed me by the collar "Are you going to ignore me?"

"Ma'am, I need to sleep."

"So, you're free."

"No, I'm not, I got school tomorrow and I need a lot of sleep."

"You could have at least greeted me," she complained, "Now that you're here, I need some help."

"First of all, I don't know who you are, second-"

"Don't know who I am?!" she exclaimed as I shushed her signaling that we can be heard "I'm Diana!"

"Yeah, k. Hey, and bye Dian-ack."

"Don't try to escape!"

Man, I just want to put the juice in the fridge and the hashbrowns in the freezer, I also want to organize the rest of my quick shopping earlier, maybe even make some hot chocolate for better sleep tonight.

"Look, if you help me, I'll help get Maddox off your back." she offered

"Yeah, I don't need our help, he's just projecting his incompetence, and I feel quite flattered that such a famous guy gives me his attention, makes me feel important."

"Are you not loved as a child?"

"No, my parents loved me quite dearly."

"But doesn't he annoy you?" she asked "I have influence, I can get him to back off of you."

"Yeah, but I don't care?"

"Look, just hear me out at least." she requested

"Can I organize my stuff first? I got paper bags."

"Oh..." she then realized and see that the bottom of the bags is starting to get wet "Do it quickly and come to my room, I'll send you my room number."

"Uh, I have a girlfriend, so if this is some sort of attempt to-"

"What?! Ew!"

"Ew?! You're the one who's trying to get me to go to your room without any context given and why ew? Is it cuz I wear a blindfold?"

"Just check your tablet, I'll text you through the messaging feature. If you don't come, I'll come back here and ring your bell to annoy you and not make you sleep," she warned.


I don't know why she needs me, and I don't even know if this is a trap or not, but I might as well come, I'm experienced enough to escape. Besides, her threat was quite weak, if she did do that, I can just report to the staff and student council and I'll get my sleep again.

Her room is a floor above and so I went up and search for her room, took a while, and with a knock, she opened it and ushered me in where I can see this same girl I saw at the mall and another person who's probably in the same class, they're probably friends before and requested to be placed in the same room.

"You're not gonna team up and beat me up, are you?"

"No, just take a seat." Diana responded

"Well, you were clearly waiting for me earlier since you were pacing oddly nearby, can't you just get my brother to give me a call if you want me specifically?"

"I rang the doorbell, but no one picked up, so I thought no one was home."

"Well, you're in for a real treat." the third person said

"Uh...who are you?"

"What?!" she exclaimed "We're in the same class!"

"And I got a blindfold."

"Then take it off."

"Hell no, I'd rather take off my shirt."

After some calming down, I learned that her name is Alaine. I forgot about her background already, Keira's and Diana's too. I don't really care, but they got me a glass of water before Diana then told me a story.

"Once upon a time," she started "A group of renowned sorcerers stumbled upon a hidden artifact that was said to hold dark and forbidden secrets that could reshape the world as we know it.

"It was described to be a forbidden grimoire that has a sleek cover made of a material that shimmered with an otherworldly glow. Embedded within its pages were lines of ancient symbols and encrypted spells that only the most skilled sorcerers could decipher.

"Each spell was powerful, but it came with a price, which is said to consume their very soul. The lines between right and wrong blurred as they succumbed to the allure of this forbidden magic that could plunge the world into chaos.

"And based on some rumors and gossip, it's said that our academy is the one that is keeping it, somewhere that is highly secured and definitely very secretive."

"Ok, cool story, so what? You want to go find this book or something?" I asked

"Well, yes-"

"That's stupid." I cut her off "Didn't you hear yourself? 'Consume their soul'? Why would you want to pursue a book that can kill you? Believing and going after these legends are what kill people in horror movies, I'm out."

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