
32: I'll do it for you

"You're still carrying the baby?...." Hoseok asked softly staring straight at Taehyung's belly, "I didn't know until this morning.... I was going to abort but I.... I couldn't." Taehyung explained wanting to scream and cry.

"Makes sense, you're not the type to hurt children." Hoseok forced out a chuckle, "I don't know what to do, Hobiseok, I can't have this baby but I can't kill it either."

"Wait, why exactly can't you have the baby?"

"Because.... I'm not ready, okey? Not only emotionally but physically I can't, I don't want to carry it in the first place I'm too scared!"

"I understand, but then you have to kill the baby."

"No I can't!... will you do it for me?..."

"How? Do you want me to beat your stomach until it's dead? Tried that already actually, this baby is as stubborn as you are." Hoseok said said, which made Taehyung completely break down, it's an actual person in his stomach that doesn't want to die, and he wants to kill it.

Hoseok sighed and got up, he walked over to Yoongi's office, "Do you have the pill?" Hoseok asked, Yoongi nodded and handed him a pill, Hoseok went back to Taehyung with a glass of water.

"Swallow this, it's a pill to calm down. You'll feel better after." Hoseok lied and Taehyung drank it without thinking anything, he didn't calm down and ended up taking a nap for five hours.

After the nap Hoseok told him to take some vitamins for his headache, which was the second abortion pill.

Hoseok thought since Taehyung couldn't do it himself he'll do it for him, and he'll tell him the next day.

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