
The cold secrets of this world


Maybe I really did mean what I said to her the day we met. That I should not judge people on their origins, but on how they act unless, of course, you are a monster who hates my guts for no reason.

At that point, I will judge you. Now look at me, I sound like I'm providing one of those anti-racism acts, but it's true, I'm really starting to like Teles.

My personal issue I've had though is that I think everyone is kinda overestimating the otherworlders.

Unless there are more untapped powers I haven't looked into yet, otherworlders are practically like the people born around here. Except maybe besides the fact that I have abilities that others don't!

FINALLY, the question I have been wondering for quite some time ever since I got hinted towards it, I wanted to see what she was talking about monsters use for XP. Hopefully, she doesn't think I already know.


We were strolling through the plains biome pretty far from my village, and I waiting for a good time to ask her.

"Say Teles" I started


"If you don't mind me asking this out of nowhere, Why do monsters, hostile mobs need XP? Ever since you told me I was crazy curious." I asked

"Well, why do humans collect xp?" Teles started

"Umm usually to enchant, and repair items what not"

"You see, Monsters need xp for a different reason so that they can break free from their mutations,"

My eyes widened "W-What do you mean by that?" I responded. Was there even more to the monsters around here than I thought?

"You see 90% of monsters around here used to be humans like the people who lived in your village, but since the day that 'HE' came, almost every person who lived on this land was corrupted, mutated, and turned into the hostile monsters you see today."

"No way....." I whispered as I looked down

"However there is one way to reverse the effect of that dreaded curse, by collecting huge amounts of XP, with enough xp they can slowly become human again, like me!" Teles said

"To monsters, the easiest way to get XP is to kill humans and harvest it from them."

"You mean... you..." I said in disbelief "The enderman..."

"Correct," Teles said sadly "It was terrible, I nearly became lost within, and to be honest with you, even I killed humans in order to get xp so that I can go back to my old self, I stopped of course once I reached this state, and I learned to get xp in ways that don't involve killing, but I can still faintly remember what I did, and I loath about it to this day....."

I said nothing

"I had no choice, I couldn't think, it felt as if I had to act on instinct, and by the time I realized what I was doing, it was too late, I couldn't fix what happened..." Teles concluded

"So that's the reason monsters hunt players," I said,

Man, that's deep. It's gotta be hard for zombies and other mobs that burn during the day, HECK it's probably impossible for Creepers to become humans again.

"That's right, I basically committed countless murders in the past... I-I understand if you don't wish to stay with me now," Teles said as she continued walking looking a bit distraught.

Man, she was really jumping to conclusions here huh? I appreciated her honesty though. Would I really say it's her fault though? I understand it's something these monsters couldn't control but still, it seems wrong to leave her in the dust after all the time I spent with her!

"Naw, it's okay!" I said I noticed she started to look up. "It was pretty brave of you to share this information with me, the fact that you told me the truth, knowing the risks of it all while proving to me that you're willing to change, I think that's pretty mature!"


"You had no choice, Right? If you were part of 'the lost', you didn't choose to become like this," I said. "Whatever happened in the past, it wasn't your fault!"

"T-Thanks, Takeo..." Teles said as she wrapped her arms around me.

I know I'm sounding too easygoing about this all but with information like this.

I think this could be my chance to really make a difference in this world, and if that means surviving with a girl who used to be a straight enderman, who was able to make somewhat of a difference, then I'm willing to take those chances!

After all, I think we're kinda similar, or at least before I came to this world...

I needed to change the subject! "Say, wanna meet back up tomorrow in the plains?" I said trying to reassure her.

I could see burn marks near the bottom of her eyes, was Teles THAT upset about what had happened?

I couldn't tell if it was either that or the fear of what I was going to think! Most importantly, I think she needed to get all this off her chest before connecting with people like me again!

(The fact that any water could burn ender people really gets to me, all living things need water, how do they survive like this? And if you don't drink water, then how can you cry like that?)

"Sure!" Teles said trying to cheer up. She then grabbed my hand and instantly teleported us to the hill nearby my village.

"Thanks, see ya around," I told her as I walked back to my base, I knew she needed some time alone, what I said probably wouldn't make much more of an impact.

I can tell that conversation went about a bit short, I know how to read a room, or biome in that case. I still felt bad for her though, so maybe I can make a change around here.... Just need time to think!


As I was getting ready to do sword training with everyone, I could hardly concentrate, were monsters really just humans like us?

Is this xp thing the true reason they try to kill us? And judging from the way Teles was acting, do they also not have any control over their morals?

They just have a natural instinct just to survive and go back to their normal lives? This is deep man... DEEP!!!!

These questions I ponder while I was constantly getting whacked by training weapons.

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