
17: Overprotective *18*

Jimin strolled through the woods in search for Jungkook who went to look for some civilization while he stayed behind to try and calm Taehyung and Hoseok. After he did that he thought he'd look for Jungkook and found him near river.

"Hey, Jungkook-ah- I'm sorry!" Jimin greeted at first but once Jungkook turned around he apologized and almost ran into a tree turning to face the other way.

What he saw was Jungkook pumping his shaft staring at the river, "You know what?! I'm not sorry! Now really isn't the time to get horny!!!" Jimin almost yelled while Jungkook angrily rolled his eyes.

"I can't control it, and you do not want to know what lovers nut feels like. I figured I'd use looking for someone as an excuse to leave and just say I couldn't find anything and that we should look again in the morning. Besides, I found some food so I'm not being completely useless." Jungkook explained walking over to Jimin who was still turned away from him, he put a hand around Jimin's waist and his dick between his thighs thrusting slowly.

"Hey- mm!" Jimin tried to scold Jungkook but he grabbed Jimin's mouth and shut it closed before he could say a word, "Be a good boy for me, won't you? I promise I won't fuck you directly."

"Mm oh!" Jimin tried so hard to say no but he couldn't talk, he got aroused so fast and he could feel his slick ready itself to release.

"You're already mine, what's the worst that can happen? I'll let you speak in a minute, okey? But first you gotta listen, if you still want me to stop I will. But for now, I already marked you, and even if you wanted me to I wont fuck your butt because I don't want to end up in the same situation as Tae and Hobi hyung's. I promise that the most I'll do is fuck your mouth, hands, and thighs. *Cockily* I have a slight foot kink too. Do you still want me to stop Jiminssi?" Jungkook explained then asked and let Jimin speak, but by now his omega instinct were so strong that he couldn't deny his owner.

Jimin stayed in Jungkook's arms while lightly squeezing his thighs against Jungkook's dick, not saying anything. Hearing Jungkook moan in both pain of the pressure and pleasure of what he was doing, he released his slick not only because of the moans but also because of the strong pheromones from Jungkook.

"Can I continue then?" Jungkook chuckled at the silence and slight whimpers, "Please don't stop...."

"I wont.... Jiminssi, can I please take these off?" Jungkook asked somewhat politely pulling at the collar of Jimin's pants.

"G-go ahead...." Jimin stuttered gasping, his lips were shyly covered by his right hand. Jungkook very slowly took Jimin's pants in between his fingers and pulled them down his thighs, he bent down onto his knees to softly press a kiss onto his thighs.

Noticing Jimins slick running down his thighs too he stuck his tongue out to very gently lick his Jiminssi's thighs.

The more Jimin got turned on the more slick he produced and the more aggressive Jungkook got with his licks and sucks and there for Jimin got more turned on, it was an endless cycle.

Jungkook harshly bit Jimin's upper thigh, there were already so many bruises and hickeys. But he was too addicted to stop.

"Ah-!" Jimin straight up swallowed his moan in a sharp gasp, Jungkook was biting him so hard and it hurt a lot.

"You taste so good hyung." Jungkook said through slurps of slick, "Jungkook-ah...." Jimin moaned softly looking back at Jungkook shamefully. He felt so embarrassed.

"On your knees," Jungkook demanded and watched as Jimin obeyed, "Face me." Jungkook added and once Jimin turned around to face him he pushed him down onto the ground.

"Jungkook-ah, it's too dirty. Cant I stand up instead please?" Jimin asked watching Jungkook untie his sneakers.

Jungkook removed Jimin's shoes and placed them neatly beside him then leaned down to place multiple soft kisses on both Jimin's feet then he started travelling up his calf, to his thighs and eventually he reached Jimin's erect shaft.

He seductively put it in his mouth and started sucking sweetly, "Jungkook!" Jimin moaned loudly feeling Jungkook's warm tongue flick against the head of his member.

He involuntarily thrusted his hips upward and Jungkook surprising let him, Jimin was expecting to be pushed back down and controlled but Jungkook let him do what he wanted to. Though it was purely because he didn't want to overstep when he's already so close to the finish line.

Jimin rapped his legs around Jungkooks shoulders holding his head almost controlling it however he wasn't given too much control.

Jungkook was so happy in this moment, he could touch and hold and kiss his hyung however he likes, almost, however he wants. He still hadn't asked permission to kiss his Jiminssi's lips, but that was changing soon.

He continued sucking Jimin's member until he ejaculated into his mouth, he went down to the base to let his mouth and throat fill up with cum looking up at Jimin.

"Dont look at me....please...." Jimin begged feeling so shy and shameful, Jungkook came up to suck the head of Jimin's shaft.

Jimin released one last string of semen that this time ended up decorating his lips and cheeks.

Physically Jungkook looked so dirty, filthy, lustful, completely sinful while looking up at Jimin with his member throbbing and aching. But Jungkook's face, it was happy, innocent, filled to the brim with euphoria.

He just gave head to the person he might be in love with, he just stained kisses all over Jimins legs, all that needed to be done now is to kiss his Jiminssi's lips.

"Jiminssi...." Jungkook said softly raising his body to meet Jimin eye to eye, in return Jimin rapped his arms around his neck and let his body melt beneath Jungkook's, "Can I please kiss you?...." He asked not wanting to upset Jimin now, and without even giving him an answer Jimin raised his head to trap Jungkook's bottom lip in an endless loop of pain filled euphoria.

Once the kiss was broken Jungkook leaned in to whisper into Jimin's ear, "Thank you." He whispered, a single tear drop falling onto the ground. He was so happy right now.

"Now go back, tell the others you couldn't find me and I'll be there soon. I have something to take care of on my own." Jungkook continued whispering but at the last sentence he got up and spoke normally again.

"C-cant I help?" Jimin asked thinking it was about Jungkook's.... uhh.... boner🤷

"No, I need to do this alone." Jungkook said putting his dick back into his pants, "Are we talking about the same thing?" Jimin asked noticing Jungkook walk in the opposite direction of the beach where they're camping.

"I doubt it...." Jungkook paused to look back at Jimin with a sweet smile, "Just trust me, okey?"

"I will once you promise you won't get hurt." Jimin said basically running towards Jungkook to grab Jungkook's hand, his over-sized shirt covering his body.

Instead of saying anything Jungkook raised the hand that held Jimin's and he kissed it sweetly, making Jimin blush even harder. He gave Jimin a wink and a grin before he disappeared into the forest to leave Jimin wondering what he was up to.

The reason he didn't promise Jimin he won't hurt himself was because he would probably come back with a lot cuts and bruises.

(Back at the beach)

"Hey, I couldn't find Jungkook-ah but- Amazing! I wasn't expect that to last two seconds after I left!" Jimin said delightfully at the sight of Taehyung and Hoseok holding hands facing back to back.

"Can we stop now? He keeps releasing pheromones and it hurts! I've already had two bloody noses." Taehyung complained leaning onto Hoseok's back.

"It hurts?...." Hoseok asked looking back at Taehyung, he hasn't been able to see him since he got into this position and so whenever he heard Taehyung whimper or moan he assumed he was either crying or just annoyed and uncomfortable.

"Yes you can stop. Get up, let's do arts and crafts!" Jimin exclaimed happily, making Taehyung even more annoyed.

"How are you thinking about arts and crafts right now?!!" Taehyung almost raised his voice getting up and pushing Hoseok back down in the process, he didnt mean to be so rude though.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean that!" Taehyung apologized frantically helping Hoseok up, "You're probably still just a little shaken up." Hoseok said taking Taehyung's hand and holding it tightly even after he was up.

"Thats no excuse, I'm sorry!" Taehyung said nearly starting to cry, mood swings I guess?

"Its okey, there's no need to be so upset Taehyungie." Jimin said cupping Taehyung's cheeks sweetly desperately trying to make him feel better.

"But he is right though, why would you want to do arts and crafts now?" Hoseok asked unwillingly letting go of Taehyung's hand, making Taehyung actually let go of tears. But of course no one can know it was because of that.

"Why," Jimin tried to ask what was wrong but seeing Taehyung shake his no made him stop to rethink his words, "Why do think?" He said with a smile pretending to ruffle Taehyung's hair when in reality he just wanted to have an excuse to cover Taehyung's face so he could wipe away his tears without letting Hoseok know he was crying im the first place.

"Because you want to force us together in a less torturing way?" Hoseok asked bluntly, "No, well , yes actually. But also to make fishing rods, so we can catch fish. The main task will be to find sticks and vines, the second task will be to have fun trying and most likely failing to make it. The third task will be a competition, whoever catches a fish first, no matter the size, wins a chance to climb a tree and try to pick a coconut. Bonus if you get several."

"So, basically you're making us do all the work by trying to turn it into a game?" Hoseok chuckled crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow at Jimin.

"No, I'm gonna be playing too! Yes it's to get some food and the competition is just there to encourage you to do a good job. But the coconut tree is to regain trust and teamwork. Yes, only one of us is actually climbing the tree but whoever that is does still need help. And, it'd be fun!"

Hoseok- "Thats not exactly what I see as fun."

Taehyung- "No, trying to shoot yourself is fun."

Hoseok- "You told me to pull the trigger!"

Taehyung- "Not at yourself!"

Hoseok- "Nooo, having me murder you was the plan all along wasnt it?!"

"Enough! This is exactly why we need this, so how about you stop yelling at each other and go find supplies!" Jimin demanded angrily and both Taehyung and Hoseok was shocked at the lack of obedience and submission in his voice.

"Well?! Go!" Jimin demanded and they obeyed just a little bit terrified.

Jimin stayed behind noticing the storm clouds rolling in, he moved the camp deeper into the forest leaving a trail of stacked rocks and small sticks incase anybody came back and couldn't figure out where to go.

He bumped into Jungkook on the way while moving the things and he happily helped Jimin move the more heavy objects. Any excuse to show off.

They used a couple of fairly big lunks of wood to create a type of shelter using a rock formation Jungkook found, it wasn't too big and there was little space and only one.

But if they didn't want to get drenched it was the only real option.

"Oh- Jungkook-ah, will you tie my shoe for me?" Jimin asked his hands full of blankets that he was moving.

"Ah, I'm so tired Jiminssi, just bend down and do it yourself?" Jungkook complained completely out of breathe not realizing Jimin's hands were full.

"Oh, right. I'm sorry for over working you so much." Jimin said trying to bend down safely but just ended up falling over with everything in his hands and the uneven flooring.

"Jiminssi?!!" Jungkook swung around concerned when he heard him falling, "What happened?!!" Jungkook ran over to Jimin faster then The Flash himself.

"I just fell." Jimin giggled at Jungkook's cuteness, "You couldn't have tied your own fucking shoelaces?!!! Why did you just continue that's dangerous!"

"I wasn't just continuing to walk, I was trying to bend down with these in my arms and a tripped over something."

"YOU SHOULD'VE TOLD ME YOUR HANDS WERE FULL!!! I WOULD'VE HELPED YOU!!!" Jungkook yelled angrily grabbing Jimin's shoulders making him flinch away in pain.


"No! You're overreacting and YOU hurt me!" Jimin scolded at Jungkook and caused him to back away shamefully, "I'm sorry.... I didn't mean to hurt you...."Jungkook apologized refusing to meet Jimin's eyes, "Are you okey at least? I didn't hurt you too bad?"

"Yes I'm fine," Jimin said walking closer to Jungkook to lightly pet his head, "Why are you so overprotective?...."

I'm sorry, this is horrible chapter. I'll make the next one better, I promise (⁠づ⁠ ̄⁠ ⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠づ

Nick_Prince_95creators' thoughts
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