
True Colors

Morning hit, and we packed up and left the desert temple on our way back home, thanks to Cash, Rei's Skeleton horse, we were able to make great timing! If I had traveled here on foot, it would probably take around 2 days. Hmm you know, I know a full day in Minecraft usually lasts around 20 minutes, but honestly, I think time in this world lasts the same amount of time in real life, 24 hours all around, I'm serious it's pretty easy to recognize when I noticed the sun still out after an hour, but hey I guess in some circumstances Time working here just like the real world is pretty useful! Besides the fact that I'm missing my college courses. Now, of course, I shouldn't worry about stuff in my old world that I'm not even living in at the moment, because trust me I have WAY bigger fish to fry in this Minecraft world.

Still, I wonder what is happening back in the old world I came from, are people looking for me? Am I a lost cause? Has no one noticed because I'm basically a nobody? These thoughts raced through my mind, but I was out of my trance once Rei started to have some small talk with me.

"You've been pretty silent lately, something on your mind?" Rei questioned as she continued to rein Cash.

"wha- oh it's nothing, I was just thinking about something," I said... Man, that was a cheap cover-up, I definitely sounded fake there...

Rei paused for a moment and decided to do a quick subject change "What are your goals here anyway?" Rei questioned,

I guess She was pretty curious about why we needed cacti to begin with.

Woah, that came outta nowhere, why ask me that now? I thought for a moment, but I know I should really tell her about myself, Rei HAS helped me a lot so far, and maybe she can help me even more, she Has been living here longer than I have, so the more info on my end, the better, because there was so much I was trying to accomplish here.

I have to help my village, try to find the answers to this otherworldly glitch that keeps sending people to Minecraft, and most importantly find my friend Stephen, I've been worried about him ever since we were separated, and I want to AT LEAST make sure he survived for this long, you know what? Maybe I should tell Rei about Stephen, maybe she saw someone who looked like him a while back. After all, I think it might be weird to tell her that this whole world looks and acts like a video game I played (but less blocky of course) so this would probably be a good start.

"You see, a long time ago I got separated from a childhood friend of mine, named Stephen." I started

"You lost friends too huh?" Rei said

"Stephen... well, he was always there for me, I might not seem like it to you, but I've never been all that talkative or social, I have no idea why, just, maybe it's social anxiety? Maybe I care too much about what others think about me even if they're total strangers I'd just rather not throw myself out there..." I confessed

"wait, what are you talking about?" Rei stopped the horse so she could listen to me better. I continued my story.

"Maybe I was only okay with talking to Stephen because we were childhood friends, I never had this condition until I got older. So I was actually able to make friends when I was a kid, but when I got older I had a reputation of saying the wrong things, saying something that got me humiliated, things that got me hurt, it just kept going and going until I threw in the towel and just stayed silent." I said starting to sound upset

"But Stephen, he was the only one who stayed by my side, he'd always try to include me, and maybe I took some of that for granted when I still had him, but I went out of my comfort zone to stay friends with him!" I stated.

"I'm sorry to hear that, you know, I also had to experience Isolation," Rei said

"True, but you didn't ask for that fate, someone sealed it for you! However, I HAD the chance to change myself, a chance to turn over a new leaf after high school, and a chance to be completely happy again... but I didn't, I didn't show it, but I was too scared then..." I sadly replied.

I paused to collect myself, I saw Rei staring at me in concernment, I think I vented a little much there... but I'm glad to get some of that off my chest.

"I wasn't around my family, they rarely ever called or visited me, and all I had left was my friend. If it wasn't for Stephen... I don't know what kind of place I would be on this day, my dreams weren't all that special, and I had no spectacular life but to try to get through college."

"well if that's the case, why weren't you like this towards the village you lived at?" Rei questioned

"If it meant survival, I had to get out of my comfort zone, joining a village would mean I would have an increased chance of staying alive" I answered

"What about Teles and I?" Rei asked "You were a completely different person when you and I met, you saved my life and you didn't even know me!!!"

"I don't know... maybe it was just because I felt obligated to help those in need, to make sure people aren't stuck being alone like I was," I said

"oh, I think I get it now" Rei responded "So this is kind of like your true colors? The person you might not see yourself being all the time?"

"Well..."I decided that if I was going to tell Rei all this, I might as well be completely straight with her.

"Alas I don't think you fully do, it's about time I told you, and I'm only telling you this because I've known you for quite some time," I said seriously. Rei continued to look at me with ever-growing idiosyncrasy as I continued to tell her my origins.

"You're theories, EVERYONE'S theories about me... they were correct, both me and my friend Stephen, we are one of the 'otherworlder' humans everyone prophecies about," I said firmly "We were transported here without warning, but when I woke up he was nowhere to be seen, I have no idea where he could be, or even if he's still alive, but I want to know what happened to him!"

Rei's eyes widened when she heard my confession, "T-They exist? The 'otherworlders' actually exist!!?!?!?" Rei said shocked, She grabbed both my hands, stared into my eyes and said "I knew there had to be a reason why, you decided to help a monster like me..."

I glared at her, Does she still conder herself like this? Forget her changing the subject, I need to tell it straight!

"Rei, you're not a monster! You're nothing like those creatures who wanted me dead for nothing more than the xp I collected" Rei looked at me in surprise, but I kept going "You have morals, you have dreams, You don't even look like a skeleton, you look human just like me!"

"You don't get it, everyone I meet treats me like-"

"That's all about to change!" I interrupted her. "Because besides reuniting with my friend, I have another goal that I'm working on!"

"What is that?"

"I'm gonna cure the monsters of this world, by curing their 'curse' and help them become their old selves!" I declared

Rei looked at me crazy like I had a goal that was next to impossible, she didn't respond to me or anything, just stared while trying to ponder what I just said, after around 15 seconds she finally said "How do you expect to do that? sure you know xp is how we return to normal, but that would take an infinite amount!!! It's impossible to save everyone!"

I smiled and said "Why else do you think I went to the desert? I have a plan, I just need to take it one step at a time! Come on, let's get back to my base so I can start my project!"

"hmm okay"

As we got back onto the skeleton horse, I remembered one of my main questions, I got so into telling her about my plans to save the monsters of this world, that I practically forgot. Now of course I doubt Rei has seen anyone like Stephen, but it won't hurt to try!

"One more thing before we continue..." I said,

"what's that?" Rei asked

"Any chance during your travels you have seen anyone who looked like Stephen?" I asked, I know I can't use his appearance from my world, so I looked back to whatever Minecraft skin he had last and began to describe it to her, Stephen's Minecraft skin wasn't all that creative, it looked just like a steve but with different clothing, so I made my best description of it since there was only one steve I knew in this world.

"Let's see he had a cyan jacket and shoes, white undershirt, headphones, dark blue pants and eyes, tannish skin... any odds of seeing anyone like that?" I asked

"Sorry, I don't think so, it's a big world out there, I don't think he would be anywhere that local..." Rei admitted

"shoot, well that's not gonna stop me from trying to find him!" I said, "I just hope Stephen's alright."

"Don't worry, I'm positive he's doing well considering he's one of the 'otherworlders' like you!" Rei said trying to cheer me up

To be honest, she has a point, Stephen loved Minecraft even more than I DID, so he should know the ropes, how to survive, and what to avoid, he's bound to be fine.... please be fine... I'm coming, Stephen...


Finally, we arrived at the village, Rei tied Cash up near the tunnel, and we traveled to my base from there.

"ah, it's good to be back!" I said. That was a rough ride, being on the back of a horse made of bones hurt my ***! Oh right, still in Minecraft...

"so what now!" Rei asked me

"I will build my project tonight, it should be done tomorrow!" I told Rei as she handed me the materials she helped collect.

"Alright then, I will be back later," Rei said,

"you know, you could always stay with us for tonight?" I offered

"No no, it's alright, I have things I need to do!" Rei continued.

"I understand, see you tomorrow then!" I said walking away.

I guess she doesn't feel completely safe in this village yet, makes sense when she sneaks in here all the time, or at least that's what I hope is the reason...

I started to feel a little self-conscious, man I hope I-I didn't make her feel uncomfortable with all I said, I went off today with my problems, I'm not sure if she even asked about that specifically! Was she JUST talking about my goals with the cacti? D-Did I overstep with someone who wasn't that close to me? Did I share too much information? Did I weird her out? Was it something I said? Did I say something crazy??? Are my true colors really that bad!?!? Did I... Did I... Did I... Did I... Did I... Did I... Did I... Did I... Did I...

I was losing myself, I kept holding my head and shaking, what was wrong with me!?!? Maybe I should've just kept silent during the trip, no maybe I should've just-

My spiraling stopped as I felt something wrap around me. "W-wha?"

"Welcome back Takeo!" Teles said softly behind me

"Oh, hey Teles!" I said playing things off "How were things while I was gone?"

"It was wonderful! come inside and I will tell you all about it, but I want to hear what happened on your end too, I've never been to the desert biome before, or at least I don't remember much!" Teles said as she took my hand.

I couldn't help but smile as she teleported us back into my base, but another part of me felt worried.

What happened to me, I was acting perfectly normal in this world until I talked about my feelings to Rei, why did I feel like such a wreck after what I did? Something must be wrong with me, and I don't know why, and it's over such small things!!! I can't say this is new though, it's true I was always in the other world, but I thought I got over everything... What is this world doing to me!?!?!

I left my thoughts alone and decided to just enjoy what was in front of me, as I tell Teles about my short adventure in the desert biome, I just hope I don't start losing myself again, I guess it's true, having someone in your life just helps prevent total isolation, I just gotta stop acting crazy...


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