
The Gifted Twin's birth

Flashback: to year 2155, Our birth

Us Augustine/ Sully twins are special from birth and it remained a mystery to this day. My mother, Neytiri calls us Parul, a miracle.

My twin Kiri te Suli Kìreysì'ite also known as Kiri has a strong affinity with nature and Eywa. She does this thing in her sleep...and I'm willing to bet that it'll only grows stronger as the days pass by. She's afraid, but I know, I KNOW...

She is spiritual, courageous, honest, brave, selfless, sarcastic, mythical, friendly, sweet, kind , mild and firm whenever she wants to, evident on how she protects Spider from my mom's judging gaze.

Me on the other hand grew up with the name title, genius, it's actually olLey' leak ''Vitra'' te Suli Kìreysì'ite. Vit-ra for soul but V or Lilac will do. I call my self a soul while others call me Lilac

Although I really do have a higher I.q compared to others and have the ability to learn things easily, it's really all just because I acquired skills from all those times inside the tree.

*giggle* tree skills.( ° ∀ ° ) skill tree?

I spent most of my days inside the lab learning different things from my scientist fathers/mentors (Fathers cause they basically raised me) and learning from different clips from earth, it has a lot of knowledge from earth, from literature,to music, to technology, etc.

I've been going here the minute I learned to talk and walk, me and spider basically switched.

That's another thing, my mother, Neytiri, she doesn't know if she should be worried about lo'ak always creating trouble together with Kiri and that "that spider boy" around the village. (Kiri spends too much time with those troublemakers) to worry about how they are too close or me who basically lives in the lab, learning the human ways?

Don't get me started on my grandmother, Mo'at, she basically has this permanent scowl from me skipping her healing or Tsahìk lessons, I used to leave early just to go to the lab, I'm basically her pride and shame

¯\_༼ •́ ͜ʖ •̀ ༽_/¯(๑•﹏•).

Good thing that she has another granddaughter.


I now sat besides my supposedly birth mother's avatar's cryogenic capsule or tube, just staring into space. I know I used to be a wandering soul but to tell you the truth, I don't remember much, especially those from before my death. (That's why I really don't have a problem calling someone father or mother, I was dead for a hundred years, I deserve this rebirth)

But something just doesn't sit right with me. I know I can't check records from a hundred years ago from way up here but from what I have gathered, from their history and culture, everything is so different. For one thing, the music and the artist that I used to love basically doesn't exist.

how can something so big not make it up to history?

And I swear the blue people reminds me of something, something like a dream. Have I foreseen my future?

O_o? (((;ꏿ_ꏿ;))) what a skxawng ^_^'.

I stopped day dreaming when I saw my sister enter together with Lo'ak and Spider.

"It's not fair, how come you get to breathe my air for hours while I can barely breathe yours for a second" Spider stopped talking when he saw me.

I stood up to greet them, Kiri went on top mother's tube after giving me her beautiful smile. I know me and my twin aren't really close and we have the Sullys but deep down I know she wants to know mom and is still thankful that atleast she has someone she is really related to. Feeling that she is not really alone.

"Hey, mom..." She states with her longing eyes, I looked away and look at Spider. He motion greets me

"I see you, V " and I motion back.

I put on my gear looking between Spider, Lo'ak, and Kiri.

"I shall take my leave, I still have to train the new hunters"

Lo'ak's ear pricked up.

"Is it Arial combat, eclipse, or warmonger? Can we join?" He asked, tail swinging.

I took my painted arrows(it's like paintball game in the military except in the sky)

"It's Arial and at night, and no, you can't join, you're still grounded after that stunt/prank you pulled on your brother. After you learn to listen and mature, maybe I'll let you" I said giving my brother a grin, winking then walking out the door.

I went inside again after remembering something.

"Don't touch my stuff while I'm away... I'm serious" giving them a side eye, then walking out again, heading towards hallelujah mountains or the thundering rocks with my ikran, as the sun goes down.


Lo'ak groans

"No fair! She's always so strict"

"But you gotta admit, your sisters so cool, captain at her age? And those bunch of stuff she makes"-Spider

Right on queue, a circular robot walks in. "Ooh what's that supposed to be?"Kiri ask as she went down to look at the weird looking thing.

"I'm bbb-b-bot, your personal helper. How may I help you, ma'am and sssir?"( ╹▽╹ ) it said a bit lagging.

"Awesome, I wonder what else she got inside her lab" "we shouldn't,she told us so."

They look at each other and laugh

"I guess it wouldn't hurt" opening the pin, Kiri and the gang are amazed by the clutter and as they look through the stuff, there was a bunch of ooooh's and aaaaah. Oooh what does this do?



Lilac loves music and she even secretly composes her own songs accompanied with an earthly instrument like the violin, uke Lele, and guitar. Recording it in her own personal log entry. (But we all know where she really got it from, again, she ain't no genius.)

She fancies ancient human tribe's fashion and cosplay. She wouldn't even touch weapons if it weren't for the war (and the tribe inspired cosplay.) Being inspired by all this, it later showed on her work pieces. She doesn't fancy metal that is why she incorporated it.

She always make something out of both worlds.

(I want you all to remember what hiccup does in how to train your dragon. She could have done a lot of things but she does it with what she has in her home planet. Like that suit of his, except much much lesser, more feminine, and camouflageeeee. Following the pattern of her ikran. She's so unique.)

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