
Trick 46: Talking to Moving Paintings!

Ace was teaching Hermione in the Library, explaining "Focus your mind and stay absolutely calm." Hermione was frowning as she held her hands out, trying to make a mandala in the air.

She put her hands down and asked "How am I meant to do this without a wand?! Also, didn't you mention a ring?" Ace took off the sling ring and put it on a desk as he stood in front of Hermione, explaining "The Masters of the Mystic Arts don't need wands or sling rings to make magic."

He paused before holding his hands out and forming a mandala as he waved his hands, continuing "The sling ring is mostly used for portals. However, it has been said that it is only a focusing artifact. A true master doesn't need any tools, only his expertise."

As he pushed the middle of the Mandala, pulsing it out before it fizzled out of existence. He looked down at Hermione and smiled, "Try again, Hermione. You have to truly focus, once you get it once it only gets easier."

Hermione blew the hair out of his face as she tried again, squinting in concentration. Ace watched her practice when Harry flew by on a winged creature. Ace looked out the window and saw Harry fly away before he shook his head and turned back to Hermione.

Time continued to pass slowly as Ace studied in the library and taught Hermione.

Nearly a month passed by until something happened…

Ace was walking up the stairs to the Gryffindor common room behind Dumbledore.

He was nearby when Dumbledore passed by, telling him to come along.

And so, Ace was here looking at the cut up painting. He turned and saw the three musketeers looking over at him. Ace smiled and turned back to the painting as Dumbledore hummed to himself.

Ace walked up to the painting and touched the marks, tilting his head as Dumbledore asked "Argus, round up the ghosts to search the castle for the fat lady." but Argus replied "There's no need for that, Headmaster. She's right over there." as he pointed up at a certain painting.

Dumbledore pulled Ace along, asking "What do you think, Ace?" Ace whispered "Well, it was an animal that made those marks. They are obvious claw gashes in the wood… What kind of animal, I don't know, but they weren't made by a weapon for sure."

Dumbledore stroked his beard and Ace asked him, "Do you think it was an animal?" Dumbledore muttered, "I wonder. It just might've been…" Ace was confused, why was this old man always acting all mysterious.

Do all powerful magicians have to act mysterious? First the Ancient One, now Dumbledore… Ace rubbed his forehead, it was a bit tiring asking questions and getting mysterious replies…

They came to the painting of a hippo and the Fat Lady poked her head out from behind, saying "Oh it was awful Headmaster! It was him! The one they've been talking about! Sirius Black!"

Ace frowned and looked at the Fat Lady with a strange look as the students started whispering and panicking. Dumbledore turned around and said "Everyone calm down! To the Great Hall, please! In an orderly fashion!"

Ace walked to the painting and questioned "How do you know it was Sirius Black?" The Fat Lady replied "Eyes like the devil! Who else but him!" Ace was stunned and retorted "But the marks were from an animal…"

The Fat Lady shrieked "Yes! It was terrifying! A black monster!" Ace turned to Dumbledore with a dumbfounded expression, pointing his thumb at the painting in confusion. Dumbledore shook his head and Ace turned back questioning "So if it was an animal, then how could it be Sirius Black? You're creating a panic for no reason." The Fat Lady shouted angrily "You're saying I'm a liar?!"

Ace nodded and retorted "Yes. You don't know what attacked you, but you claimed it was Sirius Black, for what? Attention? Please. Have some measure." before turning around and walking away, continuing "It could've been a cat or some other creature that was annoyed with you…"

Dumbledore held his hands behind his back as he looked at the Fat Lady, who shouted "You rude chi-" she noticed Dumbledore looking at her and shut up immediately, going back to hiding.

Dumbledore followed Ace, asking "So what do you think?" Ace replied "I don't know enough about Sirius Black to make a conclusion, but those marks were from an animal, not a human. I think it's a bit premature to cause a panic over an assumption."

Dumbledore nodded and asked "And if it WAS Black?" Ace paused before replying "Like I said, I don't know enough about Black to say for sure…" Dumbledore smiled and spoke gently "I appreciate your doubts, Ace. Very rational of you, however during these times, it's best to proceed with caution against the worst case scenario."

Ace nodded and Dumbledore continued as they walked, "Sometimes, things aren't quite as they seem. I'm sure you can understand what I'm insinuating." Ace looked at Dumbledore, asking "How did you know, Headmaster?"

Dumbledore smiled, replying "It is my job to recognize my students and staff, is it not?" Ace was speechless as Dumbledore continued "Regardless, it would do you good to remember my words, Ace. Perhaps one day they may save your life… or perhaps the lives of many others."

He gave Ace a look before walking away, leaving Ace to watch him walk away.

Ace stood there in silence, thinking about his 'summer'. Dumbledore's words had merit, of course. The problem with Loki and Thor was proof of this. Perhaps, he should keep a pinch of doubt for all things instead of having faith?

But Ace frowned at this thought, it wasn't right to not have faith in people because you were proven wrong once before… He sighed to himself and returned to the library with doubts.

Time continued passing with little to nothing happening. It seemed Hogwarts was relatively calm this year, of course if you didn't count the murderer lurking around the school.

Ace was in the library studying as the months passed, fall came and went, introducing Winter.

He was studying more advanced magic now, particularly the Patronus Charm! Ace was mainly trying to figure out how to collect the Dementor Cloth more than anything as he assumed Eitris would have a way to use it!

Other than that, there were various light and soul based spells, hexes, and charms in addition to runes. Although Ace was a bit upset that the library had close to nothing on Ancient Witchcraft. There were a few rituals and the like but nothing in depth.

When he asked McGonagall about this topic, she tried to dissuade him from pursuing the topic as it was dark magic. But Ace wasn't too convinced by her logic, mainly because he felt that dark magic was still magic at the end of the day.

He has the mentality that it wasn't the magic, but more so the actual mage or wizard that was evil. As seen with Voldemort, just because he used a Lumos spell one time, did that mean that the Lumos spell was evil?

Of course not, that was ridiculous.

Ace decided to ask the Ancient One when he saw her again, maybe she had some information for him.

However, Ace was encroaching on a problem… Due to his increasing talent and speed of learning, the Hogwarts Library was quickly thinning out. Ace was getting closer to studying every book inside and even with him taking notes on all of them, it wasn't impeding his progress.

He wasn't too sure where to proceed after he was done with the Library.

He sighed to himself and turned to the next subject up for study, Divination.

Winter flew by in a blink as the snow came and melted.

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