
The Drowned part 2

Welp, here I am, I came out here to go mining, and now I'm in a tight spot, being hunted down by some Drowned-guy who wants to eradicate the world of the otherworlders.

You'd think all the demi-monsters would go back to living their normal lives once they finally get the xp they were looking for in order to start becoming human again, well in this case, you were wrong!

This Kai fellow just seems even MORE dangerous than any drowned I've ever fought when I played Minecraft, he literally murdered 2 older kids right in front of me!

We have to stop Kai before he does any more harm. I know otherworlders want to go back home, to be honest, this world is crazy and unforgiving, and judging by the fact the people Kai murdered remained a corpse, I know you can't respawn in this world.

It's as good as real life (Except y'know it has the aspects of Minecraft) All that is beside the point, my main focus now? SURVIVE THE DROWNED ATTACK!!!


We continued to sprint through the hills, we were close to the campsite, I look behind me, and Kai was still following us, I noticed he was about to cast one of his tridents at me (Of course I'm the one he decides to target first)

Out of reaction, I was able to shift to the left and avoid the trident, I had no time to try and grab it myself, not that it mattered, the thrown trident started floating back towards Kai.

The tridents had the loyalty enchantment, which allows thrown tridents to go back to the thrower without having to go and pick it up.

This isn't the best case for us though, this means Kai can throw his tridents at us from behind, so we gotta worry about long-range projectiles AND him getting too close before we reach camp!

I turn to Rei who was setting something up, it looked like a firework star,

"What are you doing?" I said in a pant

"Buying us more time!"


"Cover me!"

"uh ok!"

As Kai prepared to throw another trident, I quickly sprang into action and positioned myself behind Rei. It was the perfect opportunity to utilize this new power of mine!

I focused, and I keep all my desires and aspirations for protection in my thoughts, my hand started to glow green, and as the trident was flying in our direction, it teleported into my hand as it got close enough.

"I-I did it!" I couldn't believe that worked! Sure Kai had 2 tridents, but this way it was one less weapon I had to deal with!

I looked towards Kai, who was a bit confused about what I had done, but he didn't seem bothered by it one bit!

"Nice catch..." Rei remarked

Kai then reached out his hand, as if he was about to catch something, 'woah!' The trident I took started trembling, it broke out of my grip, and instantly flew back to him. I was shocked "W-wha!?!?"

"Interesting trick!" Kai said, "But this quirk of yours won't matter, a loyalty trident ALWAYS comes back to its owner, you can't take this from me."

"Dang it! Rei!" I called

"On it!"

The amount of time allotted for preparation was just right! Rei finished coating the firework star-looking thing and with quick haste, threw it at Kai.

Kai tried to reflect the attack with his trident, but the ball instantly went off on impact, releasing a huge cloud of smoke in its place!

"What the?!?!" Kai said surprised, he couldn't see anything around him.

"Woah, nice!" I remarked

"I'm not done yet!"

Rei pulled out an arrow and began nocking it to her bow, and proceeded to aim it at the cloud of smoke. The arrow looked rather strange.

"Is that a splash potion tied to an arrow?" I asked

"Yep! This will slow him down, even if deflected it will still cause an effect!"

Man, she is crazy prepared for any situation, yet I hardly have that many resources on me at the moment.

Ugh, at this point I feel like the player of Minecraft story mode where all my friends are more resourceful than I am! Though, I wouldn't say I was THAT bad compared to the mcsm guy!

"Here goes nothing!" Rei said as she shot her splash potion arrow at Kai.

*Crack* "What the-"


Kai deflected the arrow with his trident sure, but he had no idea about the potion impact that was being shot toward him.

"What potion was that anyway?" I asked

"Slowness, this will guarantee us some distance, now keep moving!!!"

"You got it!" (I guess tieing a splash potion to an arrow is a lot cheaper than actually making tipped arrows!)

As we ran I started placing down random blocks behind me as I moved, scattering them along the roadway. I hope this also slows him down- WOAH!

This time, both tridents were being thrown at us, yep, he was mad!

We kept moving though, we were so close to camp, I could taste it!


"WE made it, get into position!"

We jumped over the secret tripwire and moved past the lava pit area.

"Should I launch the firework?"

"No, he would know it's a trap if we did that now!"

"Alright, but if this doesn't work, I'm calling my group."

We didn't have much time to chat though, even with a slowness effect Kai wasn't that far behind, dang the dude is fast! We arm ourselves as he approaches the camp.

"Anywhere else you want to run!?!?" Kai said furiously

"Bring it on, we're sick of runnin'!" I taunted

Kai broke into a sprint and headed straight for me, however, he wasn't aware that he just stepped onto the hidden tripwire.


The tripwire instantly activated the pistons and opened up the dirt, leaving nothing but a deep pool of lava under Kai's feet. It worked!!! He fell for the trap! (get it?)

"HHRRAAA!" Shouted Kai as he moved the ends of the tridents to each hand

"What is he doing?"

I hear a loud pounding in the trap, I quickly noticed Kai hanging on by the tridents he thrust into the stone walls that were just over the lava pool.

He then pulled himself up while balancing on one of the tridents that were still caught in the wall, he pulled the one he was balancing on and proceeded to kick-climb his way out of the hole, jumping out of the huge lava pit.

"Is that all?" Kai questioned impatiently, as he slowly walked towards me


"It was obvious from the start that you were prepared for me, otherwise you would've fought me where we stood, now of course I didn't exactly know what you hide around here, so I just simply stayed on high alert until I found it."

I quickly nod to Rei, and she nodded back and set off the firework flare to alert the other skeleton people, it shot up high in the air, releasing an explosion of a white star shape. Kai noticed it immediately.

"A distress signal huh? That really says a lot!"

"They'll be here in no time, the skeletons know who you are and will kill you after what you did to the hideout!" Rei warned

"Hmm, that's more than enough time to take care of business and leave!"

"What? But you don't even have a set tim- WOAH!"

I barely dodged a trident, moving to the left, it just grazed my hair, Kai charged at me with the other trident still in his hand, I see it coming, and I clash my iron sword with him.

"The time for talk is over, I've got a job to do!" Kai said

I'm putting a lot of force into my parry, Kai has just as much strength as I do, if not more, but the impact was quickly broken up when I felt something strange during the clash.

The trident started to spark, and through my sword, I was electrocuted, causing me to fly back a little and fall to the ground. I was stunned by the electricity!

I felt aghast, this guy was a lot more powerful than I thought, I was enraged that nothing I did worked!

Wallice was about to strike me while I was on the ground.

"GET BACK!" Rei shouted as she began to shoot 3 arrows at a time at Kai, he countered by spinning his tridents like a flag twirler, so fast that he deflected all the arrows as if the tridents were shields.

"Arrows won't work bones!"

"Doesn't mean I won't try!"

"Suit yourself!"

Rei proceeded to fight Kai with her bow, when he got close she unsheathed her stone sword and fought him at close range while I tried to collected myself.

GAH! This makes no sense! Channeling Tridents can only summon thunder during rainstorms, so why am I getting shocked here?

Now, of course, these Tridents aren't doing as much damage as getting struck by thunder thankfully, but this is still a bad situation on my end if I'm going to get shocked whenever I touch a trident without using my 'steal' ability.

Then the odds of fighting directly would be a lot harder in my favor. I also can't use my steal ability when I already have items in my hand, not that taking Kai's tridents mattered much anyway since they would always just come back to him with loyalty.

I guess enchantments work differently in this world than in the Minecraft game, looks like I'll need to get used to them working this way, and if I want to win this fight, I'll need to dodge his attacks instead of constantly countering them.

Swords are quicker to wield, although tridents typically deliver a stronger blow, this guy is pretty fast himself, and it's clear he's pretty experienced with tridents, I'll need to be careful, I don't need to kill the guy, but simply survive until help gets here!


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