
Chapter 1: A shocking development! Enter reincarnation!

As the robot smoothly flew through space I heard something weird.

"Huh, what's that?"

I looked out of the window slowly, so that I didn't fall out.

"Heh, it looks like you somehow survived without any oxygen! I guess that's fine with me since you are cute but don't you dare waste my time!"

I pulled in the motionless body of the princess. Now that I got a closer look at her she really was pretty cute. But, I have an entire intergalactic empire to run, I have no time for cute girls and going on dates. Although, making sure that the princess is my loyal minion could become useful in the long run. I smirked, if everything goes according to plan I should be the strongest person in the entire universe soon.

"Uhhh...huh, what. Who are you?"

Cilicitia looked at me with obvious confusion on her face. Hmm, looks like she forgot who I was, I guess she got a small bit of amnesia from the impact of her almost dying. Well I can probably use this to my advantage!

"Hello, Cilicitia. It looks like you forgot who I am! It's alright I'll just introduce myself again!"

I turned around in my seat so that I was facing Cilicitia, who was sitting on the floor cross legged. I smiled confidently at her.

"I am Kagero Hirako, the ruler of all the intergalactic empire, and your Fiance. "

You are probably wondering why I said Fiance, well I'll try to explain it easily. You see, before I was going to call myself her boyfriend, but since she turned out not to be dead, I quickly changed my title to her Fiance. In the culture that the Princess is from, it's tradition for the man to take the throne, so since I am her Fiance, I'll be the next in line for the throne. The only problem is, the current king needs to die before I gain the throne.

"Oh~ I thought I was the heir to the throne, I guess I'm not...."

Thank goodness for this girl being so brain-dead! If she had even a fraction of my intelligence she'd have found out my scheme extremely soon.

Three hours later

After three hours of consistent driving through space we slowed down. I glanced out the windows hesitantly and my vision was immediately filled with a huge planet.

The planet looked nothing like earth, most of Earth is made up of large empty landmasses and oceans, but this planet seemed to be almost completely populated. Just from the window of the mecha I could already see the huge, expansive palace looming above the clouds.

I'll try my best to describe it, but it might be challenging. The palace, which was directly under the mecha, was made up of pristine white spires that seemed to be floating over a giant city. The city was almost completely drenched in the shadows so that I couldn't see it very clearly. However, although it was not very visible, I didn't spare the city much of my attention, because the huge palace above was much more breathtaking. The spires were separate from each other except futuristic bridges that connected them to each other. In the very middle of the many spires was a huge domed building.

Heh, I guess that's probably where I'll be living as the king. Not so shabby!

As the mecha prepared to land, my face split into a grin.

"Hey.... uh, why are you smirking like that??"

"Isn't it obvious? We are arriving at my palace, why would I not be smiling?"

The Princess was cute and I needed her to stay around, however she really is annoying. Why was she so curious about everything?

I sighed. I really would have liked to go on this trip alone, but what could I do?

"Cilictia, upon the head of the mecha. We're landed now, so I want to arrive with the grandest entrance that is possible."

"Un, un. If you insist!"

This is great, since this girl doesn't know any better, she totally thinks that I'm the king. But the most hilarious part about it is that I will actually be the king in only a few more minutes.

As the mecha dropped onto one of the large futuristic bridges I noticed a huge crowd lining up in front of the mecha. They probably expect the princess to come out, but lucky for them, their future king has arrived!

I lightly stepped out of the robot, trying my best to look like royalty. Of course I always look confident but I have to look extra rich and egotistical.

I nodded to the crowds as confused and terrified mutters passed through them.

"H...hey! Who are you!! Where is Princess Cilictia!!"

One old man hesitantly stepped out of the crowd, demanding to know what was happening.

"Cilictia is right here."

I pointed at the princess as she lightly hopped out of the mecha.

"However, you should not care about her. For you should direct your attention to me, the new leader of the Intergalactic Empire!"

At this the entire crowd fell silent. They slowly stepped backwards, some people collapsing onto the street crying. The whole crowd had elapsed into anguish in only a bit of time.

I looked out over all the crowd, why were they looking like this? I hadn't done anything at all. Why were they acting like they already knew I was going to come? All of this is so confusing.

"Hey, you! Show me the way to the palace. I have some business to attend to!"

I pointed towards one old man who had obvious tears in his eyes, and a look of utter terror on his face. He looked at me as his eyes widened. He slightly attempted to shake his head no, however when I looked at him in his eyes, he quickly fell back.

"Of....OF COURSE!!!!"

I have no idea what is happening. I was expecting nobody to think anything of me when I first arrived. To be honest, I was thinking that I would only be able to become king after a lot of grinding. But never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that

everybody I came across would be dead terrified of me.

I followed the old man to the entrance of the dome-shaped building, Cilictia followed close behind. She seemed unsure, I suppose she still had a bit of amnesia?

When we got to the guards guarding the entrance they didn't even stop to question us, they just let us through the door. I thought that it was probably because the princess was with me, but when I got a closer look I saw that they were completely frozen in fear.

"You may enter the throne room now, however regular civilians are prohibited to enter."

The guard stiffly spoke towards the old man who had led us here in a small voice. The peasant ran away, stumbling on his feet in an attempt to get away as fast as possible.

I pushed open the doors of the throne room to reveal a huge hall, lined with glass pillars. At the very end of the room sat the king, or I guessed that's who it was. He was an extremely old man with a withering face and a pure white beard. He was motionless, as if he were in a peaceful sleep.

"So that's the king. The supposed mastermind behind everything."

I turned around to Cilictia for confirmation and she simply nodded her head.

Suddenly Cilictia fell to the floor, her eyes widening. I guess the appearance of him made her get back her memories?

As she hesitantly stood back up I decided to ask her what was going on.

"Cilictia, tell me. Why is everybody so afraid of me-"

I stopped talking as I saw her face flood with recognition.

"The prophecy..."

"What are you talking about? None of this makes any sense!"

"Come. Follow me."

Her usual chill demeanor changed, and she turned into a business-like princess.

However, I could tell from her wide eyes that she was actually terrified.

I followed the princess into many different twisting hallways. After many minutes of walking we arrived in a dark room, the walls were almost completely covered with curtains. In the middle of the room sat a woman. She was not an old lady, but she had the same aura as a very wise old lady. She gave me a thin lipped smile as I entered the room.

"So, you have finally come."

She spoke in a quiet and mysterious voice that almost made me shiver.

"Who are you?"

"Fufu...I am no one special. I am simply a woman who has made a prophecy that has now shown itself to be true."

"A....prophecy? About what."

"Of the future of course. It's about you, boy."

A prophecy about me.....interesting.

"Tell it to me."

The woman shook her head.

"I cannot, a prophecy cannot be told to the person it is about, or else it may alter reality."

My eyes dilated.

"Tell it to me. I am not giving you another chance!"

The woman shuddered as my cold and demanding voice penetrated her ears.

"None of my prophecies have shown them to be this accurate before.... this world may

be seeing its last days."

She placed her hands on the floor and slightly bowed her head, so that her long pale blonde hair swept along the floor, as if she were pleading for her life.

"Seize him!"

Suddenly out of the shadows came many soldiers. They pushed past me and kicked me to the floor, easily binding my hands together in a heavy rope.


My eyes shone, as the guards held me back from the woman.

"Tell me everything. What is happening!!"

Cilictaria quickly slipped out of the room, her steps shaking as she hurried down the halls. After a bit I was left alone with the woman, and the many guards holding me down.

"Throughout all of history, Tlavis and many of the surrounding planets have been plagued by the Legendary Demon Lord, Xalvaul Evilian. Some believe him to be just a villain from the legends, however according to the prophecies, he is said to have broken out of the seals that have sealed him away for generations and to come again to Tlavis to regain his rightful place on the throne."

My eyes widened as it all sunk in. I did not feel as if some false news was being told to me....no I felt as if something in my mind had fallen into place. I don't know how to explain it, but I felt a sudden need to cause bloodshed. I felt a thirst for power that I could not quench.

A sudden gust of wind rushed around me, causing my hair to rise up. My eyes shone red as the truth burned into my soul.

"It is as I feared... Nothing can stop him. We must destroy Xalvual Evilian before it is too late! Guards, call the strongest members of the army! We must annihilate the demon lord before his prior power is returned!"

The guards pulled me to my feet. I felt no need to resist. For I felt immense power, that I had not believed to exist before.

As I was pulled through the halls into the courtyard I felt no fear. It's hard to explain, however I felt as if the time for my arrogance was soon to come.

"I understand your thoughts, however. If I am not mistaken, wasn't this legendary demon lord sealed away millions of years ago by the strongest mages? Why do you believe I can be stopped by just getting publicly executed?"

"St...stop your insolent words!"

One of the soldiers shouted out at me, roughly pulling me out onto a large wooden platform in the middle of a courtyard.

I stood up, eyeing the expansive crowds, looking up at me.

The woman who had told me the prophecy, closely followed by Cilictia who was dressed in a gorgeous white gown.

The woman stepped onto the platform and eyed the crowd.

"As the queen I now present to you..."

Hmm, I guess the prophecy woman was actually the queen... interesting.

"The newfound reincarnation of the demon lord! We will now commence his execution!"

The crowd cheered. This morning I would never have imagined that I would be getting executed, it's been a long day!

I stared at the crowd, as the soldiers prepared their spears for the execution.

"Hey... you're so confident that I'm evil that you've spent no time in deciding on my death...but has the thought ever gone through your head that maybe I'm not so evil? Hmmmm... wouldn't it be amusing if maybe....I was actually the person who was going to save you from the reincarnation of this Demon Lord. I mean sure, I came here on the right day, but really...what proof do you even have that the prophecy was correct whatsoever?"

I turned my head slightly so that I could talk to the soldiers more carefully.

"Have you ever thought that maybe...I'm the person who will save your life from the Demon Lord? Heh, if you kill me now... maybe your only chance of survival will end. And maybe, just maybe... the real reason that the Queen quickly decided for me to die...was to protect her secret identity of the Demon King..."

The guards shook as they heard my words.

"We...we will not believe you thoughtless lies!!"

I smiled.

"I never asked you too. All I want is for you to think of all the different consequences that may result from this."

The Queen's nostrils flared as she heard my words.

"You stupid boy! How could you say this! What you speak of is just lies! Lies! Kill him!"

The guards readied their spears to execute, although they did look much more uncertain as they slowly inched their spears closer to me.

Although I was just minutes from death I felt no fear. I wonder why? Perhaps it is because I know I am far too powerful for just a lame execution like this.


As the soldiers called out the last number they thrust their spears into my chest. However, I felt no pain. I had closed my eyes so that I would not see the unpleasant sight of my death, however, I slowly opened them as a huge bolt of darkness shone out from my chest. Instead of the spears penetrating my body, my body had penetrated the spears, as well as the soldiers.


The Queen, who had been silent, let out a terrified scream as she saw me being still fully alive, and the soldiers lying dead before me.

"Shoot him!"

The Queen raised her hand, motioning many soldiers to shoot me down with huge bazookas.

However as they shot at me, strong blasts of power destroyed the rockets, creating a sort of fireworks display around me.

As the smoke of the explosions cleared, I stood on the wooden podium, still completely alive. My hands were still tied together, yet I did not feel restrained whatsoever. Rather, I felt more powerful than I have ever felt before.

"There is something I must tell you all. Since you have so politely come to my 'Execution' I think you deserve to know something about me."

I paused as the crowd hesitantly rose closer to the platform, so that they could hear my every word.

"I am.... unkillable."

I really liked writing this chapter!!!)^o^(

My favourite part to write was the end!

Make sure to leave a comment about your favourite part!!

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