
The new village resident part 2

As we were getting escorted toward Chief Richard's office we got a lot of strange looks and reactions while we passed by the locals. They could easily tell that Teles was an enderman.

I'm starting to feel rather uneasy about the display I'm seeing, and I feel just as bad for Teles knowing she's way out of her comfort zone. Should I walk closer? Or should I keep a distance? I don't know what it would take, I only know so much of the laws around here!

If I'd known this would escalate to this extent. I would've just built another base outside the village. I know the main purpose of all this is to not only help Teles make more friends, but I'm starting to wonder if it's even possible at this point!!!

I think the only thing that isn't causing the people to freak out is the fact that we were with a couple of guards. This is bad, if average residents could tell that some humans used to be monsters, then Richard is BOUND to figure out my plan here.


I braced myself as we made our way to the office.

"Chief! You have a visitor!" Said one of the guards

"I'm rather busy at the moment..." Richard replied as he continued to write on the pages of documents on his desk

"It's regarding That otherworlder Takeo."

He stopped what he was doing, "Oh no, What's he doing now?" Richard sighed

"He has someone he wants you to meet!"

"Well, you might as well bring him in if he's here already..." Richard replied begrudgingly

As Richard gave the command he couldn't help but wonder why he needed to meet this friend of Takeo's.

Even if Takeo wanted someone to live in the village, he should've just gone to the housing department, NOT the chief's office!


After the guard made his introduction, we proceeded to go into the office. I'd better keep hostility to a minimum here, so we should just repeat what we said to the guards over to Richard since it seemed to work!

"Hey, Chief! How've things been?" I greeted as I walked in.

"Cut to the chase, I have no time for leisure conversations. What brings you here?" Richard replied. (Ouch! but fair)

"Sorry, I was wondering if my friend here could live in the village, the guards kept saying I needed stronger permission first!" I said pointing my thumb toward Teles

Richard studied Teles for a few seconds, turned to me, and said "There doesn't seem to be anything THAT wrong with her, I don't know why you guys needed permission from me when you could've just-"

"Chief! Don't you see??? That's an enderman!!!!" said Richard's Clerk

Richard turned his head back to the executives who had their backs to the wall in fear

"What are you talking about? Last time I checked, Enderman were those shadowy creatures, that would strike you down for looking at them, I'm even looking at her and I'm not getting attacked..."

"The eyes, that aura, this is just an enderman who killed other humans just for their XP, they're one of those demi-monsters!"

A lot of things were going around my mind at that moment, how do they know about all that... but most importantly how does Richard NOT know about a monster when one is right in front of him!?!?!

You'd think if townspeople could easily tell what a demi-monster looked like, why couldn't Richard tell?

I'm the only other guy who didn't realize Teles was actually a monster at first, and Richard was the only other guy I know so far who wasn't able to tell either!

Almost as if he was an otherworlder too... eh, better not make direct assumptions about a guy I don't know much about.

"If a monster collects enough XP, they start to become human! Judging by how mutated this one is, she has killed hundreds of other people just for XP!!!" The Clerk explained

"If anything, Demi-monsters are twice as dangerous as normal monsters, they keep their superhuman abilities as the monsters while having advanced intelligence, and human appearances!" said another.

'How odd...' Richard thought, he then turned to Teles and asked her "Tell me, is this assumption true?" He sounded serious.

I couldn't blame him, I wouldn't want a killer to live with my family if I had the choice. I need to play my cards safely here if I want this to go smoothly!

"Well, sort of...." Teles responded, I can tell she didn't know exactly how to respond to this, most humans didn't know about the xp case with monsters.

"Yes, this xp thing is true!" I interrupted "However, the execution you guys theorized is incorrect!"

"What do you mean?"

"It's kind of a long story... But if you insist" I started

"I've been running some tests," I lied "A while back I built a special machine that can get xp! An xp fountain you might call it!"

"Never heard of something capable of that..."

"It was more of a beta design, it's a complicated process, but that's beside the point! You see, I was building this machine of mine far from the village because I knew it wouldn't fit in my plot of land, it was also an eyesore so I didn't want to leave the junk in front of the village."

"I see, thanks for that," Richard said, it's clear he was lost at what I was explaining.

"But what does this have to do with the enderman?"

"I'm getting there I'm getting there!" I replied, "So you see while I made this old machine, something went wrong, it had a strange build-up of xp collected from the crops I had involved with it (You can get xp from harvesting crops in Minecraft) Before I could collect the scattered xp, this enderman was nearby and accidentally absorbed all the xp from the blown up machine!"

"Hmm I don't think-"

I interrupted Richard's executives to finish my short story: "Once the enderman absorbed the xp from my failed experiment, I noticed it started to change forms, I felt something was off about it, and I quickly learned that it was because of all the xp that was dropped. I HAD to learn more, so I put a pumpkin on my head and tried to reenact my experiment again and again in order to get enough xp for the enderman to collect, I had to rebuild it 4 times, but after that, I learned something that left me in total shock!!! The enderman looked like a normal human like me and you!!!"

"Hmm, interesting...." Richard replied

"Once the enderman mutated, I noticed that she had zero signs of hostility towards me, even when I took the pumpkin off my head, she still didn't wish to hurt me! Of course, I didn't jump to conclusions here, so I decided to watch over her for a few weeks to see her true colors, but it wasn't all an act, anyone who looked at her didn't get attacked at all! The only perk she still had was being able to teleport, but besides that, she acted like any other human!" I concluded

Everyone was in total shock at my story

"Woah, is this true?"

"I Don't know..."

"But can WE trust her?"

"I never seen a demi-monster act this way!"

"That's enough!" Richard shouted at the workers.

He then turned his attention to Teles.

"Tell me... do you have a name?"

"I-It's Teles Fox"

"Tell me Teles, is this whole story of yours true?"

"Yes!" (smart move there my friend!)

"I will believe this story for now, because I know Takeo is capable of creating some very.... unusual builds, the cobblestone wall for example, or that automatic harvesting farm, but that doesn't mean moving here will be all around easy!"

"I won't run away just because something is hard!" Teles said proudly

Richard seemed pleased "Heh, I like this one already, but just because you look human now, doesn't mean all the villagers won't know!"

'Well I mean, everyone except you knew what she was, at first sight.' I thought

"I can't promise you instant results, but I think I can make your welcome somewhat easier," Richard replied

"B-but, sir!"

"I'm only remotely considering it because I think having a passive monster on our side could increase survival, think about it! Especially since she can still teleport!" Richard explained his reasoning

Everyone was silent, Richard was actually making sense here! I couldn't help but smile at these results so far!

"What do we need to do now?" Teles asked Richard

Richard thought about it for some time and finally said to Teles "Follow me..."


We all followed Richard into the city square, and you're probably thinking we were getting a lot of eyes on us for the unusual display, well then you are right!

Many people we passed were scared and trying not to look (But somehow trying to look anyway especially since Richard was involved). We reached the town square, and Richard made an announcement to the people, that he wanted to go to a place where most people would be around.

I hope he knows what he's doing, I'd honestly hate to put more problems on the guy.

"Listen up everyone!" Richard announced, "I know some of you might be a little confused about the display you see here today, but after some persuasion, our resident Takeo has brought back an enderman, but one that is said to be passive. I know you may be a little weary about this situation, but because Takeo is a valued and trusted member of this community, I will accept his wish." Hearing this the citizens went into a spiral




"Too much risk and for what?"

"I did not pay my taxes for this!!!!"

"Quiet! I know this might sound crazy, but she is willing to be a great asset to this village, other enderman won't stay here, and her teleportation could get work down a lot faster!" Richard said a more abbreviated version of her uses.

I guess he really wanted to get back to work. The villagers were silent in response to this.

Richard then got very serious and said "However, if this ender-girl were to commit any of our crimes like attacking humans without reason, theft, or any other issue regarding the city, there would be serious consequences to both her, and Takeo..."

I could see Teles was looking a little intimidated, and to be honest, I can't blame her, Richard scares me too sometimes.

He then turned to us, and said "Do you understand my terms?"



"Very well then, I will allow Teles to live here for now, but you two will have to share the plot of land that Takeo built his base in... We've been low on space lately" Richard concluded

He turned to me and said, "I'll assume you'll teach her about the laws and community we have around here?"

"Yeah, I understand. Thanks, Chief!" I said as he walked away


We took a breath of relief, I'm so glad things worked out so far, and I can tell Teles was also amazed by today's result!

I know she isn't considered a FULL member of Minemore, but I know this was going to be something you needed to take one step at a time!

We walked inside my base, as I closed the doors and turned back to her.

"Well, welcome in... how do you feel?"

"A little nervous honestly, all of this happened a little fast!" Teles responded with a wry grin.

"Yeah, I kinda felt that way when I was moved into the city. Who knows, maybe Richard just wants to make sure everyone is safe!"

"I noticed he acted differently than the others when he saw me."

"I kinda feel like he might be an otherworlder as well, just like me!"

"Did you ask?"

"Umm well... No, but that's beside the point at the moment!"

"Right, of course, I still need to gain the trust of all the residents, right?"

"Yep, People were honestly suspicious of me almost as much as you!"


"Yep, but after some time, I was able to gain a great reputation by doing certain tasks. Now everyone trusts me, heck, I even got my own building department!"

"Woah! That sounds great, I hope I can make it big in this city!"

"Only time will tell," I shrugged "But for now, let's get you situated here first!"

"You got it!"

We got up and walked over to the side of the base that needed to be renovated.


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