
Another Test (3)

Perseus POV

The auditorium's roof then opened up and I can see fireworks being shot into the sky, a bit unnecessary in my opinion, on stage we have the 4 great principals, and they are ranked as one of the top influential figures in the world. Everyone was applauding at the 4 and so I just joined in to not look out of place.

They have personally mentored many famous wizards and witches in the world and even before becoming a part of the teaching staff of the 4 great academies, they were amongst the best fighters we have on the front lines, there are many great recorded feats where each of them were there serving a vital role in protecting our planet.

Our principal, James Arthur, is famous for his feat of repelling 500 angels by himself to buy time for his comrades who were retreating to find help. He then approached the podium and tapped the mic before speaking into it.

"Welcome young sorcerers!" he announced as he then signaled everyone to quiet down "On behalf of the 4 great academies, I would like to extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you. We are thrilled to have you here and excited to be part of your journey to becoming some of the best sorcerers in the world.

"I am James Arthur." he introduced himself "The principal of the hosting school, Phoenix Academy, and I will start today's orientation. The 4 Academies are here to ensure that as you embark on this magical journey, you will learn wonderful spells, and make you the very best sorcerers. Do not be daunted by the challenges that await you. For you will find that the faculty, staff, and fellow students of this institution are eager to guide and support you in your journey to defeat the invasion of angels."

The rest of the speech was mainly really boring, I'm not a really big fan of theatrics if you can't already tell, but whatever, they then started repeating the same story of how the Earth was invaded and how we struggled and fought back, and how this island was erected with people from all over the world coming to live here.

People who don't speak the language got this sort of chip implant that helps people talk the language, which is cool, though most students before coming here are expected to learn English beforehand.

The tablet so far only displayed a live feed of the speech, probably for those sitting far away and not able to see. After him, the other 3 principals then gave us a lecture on how things will work on the island, first the student ID, and its many functions.

And one of its most important pieces of information is the credit system that functions as a currency, the whole island uses it for day-to-day usage. 1 credit is essentially equal to 1 dollar, and students are given 2000 at the start of the year and we'll have a monthly allowance of 500.

We can get more through extra work given out by teachers or we can recharge them with actual money, but the credit system for students is different than everyone else, it's like one of those gacha games where we have 2 types of the same currency, the paid one and the free one where you can get from regular quests.

Same for this, the paid is the one with real money and there's the student credit which can only be given at school, the paid credit can be used everywhere else on the island and, but can't be used to purchase certain items like strong tools and gears, you can use them to buy groceries though.

While on the other hand, student credit can be used anywhere, it's to apparently stop rich students from having an overwhelming advantage so the paid credit is barred from a lot of items sold by the school.

And we then got to the good part as the tablet lit up and we are given this list that goes on for several pages.

"In a month, only 7 days will you be spending them with your classmates, however, for every 21 days afterward, you will be spending them with actual professionals called the apprentice program." Principal Timberman announced "You are expected to patrol and fight under the instructions of those in charge at the post where you'll be deployed to, you will work and identify yourselves as wizards or witches, though that does not give you the authority to arrest someone or abuse your authority, you are to fight and help keep the safety, not work as law enforcement.

"Your tablet should now be showing you a list of posts and agencies, it's on a first come first serve basis, and you can choose the danger level of where you will be going, though, of course, the maximum that we allow for first years is a level 4 zone, each deployment with be in groups ranging from 2-10 depending on the post.

"Please make sure to pack necessary items to bring along for the flight. There's also a schedule given to every student on what days they will be spending abroad under the apprentice program after they successfully applied for a post. Those who can't apply for one on time will be randomly assigned by the school..."

He then talks of other conditions for those who wish to switch posts or transfer and something like that, I'm not really going to focus on that for now as I now look for the filter button on the list.

"Well, what level?" I asked Shawn

"1 is too safe, we need credits and we also want to be good wizards, I'd say going for 2 or 3 would be best." he answered "We'll learn more and get money, things over here are fucking expensive and unless we live really frugally, 500 a month isn't good enough to get by, besides, I want enough savings for rent by the time we graduate."

"Wanna risk it and go for level 3?"

Vote with power stone and add to library please

PerseusSilvercreators' thoughts
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