
Chapter 32 - Their training starts

speech:"like this"

though:'like this'

telepathy:<like this>


Hey everyone, Good morning/afternoon/evening wherever you are.



////////MC POV///////

Medaka:"When do we start?"

Medaka seem eager to start, this week, Sephie returned, without Gid, to have a proper talk with me and Kurokami Kajiki, Medaka's father.

It was an uneventful meeting, Kajiki already knew about the Empire and since it was a matter of galactic security he had no choice but take it seriously.

Well, uneventful would be the wrong word to describe as Kajiki did have a strong reaction to Medaka's declaration that she would be part of my harem, but that is a story for another time.

But since I was going to train Lala, Medaka asked to be part of it as it would be unfair.

To say that I and Kajiki were astonished that Kurokami Medaka, who is well-known for her prideful way of treating everybody asked and not demanded would be an understatement.

I suppose that it has something to do with the cellphone that Carla gave her, she is talking with the other girls after all.

So here we are now, waiting for Lala to arrive so both of them could start their training together.

Also, Lala is going to live in one of our guest rooms.

It has been a few years since we moved to a bigger since sometimes some of our now extended family do come to spend time, so we decided to get a house that could support more people.

Cad:"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Medaka:"Yes, I told you, I will make you accept me."

At her statement, I raise an eyebrow, seems she is really serious about it can't say I dislike it.

As we were making small talk, waiting for Lala to arrive in the garden of Leonora's mansion the spaceship uncloaks and lands in front of us.

We get up from our seats and go meet them.

As we approach, at the exit ramp of the ship Lala, Sephie, Zastin, and the other three people were waiting for us.

Three girls, the two little ones beside Lala, clearly being her little sisters and the other was beside Zastin, older, about 15 years old.

And as I was going to greet them, Sephie beat me to it.

Sephie:"What do you mean 'I've seen better'?"


Sephie:"You said it to me, that you have seen someone better looking than me, what do you mean?"

Really, this is the third time we meet, and you asking me now?

Sephie:"Last time we were discussing serious matters and it slipped my mind."

As I didn't make any effort to hide the dismay and overall look of 'What the fuck?' from my face, she answers my mental inquiry.

Cad:"What do you mean what do I mean? I couldn't be more direct even if I tried."

I answer the irritated woman with a tired voice as she had both of her hands on her hips while tapping her foot, making her massive breasts jiggle in rhythmically.

Sigh, women.

Sephie:"Show me."



See you don't know why you want to meet the person, do you even want to meet someone more beautiful than you?

Medaka as always had her, don't care face. Lala had a wry smile on her face as her sisters were confused to what was happening.

Zastin had cold sweats on his forehead as he observed the way I treated the Empress he serves like any other woman.

The other girl was tense and didn't know what to do as she looked at Zastin for guidance who was as lost as him.

Sephie was opening her mouth to say something but I cut her off as much as I like to create awkward situations, since shame doesn't exist in my dictionary, I don't want to keep talking while standing.

Cad:"You should introduce the people you brought."

Sephie:"...When does the Empress introduce other people?"

Cad:"Not an official meeting, you brought these people I don't know into my house, and more importantly, do I look like I care?"

Sephie:"....*sigh* Well, it sure is a nice change of pace, firstly these are my daughter, Momo and Nana."

Momo:"Nice to meet you big brother Cadmus."

Nana:"Ice to meet you."

Oh shit bit her tongue, I never thought I would see something like that in real life, now she is all red and shame and trying to shallow her tears.

Cad:"Ahri, go play with them."

Ahri:"Kyu? Kyun."

Ahri pokes her head from inside my shirt and looks at Nana and Momo, immediately nods and jumps out, going to them.

Sephie gives a warm smile as she sees her daughter being charmed by Ahri who starts to play with them and proceeds to talk about the rest.

I guide them to the sits at the border of the garden so we could properly talk and relax.

Zastin:"The Empress doesn't need to do this I–"

Sephie:"As you know this is Zastin, he is the third-best swordmaster in all of the Empire and the youngs person to ever become a General."

Zastin tries, in panic, to stop Sephie from properly introducing him but as soon as she started to speak he shut ups, fearing interrupting her and not daring to talk over.

He slumps his shoulders in defeat.

Sephie:"And this is his protegee, the youngest Sargent in the Intergalactic Police Federation history, Birdy."

The girl, Birdy, takes a deep breath and does a military salute.

Birdy:"First Federal Sargent Birdy Celphon Altera here on the behest of the Empire family as Princess Lala's bodyguard."

She had a well-proportioned body, even at an apparent 15 years old, and well-toned muscles, a beautiful girl with orange and white hair. There's just one problem.

Cad:"...Why is she naked?"


Yes, her outfit is too much, it's like a school swimsuit that only has a little of the front part and the back part only until her lower back, it does hide her private part and her belly button but that's it.

I wouldn't mind seeing a beautiful woman in that when we are in the battle of the sheets, but here, out in the open.

She distorts her face in displeasure, not for me, but it looks like she agrees with what I said, Zastin had a helpless smile with an can't be helped face.

Cad:"I didn't know you liked this kind of stuff Zastin but you could at least do it in private."

Sephie, Birdy, Medaka:"Pff."

Lala:"Heee, Zastin na echii."

Zastin:"W-wait, I h-have nothing to do with this, Birdy please stop getting away and properly explain."

Sephie:"It's not that Cadmus, Birdy is a special case and she is not here just as Lala's bodyguard and handler, as Zastin's protegee and adopted little sister I was hoping you could help her."

Zastin:"Indeed Mister Cadmus, the Empress did not inform me of what you could do, but she did tell me that you could help my sister's situation so please."

He solemnly bows to me, while Birdy panics.

Zastin:"Help my little sister."

Birdy:"Z-zastin, there's is no need for all this, I already made peace, I'm happy with what I do, helping people, and having you as a family, even the Empress and the princesses treat me kindly, I can't ask for anything else."

Sephie:"Oh shush child, we will be judged of that."

Ok, I didn't expect such a serious conversation today, being curious about what they are saying I take another look at Birdy.

Approaching her and taking her hand, she looks at me a little uneasy.

Cad:"Excuse me *lick*."

Birdy, Zastin, Medaka, Sephie, Lala:"!!!! Wha."

Hah, look at their faces, I always wanted to do something stupid like this, I feel like Ace Ventura now.

Medaka:"Hey, Cadmus, that's unfair, it should have been me and Lala first."

Medaka crosses her arms and complains.

Lala:"Hey, leave me out of that pervert's mouth.

Lala with a red face protests her inclusion in Medaka's protest for equal rights.

Sephie:"This sure is a unique kind of courtship."

She said with a thoughtful expression.

Zastin:"Mister Cadmus, even if I am prepared to pay any price necessary to help my dear sister there is a thing that I as brother can't overlook."

Zastin took Birdy behind him and was already with his sword pointing at me menacingly, Birdy behind him was red as a tomato holding the hand I licked the finger.

Cad:"So you were created, a super soldier perhaps as you do have Devilukean DNA mixed with others, I see, you want Tearju to look into her DNA makeup, is she dying by any chance?"


Birdy:"You, but how?"

Cad:"Not hard when you have context, we were discussing something like this the other day and she brings you to me believing that I have something that can help you and now, seeing that you do have mixed DNA, not in the natural way."

Medaka:"It would be the most obvious conclusion, not 100% certain, but the most likely one."


In the meeting we amply discussed Eden Chronos's living weapon projects, failed one, and otherwise, I didn't show them Nemesis, she doesn't like to get out if not necessary and I also didn't deem so.

But I did tell them about the consequences of what could happen and Nemesis's inability to properly maintain herself because of her jumbled genetic makeup and limited lifespan, that Eve(Yami) initially had.

Sephie:"Right, I know it is asking too much I am prepared to use my personal assets as payment."

Zastin:"E-empress Sephie, I can't let you do something like this, as her brother–"

Sephie:"No Zastin, you are more than just a general to us, Gid took you in his wings and Birdy has been protecting and interacting with our daughters for almost five years now this is our matter too."

Birdy wanted to say something too but Lala was already beside her with her hand on her shoulder showing that even she thinks that Birdy is more than a bodyguard.

Birdy bites her lips trying to hold her tears.

Cad:"Sure no problem, this time is on the house and the research value of fixing her will pay by itself,."

Lala:"Hey Cadmus she–"

Cad:"She is not a lab rat, and that will not be her treatment, but the statement doesn't become any less true, right?"


Cad:"The cost of her training though, is another matter."

Sephie:"Fair, and we can discuss it as you see fit."

Cad:"Oh, nothing much, it will be the same price as Lala, but since she is more on the military side, the knowledge taught will be different at some points."

Sephie:"Sure, there will be no problem."

Great, more material and funding for me and Tearju to make fun toys of mass destruction and cool armor.

Lala:"Hey, what do you mean, payment for me?"

Cad:"What do you think, that I would just train you to be a warrior and a ruler for free?"

Lala:"I didn't know we had to pay to be tortured."

She sarcastically says, indignant.

Cad:"Oh no, you have to pay, Medaka is free."

Lala:"What? why?"

Cad:"I am training Medaka as she wants to use her abilities for me, you, on the other hand, are so you could better manage and maintain the Empire.


She groans in annoyance but what did she expect? For now, I don't have any guarantee that she will be using her skill for the family, oh, speaking of guarantee.

Cad:"Here, I need you guys to sign this with blood."

Taking out a few contracts from my ring's inventory, it is a good thing that I made a lot of these. Also, I give a dagger.

Sephie:"....What is this?"

Cad:"Runic contract, will seal the knowledge about me and my family so nobody could read from your brain and will limit what you can say."

Yes, there were a few biding runes in the contract and the rules are well written, it basically pertains to information sharing, the people in here can talk to each other privately but will stop them in the presence of anything that could take said information.

Be it devices, animals, or small children. As I said Primordial Runes change or implement written rules in the plane that we exist so something like this, is not too difficult.

For Scatach, of course, I have no idea what those Runes are, I just sent the material from the Land of The Shadows she required.

Sephie:"Oh, so it's for both of your and ours protection."

Cad:"...Right, that is exactly why I wanted to do this."

Lala:"...You just didn't want to keep thinking about what information you had to be careful about sharing or not."

Cad:"...Would you have made it any different?"


See, you also would have done it, and yes, the reason I did this is because of laziness, sure, with my heightened intelligence I could always be careful with that, but I don't wanna.

Sephie had no problem signing hers, Zastin was uneasy as well as Birdy, but following her lead they also signed as well as Lala.

Sephie:"Uh, Cadmus, there is also, could you."

She doesn't know how to ask as she looks at Momo and Nana in the gardens playing with Ahri. I guess she doesn't want the other one to be part of it, as they are too young.

Lala has not only experienced battle but has already killed people, she is part Devilukean after all, a warrior race.

Cad:"No problem, they did not hear anything and won't be a part of it for now."

Sephie:"Thank you."

She sighs relieved.

Zastin:"Uhn, Mister Cadmus, what about Emperor's Gid?"

Cad:"Oh, you don't have to worry about it, he will not be a part of this."

Zastin nods relived at first but when he notices that I plan to exclude the Emperor that he servers he becomes nervous, and Birdy tenses.

Lala, somehow, looks like she is expecting something stupid and is already facepalming.

She learns fast, as expected of a genius.

Sephie:"And why is that Cadmus?"

Tilting her head sideways, Sephie asks. As if anticipating some kind of horrible truth Zastin and Birdy are holding tight to their chairs.

Cad:"Because I want to annoy the stupid brat."

Lala:"*sigh* Ahhhh I knew it, it was something stupid."

Zastin, Birdy:"Huh?

Sephie:"*giggle* I'm glad that you have become good friends with my husband."

Cad:"Please, don't say something like that, it makes me nauseous."


Sephie:"Well, I think it's time for us to go."

Cad:"Wait a while, eat something first, I will get the girls so they can join us."

Sephie:"Thank you, Cadmus."


Momo:"Bye Big brother Cadmus, Bye Big Sister Birdy, Bye Big Sis, we will come visit later."

Nana:"Bye Bye everyone, Bye Ahri."

Saying out goodbyes as the little girls vigorously wave from inside of the ship as the ramp closes, I now turn to the three girls.

Well, your proper training will start tomorrow, but there is something really important that we have to do today."

Medaka:"And what is it Cadmus."

I move my hand behind me, as I make a motion as I am holding something, and as I pull my hand forward a portal rapidly opens and expands, engulfing me and my arm passes through my side and I throw at the girls.

Lala panics and tries to take something from her pocket, Birdy makes a fighting stance and Medaka, just stands there with her arms crossed, as imponent as ever with a pride of a lion.

Our surroundings change as we are now in an arena in the Land of the Shadows.

They start to take notice of the place and its black and gray, rough aesthetic they stand and awe as they had never seen a place like this.

I take a spear from the inventory and point at them.

Cad:"I have to see were to you stand now, so come, show me what you made of."

Medaka had a predatory grin on her face, Lala makes a rare serious face be she still has a smile and Birdy has a serious face, but I could see the excitement on her face.

Cad:"One more thing, this is a special arena, any injury will be healed instantly and it can prevent the death of its users but."

I look at each of them as seeing my serious expression with a sadistic smile that I didn't even bother hiding.

Cad:"It will hurt a lot."


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