
Yuno’s Past

POV Toga

The electric shock had surprised me. I felt it pass throughout my entire body. It felt terrible. Yuno-Chan smirked at me, while squatting down to my level. He lifted my chin up, causing me to look up at him.

"Toga, I'll tell you this." He said as he held my chin. "Keep flirting with me, and you won't have a happy life here. I'm not looking for a relationship of any sort. I have more important things to worry about."

With that, he let go of my chin and gave me one last smirk before walking into the kitchen. Did he just threaten me…with flirting? I wasn't allowed to flirt, but he was? It is his household, but when did I ever listen to people like him? He did take me in when I was out on the street.

I put a hand against my chin, embracing his touch. His hands felt warm. His skin was soft. These qualities matched everything else. His slender torso and his pretty face. His pink eyes that hid behind the brown, chocolaty locks of hair.

"I'm totally simping right now." I think to myself as I cover my cheeks with my hands and smile. This pretty boy is smart, knows how to fight and defend himself, his looks are one of a kind, everything about him was perfection, flawless. I think I like this boy.

POV Yuno

Toga gave me one last look before I went to make myself some decent food in the kitchen. She sat at the counter and gave me puppy eyes. Here we go again, the puppy dog act girls always put on.

"What do you want?" I asked, pulling out some eggs and a pan.

"What are you making, Yuno-Chan?" Toga responded with a smile.

"If you want food, then you ask. It's that simple."

I took a few eggs and cracked them into a bowl. I took my unused whisk out and started mixing. Despite all of my laziness, I know how to cook really well. During the past ten months, I've just been living off of chips and junk food. The only thing that keeps my schedule up is school, my studies.

Toga watched with sparkling eyes as I wished the eggs and added a few different simple spices. All I was doing was frying eggs. I didn't see why it was so entertaining for her. Maybe she just hasn't seen anyone make food for a while.

"Your very good at this, Yuno-Chan~" Toga said while smiling her cheeky smile. "Where'd you learn to cook so well?"

"First, stop talking to me like you're manipulating me, it's not working. Second, self taught. No one taught me to cook. Third, it's just eggs. It's not anything special." I poured the eggs into the pan. I took a pair of chopsticks and moved the eggs around, that way they wouldn't overcook in one place.

"Aw, no need to be so mean." Toga rested her head on the counter and watched me fry the eggs.

Once the eggs were done, I put half of it on a plate in front of Toga and the rest on my own plate. I gave Toga a fork in case she didn't know how to use chopsticks. I sat on the opposite side of the counter from Toga. I pulled my phone out and started to eat my eggs. Toga's eyes lit up even brighter when she put the eggs in her mouth.

"It's just eggs," I smiled and closed my eyes, shaking my head. "There's nothing special about them."

"It's yummy!" Toga said with her mouth full. Before I could speak again, she held out her plate. "I'm done. It was yummy!"

"Really?" I asked as I put my chopsticks and phone down. "If it's so good, then you can eat mine." I pushed my plate toward Toga. She grabbed it, thanked me briefly and started to scarf down the eggs. Just how long has it been since she had eaten? And not to mention she wanted blood. I gave her an entire bottle's worth of blood.

"My friend will be coming over. I don't want you to cause trouble." I said as I stood up and out of my chair. "I won't shove you in a closet, but you will behave."

"Ok, I'll behave." Toga waved her arms up and down as she smiled. "I promise I won't do anything to your friend."

Hopefully, Kisu wouldn't see this as me replacing her. Kisu always had a feeling I didn't like her as much as she liked me, which isn't necessarily true. I like her just fine, she's just annoying sometimes.

"I am here!" I heard Kisu yell, mocking All Might as she entered the house. "Did you actually make yourself food? That's surprising."

Kisu entered the kitchen to see what I had been cooking. The first person she saw was Toga. Kisu paused with a dumbfounded look on her face.

"Where the hell did this woman come from?!" Kisu yelled.

"Stop yelling before I kick you out." I said as I lightly bonked Kisu on the head.

She rubbed her head and made a pouting face. "Ow. You're mean. My question still stands though. Where did you find this woman?!"

"Hehehe, I'm Toga Himiko!" Toga bounced toward Kisu and put her hands together in a pray-like manner. "What's your name?"

"Kisuma Aoni? Uh, you can call me Kisu, I guess."

I watched as Toga and Kisu talked. Toga kept jumping up and down and talking in Kisu's face. Kisu would push Toga's face away from her own. Then I realized something…

"Why am I always surrounded by girls?!"


Next day at school

"Get the hell off of me." I demanded.

Today had been absolutely shit. Toga wanted to go to school with me, she wouldn't stop bothering me unless I found a way to get her into the school. At the same time, Kisu kept complaining about wanting to take the day off from school. So, I made Kisu give Toga a bottle of her blood. Toga needed blood for her Quirk to work, after all.

Name- Toga Himiko

Quirk- Transform

Her Quirk allows her to transform into the person whose blood she drinks, including sound of voice.

Toga took over Kisu's place and came with me to the Support Course class instead of taking part in Kisu's original Hero Course class. And lunch was the worst day of my life.

"Yuno-Chan, please feed me." Toga punted at her mouth. "I like it when you feed me."

"I've never fed you myself. And stop hugging me. It's disgusting." I said while pushing Toga away.

"Uh, is Kisu ok today?" Denki asked while pointing at Toga. In Kisu's classmate's eyes, she was acting totally different today. It was starting to freak everyone out.

"She's fine. But I'm not." I answer while pinching the bridge of my nose.

"If only Kisu and Toga had the same personalities. It would make my life a lot easier." I thought to myself.

"You sure she's ok?" Mina asked while staring at Toga, who was watching me with puppy eyes. It was weird when Toga was using Kisu's body and stared at me. I pushed her face away that she wouldn't bother me.

"Aw, Yuno-Chaaaaan~" Toga complained. "Why're you so mean?"

"Shut up. I'll send you to the depths of hell if you're not careful."

I could tell that Kisu's classmates were spooked. That was my specialty. This is how I got people to leave me alone. Letting out my tired and irritated aura always spooked everyone away.

"Ok, ok. I'll leave you alone." Toga finally gave up.

Worst day of school…EVER. I just hated it. Having to deal with Toga was just terrible. There's no way I would ever be taking her to school again. I didn't want to deal with that. It sounds like I'm running away from my problems, which is what I'm doing. Toga is the one problematic person I will not put up with. Dragging her home was even worse. She didn't want to leave UA. It must've been an interesting experience for her. And I don't blame her. Even I had an interesting time on my first day.

"Can I at least have some blood?" Toga asked as we entered my home.

"How much do you plan to bother me in one day?" I asked as I grabbed a small knife from the kitchen.

I cut my finger and showed it to Toga. She immediately grabbed my finger and put it in her mouth, sucking the blood from my finger. It felt uncomfortable to have someone my age drink my blood, let alone straight from my hand. I pulled my hand from Toga's mouth and cleaned the cut with a paper towel.

"Excuse me, sir?" Kisu popped out on the opposite of the counter. She took the knife from me, than took the hand I had cut and held me by the wrist. "Whyyy are youuu doing thiiis?" She shoved my hand in my face. "What? Are you going through depression yet again? I'll have you know that you can go kick sand if you think I will idly sit by and watch you do this."

"I didn't do it because of depression or some shit like that." I said while peeling Kisu's fingers off my wrist. "I did it for that dumb vampire."

Toga bounced and giggled. This piece of crap really knows how to irritate people. I could see Kisu mentally blowing up. She had a look on her face like she wanted to decapitate Toga.

"This girl is really annoying. How on earth do you let her hang around here?" Kisu asked while trying not to murder Toga.

"I have my ways." I answered cryptically. "It's pretty easy to keep her under my control. She just likes to annoy people."

Kisu walked over that way she could whisper something into my ear. "Can I talk to you for a little bit? Without that dumb vampire around?"

"What for?" I asked as crossed my arms.

"Pleeeeaaase? Just for a bit?"


I put Toga in my room since I didn't care what happened to that space. Honestly, I didn't care what Toga did in my room, I didn't even care about my PC being destroyed. Kisu and I talked in the kitchen, ignoring the really odd sounds coming from my room.

Kisu stared at me while a sat down. I looked back at her, she just continued staring at me with a twisted face. Like she was reading my mind and found something she didn't like.

"What? You said you wanted to talk." I said while putting my feet up on the table, leaning back in my chair.

"You sure this whole thing isn't causing another depression phase? I feel like I'm missing something." Kisu gave a thoughtful look, trying to understand why I would take in Toga. "I just don't think it would be healthy if this causes another depression thing, Y'know? 'Oh, I'm gonna kill myself. I'm gonna lock myself in my room and slit my wrist. Ahhh.'"

"Pft, no. I'm not. What would make you think that?"

"Well, I see you with a knife and that's just where my brain goes. You stayed with me in my house after the whole 'incident' and whatnot."

"Toga is weird. She likes blood. And she likes mine apparently. I'm not giving it to her all the time. I'm not stupid."

"I know, but it's still concerning when you just hand out your blood to people. And considering what happened with your parents. It's just weird when I see you and her and she's drinking your stupid blood. Don't you-"

"It's fine. Frankly, I don't care. And my parents aren't much of a concern anymore. It's fine."

I could tell that Kisu no longer had any words. She was never this silent when talking. It's was always loud and talk, talk, talk. This was the first time she was at loss for words.

"Okie doki, I'll just be in my way!" She said as she smiled, walking toward the door with her bag.

"Fake," I thought to myself. "That was the fakest smile I've ever seen. Fake, fake, fake…"

"Alright," I said while rubbing the back of my head. "See you later."

POV Kisu

So confusing. I don't usually get upset with Yuno but why he would just offer his blood like that. When he locked himself in his room and tried to kill himself, it scared me. When he finally recovered, I got mad at him and punched him in that face. Yelling and yelling at him about why he would do something like that. Seeing him cut himself like that again just made me nauseous. Even thinking about it makes me mad, and he knows that.

"Whatever, it's not like he would try to kill himself again!" I thought to myself. "Unless his parents came back into his life. Then things would be unpredictable."

Yuno's parents never liked him. He didn't always have that Quirk. Normally, a child's Quirk would manifest at the latest age of four or five. Yuno, however, didn't get a Quirk until he was 12 years old. His parents didn't like him for that, thinking there was something wrong with him. They abused him because they just didn't want him. They would say that he was a mistake and never meant to be in this world. We've known each other for a long time, and only when 6th grade came around, I was aware of his parents abusing him. He never mentioned it. I only knew about his parents abusing him when I followed him into his home. One day, he didn't talk as much and he didn't eat. When I saw the red bandage under his sweater, I was upset because he didn't tell me anything about it. I walked him home the same day and followed him inside without him knowing. Watching his parents yell at him and slap him, I interfered and yelled at his parents.

"How dare you?! How could you say that to your son?!" I had yelled at Yuno's parents that day. "I'm not letting Yuno stay with pieces of shit anymore!"

And I brought Yuno to his room to pack. We could hear his parents yelling at each other all over again. We then left the damned house and took a train to my apartment that I had bought with stolen money. It was nighttime and the city lights looked beautiful. Yuno's eyes sparkled at the sight. I had never seen him so amazed and happy.

He lived with me for three years. He bought his own house when he learned about black marketing. Ever since then, he's never had contact with his parents. Even if he's a little cold towards me now, I still remember when he was nice and fascinated by the world. Now he knows everything about the world and he just drowns himself in video games, his studies and black marketing. I think he only thinks of me as some annoying person who helped him. I don't really care. I watch out for him and he watches out for me. That's a good enough of a relationship for me.

"Hmm, now what should I eat for dinner?"

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