
Chapter 11- Reagan – New Internship Part 2 (VOLUME 2)

*~*Reagan's POV*~*

 Together, Wallbridge and I walked to his office. He cleared some space, not that he needed to. There was a chair there for me already, and I could tell that he was just nervous about having me here in his office. 

 "Come on, Mr. Wallbridge, have a seat and talk with me."

 "This is so surreal." He did as I asked him too, laughing as he went. "And, please, call me Ethan." He smiled and settled into the ancient looking chair at his desk.

 "And you can call me Reagan." I nodded at him, making him blush. "Come on now, Ethan." I laughed at him. "You weren't planning on calling me Prince Reagan the entire time that I worked here, were you? That would get embarrassing when the clients got here."

 "Y..y..yeah, y..you're right." He looked like he hadn't thought about that part yet. "Thank you, R..R..Reagan."

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