
Chapter #5: Bradeema


Yuki, Youta, Drianna, Brooks, and Freyja stood in front of a massive building.

"Wow, this place is huge," Youta exclaimed.

"Oh, I forgot you're not from around here, so you would say that," Brooks remarked.

"So, you're finally talking to me?" Youta asked.

"No, I still hate you for what you did," Brooks replied, then walked away from Youta. Yuki walked up to him. "Don't worry; he will come around."

Yuki walked in front of them and turned around, revealing the building behind him. He cleared his throat, "Enough of that; I welcome you four to Bradeema."

[A few hours ago]

*KNOCK KNOCK* Youta heard the door and got up out of his bed, stretching and yawning. He pulled his door open and went to the front door, where he saw Yuki.

"Good, you're awake. You and Drianna should get ready and meet me in the Mess Hall in 30 minutes."

"Hmm," Youta acknowledged. He closed the door and went to Drianna's room, which was beside his, and knocked. "Drianna, Yuki-sensei wants us to meet him in the next 30 minutes, okay?"

"Yeah, okay," she replied, getting up and sitting on the bed.

Youta went into the bathroom, wiped off the mirror, and grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste to start brushing his teeth. The door clicked open, and Drianna walked in, wearing black shorts and a white top with her purple bra showing. "Good morning."

"Good morning. Wait, wait," Youta stuttered.

"Huh, what's wrong?"

"Why are you in the bathroom with me?"

"Don't be weird; I'm just going to brush my teeth with you."

"Is it even okay for you to wear that around boys you don't know?"

"Relax, moron. I'm sure every girl does this."

[Mess Hall]

"For a base, it sure is empty, and it's only 7:30 am," said Youta while taking a seat. Drianna sat right in front of him, and after 5 minutes, Freyja walked in. "Oh, hey, guys," Freyja greeted before taking a seat.

"Don't tell me you're roommates too?" Freyja asked.

"We are," said Drianna.

Yuki walked out of the kitchen with four dishes and placed them on the table.

"Hey, I didn't know you could cook," said Freyja.

"Of course, I can. Here, you three, enjoy a nice balanced breakfast."

"Thank you," said Youta.

"Thanks," said Freyja.

"I have to say, it looks good," said Drianna.

"Thank you. I put in... Wait a minute, there are three of you. Where's Brooks?" Yuki asked.

Yuki walked out of the mess hall, and three minutes later, he walked in, dragging Brooks by his ear. "What did I tell you about being down here in 20 minutes, right?"

"Yes, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," said Brooks.

"Sit down and eat your breakfast. Anyway, since you're all here, I will be taking you guys to Bradeema to get your uniforms and seer made."

"Bradeema?" said Yuki.

"Yes, it's a company that was founded by a couple. They make technology for us hunters, such as our uniforms, seers, and screws."

Youta raised his hand. "Yes, Youta?"

"I don't understand anything you're saying, sir."

"Ah, okay, I forgot you're not from the big city. We have two types of uniforms: the normal uniform and the combat suit. We use the normal uniforms for important meetings or when someone dies. The combat suit is a suit that we hunters use for battles. Seers are for seeing in the abyss, well, in the dark side, actually. And screws, well, that's for another time," Yuki explained.

"What is the abyss?" Youta asked.

"Yeah, what is it?" said Freyja.

"Huh?" Yuki seemed surprised. "Only thing I've heard are rumors about it so far," said Drianna.

"Same here. Are they true?" Brooks asked.

"I will explain that when the time comes," said Yuki.

It seems that I will have to teach Youta more things than I thought, and the same goes for those three. I need a smoke. Yuki thought to himself.


"Shall we go in, you guys?" said Yuki.

"Sure," they all said.

They walked into the building. "Wow, this place is so advanced," Brooks commented.

Youta looked around and saw other bases there. "Stay close, you guys," said Yuki.

"Why?" said Brooks.

"Just do it," said Drianna.

"Oh, look who it is. And look, he has brought some 7th members. Don't tell me you guys really got a new member, hahaha," a man said while walking up to them.

"We did," Yuki replied.

"You know you were somebody back then."

"Huh?" said Youta.

"The day you left the 1st and joined the 7th showed me something that... has gone soft."

"I guess so. The old me is gone."

"It's such a shame." He took a cup of water and poured it on Yuki's head. "That the real you is gone."

A man in his 50s came out of the office. "Come on in, you guys."

"I want to use the bathroom," said Youta.

"Oh, it's upstairs, first door on your right," said the man.

Yuki and the others walked in without Youta.

"So, I see they had something to say."

"You could say that."

The man handed Yuki a towel. "Here, dry your hair, Yuki."

He took it from him. "Thanks."

The door clicked open, and Youta walked in. "I'm back."

"Oh, good. Now, how can I help you five?"

"I need uniforms for these four before we're going down to the abyss soon," said Yuki.

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