
The Red Beast Part 2

As the fairy dragons gather, their heart wallows as they sing among the shrooms of old, with heavy sorrow they sing their last as twisting shadows spread among their dreaming children.

→→→→→→→Excerpt from Arch-Druid "Navarax"

Thomas watches with a heavy heart as brave men and women of the alliance charge forward to save him, however he can't but have thoughts about his men that he just watched die a second ago…. [For if only they had arrived a few moments earlier... Maybe things could have gone differently] he thought.

But while he was wallowing in self-pity, the demon didn't sleep! For now, it was angry! And in its rage, it tore out what remained of the fleshly eyeballs that were no longer of use with its mouth. And with a fierce roar boney razor edges blades took their places! As his sharpen tentacles twirled and danced, it calmed the lives of all the warriors who leaped at it, along with the paladins who charged at it with their mounts! With each swipe the demon tore away warriors' weapons, armor and their limbs! With, Pally bubble shattering like glass before each piercing stab! As they fell into the waters their blood mixed with the demon's blood! Turning those already hot waters into actual green flames! As the flames raged the riderless horse kicked and neighed as burning green boney hands pulled them in! As they rose again with melted flesh they were accompanied with scourge-ly undeath!

As Jaina watched with horror as now it was no longer just a demon to worry about but also the undead! With eyes glued on the undead she couldn't help but be reminded of Arthas… But with those memories came pain! For her heart was flooded with the anguish of her regret... Her Biggest regret… of not saving him from himself. But now isn't the time to feel such things for the soldiers and adventures she brought with her were being slaughtered by the dozen! Shaking her head, she yelled to her fellow Kirin tor mages to stop chucking their spells at the demon and focus on the once fellow men! But as they chanted and channeled with open books and casting wands, the demon felt the flow of the either in the air change… he felt the swirling of the arcane… As his senses locked onto the pestering mages that were once casting their weak magic it way! With a huff in annoyance the demon gathered its own arcane magic within its belly, for when the power in its gut reached its pinnacle the more perspective of adventurers noticed the change in the size of the demon's throat and mid-section! Knowing the demon was up to something the archer quickened their pace, while the rogue tossed out smoke bombs as priests were handing out their shields! But in all their preparation and excitement they forgot one important thing: that they were fighting a fel-hunter! With a gut crushing screech, the demon cast his spell lock!

With eyes bursting and blood purging from every orifice of their bodies the mages, the priests, the warlocks of all walks, collapsed! With choking blood and painful throats, they stop casting… they stopped thinking… with pleading eyes they sought Jaina who was their source of courage in time like these.

Now Jaina who was unaffected by the demon screech for she was in conflict with her inner voice, of how to handle the situation. But as she stood there absorbing their gaze she said in a hurry:

[Listen! Everyone channels your remaining arcane energy to me!]

And so, without wasting a moment they did…. And while they were channeling, Jaina 's inner voice said [Are you sure you want to do this? There's no going back afterwards. You know!]

Jaina then replies [I know but there is no other way! You know what will happen if the scourge magic is allowed to spread!]

[Funny… you sound just like Arthas!] replied Jania inner voice

[NO! This is…. This is different… I'm not like him!] replied Jania weakly

[O! And how is it different! You plan to freeze everyone including the demon in one big spell! Not only that look around you! If you continue to absorb anymore magic from your weakened followers, they will die alone with the frozen!] Reply Jaina's inner voice angrily!

This thought deeply disturbs Jania who momentarily stops channeling her spell to look around her. She locked eyes on all her followers to see the spark of hope in them, for they had an undying belief that she would save them. But then she looked behind her, to the town of Goldshire… then to Stormwind city… As images of children flew past her mind, she took a deep breath and said to herself,

[ I now see why Arthas made the choice he did… What a horrible choice to bear… what a heavy responsibility the crown must have been for him! O! Arthas my love, I'm Sorry... I'm so sorry I turned my back on you that day… if only I had gone with you… maybe…just maybe things could have gone differently…]

[I see... So, this is the choice you made in the end huh…. You hypocrite!] yelled Jaina inner voice


With a hair pulling screech Jaina shouts [freeze]

At her command an icy cold wind pierced past the night sky, freezing all in its wake, to the innocent and the guilty none were spared! From the smallest animals to the great animals, all were the same in the icy chill that swallowed the forest!

Seeing this scene unfold before his eyes, Xavian was in a state of shock for he didn't expect someone like her to do this! While on the other hand Xalan entered deep contemplation. While Jalzzoz… went off somewhere chewing and biting his fingers and pulling his fur out with much frustration.

But they weren't the only one watching from the shadows, for Jannok was also watching the scene unfold and thought to himself [This look strikingly similar to what Illidan did so many moons ago, when the legion attacked Black rook hold.]

But while he was reminiscing about the past, Lady Katrana Prestor was onlooking the events of the entire forest through her crystal ball that she had locked in a hidden chamber within the castle walls of Stormwind. With much content she sneered at lady Jania action with much interest.

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