
Robby Keene: the prodigy

-- In the afternoon -- (the same day of the fight)

(third person point of view)

Johnny was in his car in the direction of the dojo when he received a call, he saw that it was the owner of the plaza and angrily responded and said "I ALREADY TOLD YOU THAT I WILL COLLECT THE RENT SOON" to which the owner of the plaza replies "or I don't call So I'm calling to tell you someone else bought the place and I'm giving you your rent back at the old price so you can let your roommates know."

Johnny was surprised with the information he received but he was more surprised to see that there were many teenagers outside his dojo, the old man (former owner of the square) seeing that he did not answer said "so I'm counting on you to tell the others?" .

Johnny is no longer paying attention to him and hangs up as he gets out of the car and opens the dojo for everyone to enter.

(first person point of view)

Inside the dojo I am with Miguel and Aisha, the dojo is full this time and everyone talks among themselves and from time to time they turn to see me with admiration and some with fear.

I see that Jhonny comes out of his studio and says "well let's start" but only me, Miguel and Aisha pay attention to him, so he yells "SILENCE!" and everyone is silent.

He begins to walk among the young people and then says "when I look in this dojo I don't see material for cobra kai, I see losers, I see nerds, but in my time as a sensei I have seen miracles."

and maybe you are too, but I need to see how you are so that form".

they all stand still and Johnny says "it means align" to what they move but they form columns instead of rows, Johnny sighs and corrects them.

in that I sneeze and think 'someone is thinking of me or what' and without my knowing that at that moment my social networks were being stalked by sam.

Already formed Johnny speaks to Eli saying "Hey lip" to which Demetri gets into saying "excuse me Mr. Lawrence" and Aisha corrects him "SENSEI", Demetri continues "ok, I don't think I should make fun of someone's physical appearance" .

To which Johnny replies, "Oh really, I shouldn't mention her lip at all, well maybe they teach it in school, but in the real world you can't expect people to do what they're supposed to do, Right? I heard that if you don't handle someone who makes fun of you like you would, you'll get nudged."

and the stupid Demetri says "calling the police" and Miguel tells him "buddy that's enough" and Demetri replies "he knows that the Nazis lost the war, it's not that he's afraid of them, because he has a snake on the wall, he doesn't He is a teacher who can give us a bad grade, we are paying, he works for us, he cannot hurt them"

JHONNY approaches him with a piercing look and Miguel says "oh dear" as he rolls his eyes. They all move away from Demetri and leave the path open for him and Johnny says "Are you done? Hit me."

Demetri- "what" Johnny- "hit me, hit me right here" and points to his face, Demetri gets in position and throws a weak punch that Johnny deflects and says "again"

Demetri throws another punch and this time Johnny deflects it harder and says "that's all you got princess" to which Demetri throws another punch a bit harder and this time Johnny grabs his wrist, pulls him back and with the other hand lifts him up his stomach spins him and he falls back to the ground, and Johnny says "let it be a lesson for everyone"

In chemistry class in which I'm not with the girls but with Miguel and Sam arrived and I see that Sam finds a lollipop on his seat and says "thanks for the lollipop guys" and immediately it arrived, I snatch it from her hands, open it and put it in my mouth. "Hello" I say with a smile, which she returns and says "hello" I see the seat next to her and I ask her " its busy?"

To which she replies "No, go ahead." When I sit down I notice Miguel's gaze and I look at him before sitting down, when I make eye contact I notice how he is looking at me and looks away, he no longer paid attention to him and I sit down to talk with Sam.

We're working on dissecting a newborn pig.

As we begin to dissect it, Sam tells me "what do you think of sex" to which I am a little surprised but I answer "I like it, it feels very good" and at the same time that I speak she says "because in the male the tract opens near the umbilical cord I think it's a female"

after the two of them spoke it seems that he understood what I was referring to and he blushed a lot, after a minute that his embarrassment subsided he told me "thank you for really helping me" to what He replied "don't worry, someone had to take care of those idiots" and he replied "but no one else did, they were good kicks and you moved your weight and leg perfectly" and I said "or miss LaRusso knows some things I think she should take lessons with you"

with a smile and he tells me "that was a free lesson next time you will pay money for it" to which I laugh a little and say "for a class with you I pay anything" to which he blushes and He is silent again, after a few seconds he opens his bag, takes out some bananas and tells me "you want one, the boys keep hiding it in my bag because of that stupid rumor" I take one while I say "tell me who it is and I can kick him a few times, Of course you will owe me a class for it" to which she laughs and I think 'how beautiful she looks smiling'.

-- in the dojo -- (after school)

Johnny asks when he sees that the students are missing "and the others?" To which Miguel replies "they resigned sensei" and Johnny says "ok, it was a test, I wanted to see who dropped out and you guys didn't, you're here to win, if you could be at home playing on your computer, playing video games, eating sweets but you're here doing push-ups and learning to fight"

he points to Eli and says "lip, look even lip is tougher than those guys he doesn't give up" Eli says with a low tone "Could you not call me that?" Johnny-"sorry that" Eli-"I said please don't call me that" Miguel intervenes saying "sensei we have to start warming up" and JHONNY says "nonono lip has something to say, speak lip or your tongue is also wrong You're a boy with difficulties"

Eli-"the doctor said he could be on the spectrum"Johnny-"I don't know what that is but fix it well and if you don't want me to call you a lip don't have a weird lip"Eli interrupts him saying" that's how it looked after the surgery" and Johnny says "you mean it was worse before then the doctor was wrong because if this is the result of the operation it sucks and you should sue him", "we could change the subject" Eli says.

Johnny says "you think I want to talk about it, if I'm in front of you it's hard not to talk about it, you know you have a tattoo or something that attracts more attention than your lip" to which Eli leaves the dojo.

After class Miguel gave him a lecture on how to treat students but I wasn't there to see him because I went to hang out with Yas and Moon.

At night I went to give Sam his bag, which apparently was stolen by Yas and Moon with the excuse that with this they were already at hand for not telling them the truth before.

When I arrived, my car rang the bell but no one opened it, I enter through the porch and see Daniel training karate but without throwing blows and with pure positions. I go in and when he sees me in the mirror he quickly turns around when he sees me and I say "Hi, you must be Daniel, Sam's dad, I've come to give you your bag, the girls played a joke on you and well..." while he raised the bag.

And he tells me "or if he leaves I'll talk to him" and calls him on the phone to come to the house dojo because someone is looking for her, while Sam comes I ask him "was that karate he did" to which he answers "yes" and I tell him " and because he doesn't throw punches" and he tells me "karate isn't just punching and kicking, it's more about balance" and I tell him "but it didn't even look like karate" and he answers "well, the planes don't look like cars either, it's not like that" and he I ask "what does it mean" and he quickly answers "it was a kata it is the base of my karate"

And I say "it's interesting" He says "would you like me to show you while Sam arrives" I was about to answer yes and that's when Sam comes in from behind and I tell him "next time it will be, it was a pleasure meeting you" and he stretched out his arm for a squeeze, he takes it and he says "anyway" and I go outside with Sam.

"Hey, I didn't know you got along so well with my father" Sam tells me to which I tell him "but no one hates me" with a smile, he blushes a little when he sees my smile, he pushes me with one arm and says "clear fool."

He realizes I'm carrying his bag and says "why did you bring it" looking at me with half-closed eyes to which he replied "Yas and Moon took it as revenge for not telling them the truth before, apparently they're already at hand congratulations" and I hand him the bag.

She takes it and smiles "thank you" then she makes a thoughtful face and asks "but why do you have it if the girls took it" to which she smiled and I replied "who knows" and she just gets a little annoyed and says "not that I would like to know" and I think 'but you just asked me woman'.

"Well I have to go but we'll see each other at school" I tell her, she says "if I see you at school" and before I turn around she gives me a kiss on the cheek, saying quickly "for bringing my bag" and runs back to his house.

I walk towards my car with a smile since I only came to test the terrain and I received a kiss.

--sam's room--

'What did you think Sam, kissing the guy your friends like after they made up, what an idiot good idea' Sam thought.

(Keep in mind that neither sam nor anyone knows about the relationship of Robby, Yas and Moon since at school although they behave a bit cloying Robby does not hug or kiss them in public for now because it would be more difficult to conquer Sam if she finds out She tells that she goes out with her friends and Yas and Moon arrive at school separately in Moon's car, so no one has discovered anything).

'Although it's not my fault, since he's very handsome and kind, if I'm right it's not my fault, it's Robby's fault for being so nice' Sam thinks.

'I have to talk about this with Yas and Moon but I don't know how to tell them that I like the same guy they like, it's not like we can share it' thinks Sam wryly.

--the next day--

Last night I didn't have sex with Yas and Moon since their parents found out that they weren't staying at each other's house and they punished them, luckily they didn't find out that they were staying with me, let alone what we were doing.

It was a normal day, I talked to Yas and Moon in class, the only new thing was that Sam joined us in the classes we were in together and in science class, she and I paired up for work.

I didn't go to the dojo today and I found out the next day at school about Eli's haircut and new nickname.


Comment here possible members for the harem, they can be from other series, movies or animes.

Also say who the maids could be and if only in appearance or also the character itself.


thanks for the 100 stones, in the afternoon I will upload the extra chapter

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