

King - Cain Livan Lucifer

Queen - Scathatch Skadi

Bishop - Morgan LeFay

Bishop - Ingvild Leviathan

Knight - Jalter

Knight - Musashi Miyamoto

Rook - Brynhildr

Rook - Tiamat(DxD)

Pawn - Crom crouch

Pawn - Echidna(Tiamat from fate)

Pawn - Medusa

Pawn - Tamamo no Mae

Pawn - Shuri himejima

Pawn - Kuroka Toujou

Pawn - Carmilla

Pawn - Misla Vapula

Post the pics of the characters or give some ideas about whom to swap.

Write your thoughts and post images of the character.

Vegeta_Kakarotcreators' thoughts
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