
Return Ticket

Too shocked by the sudden appearance of the ticket, Nian immediately forgot that he was supposed to keep some distance from Jin Jiuchi as he lunged forward to grab Jin Jiuchi's hand, bringing the palm closer to his eye so he could inspect the ticket better. His eyes ran across the rectangular yellowed paper inscribed with familiar words.

The Nightmare Bus — One-way Ticket

From: Shishen Apartment

To: Jinhua City

Usage limited to one (1) ticket per passenger.

Nian's breath abruptly hitched on his throat. It was the ticket… a genuine return ticket! His gaze then dropped to the very bottom where the date and time was displayed. "6th May, 00.01 AM…" he let out a soft gasp, purple eyes flaring wide in shock.

The day after tomorrow, right after midnight… it meant that they only needed to spend 26 more hours in this Cycle!

"You found the ticket…" he whispered in a quivering voice, the corner of his lips curving into a relieved smile.

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