
Chapter 66- Sereia – A Friend – Part 1 (VOLUME 2)

*~*Sereia's POV*~*

"Ahh, there's the visitor that I've been waiting for." Trinity grinned as she stopped mid sentence. I didn't know what she was going to ask me, but the moment had passed now. She was rising to her feet, and looking toward the door, as she moved onto the newest topic. "Come in." She was watching as the visitor came in, and so was Talia. I noticed that Talia was grinning happily as she looked at the door. Did she know who it was?

Of course, she would have to know. She was a wolf, and that meant that she had a very acute sense of smell. And being a wolf, it meant that Talia could tell if it was a familiar person or a stranger at the door. Sometimes, I truly wished that I had that ability as well. It would come in handy at times. Especially times like this. Still, I wondered who it was.

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